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Proof that Israel is responsible for 911

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Mr 420
I'm still waiting for you to give me an official statement from any government which says that Israel have done it. kindly prove your claim.
Rather than the conspiracies themselves, what I find interesting is the WHY... As in, why are people so desperate to believe ANYTHING except the fact that whack-job extremist Muslim terrorists did it? As if it is absolutely inconceivable that terrorists would do it.

Be'cause, "anything" u referred to is THE fact rather ur repeatedly repeated lie-"fact"...

2ndly Be'cause, based on ur lies, hundreds of thousands inocent muslims men, ladies & children have been butchered by "YOU", who r salves-to-zionists...
Rather than the conspiracies themselves, what I find interesting is the WHY... As in, why are people so desperate to believe ANYTHING except the fact that whack-job extremist Muslim terrorists did it? As if it is absolutely inconceivable that terrorists would do it.
"We hate America SO much, we will commit intellectual suicide to promote conspiracies we know, deep down, are ridiculous."
Cheap attempt.

I personally have no doubt that some Arab terrorists did 9/11; if there is a hell then they may burn in that. I have ZERO tolerance for violence--especially against innocent civilians regardless of their background. They are my brothers and sisters in every conceivable way. I don't do 'IFs' and 'Buts' when it comes to civilians.

Back to the topic: My understanding of as to how 9/11 might happened is based upon a 'gut feeling'. I think these Arab terrorists were ignored for far too long. Several of them--not just one--were on some kind of terrorist watch list. USS Cole happened barely one year before 9/11. These terrorists were being monitored. Intelligence was high. And yet NOT JUST ONE but FOUR planes got hijacked in almost similar fashion, on the same day, so successfully, within minutes of each other, despite so many warnings and previous recent attacks, is hard to ignore. There -may- have been some kind of connivance from some one. These 'under-performing' people were probably let go after a slap on the wrist--damage is done--now let's look forward, logic. Patriotism.

As far as conspiracy theories? Well, Americans have a large share of conspiracy theories. It is not uncommon to find people using 'them government'. 'They'. etc to describe the American establishment. A good-hit movie, at least one, is 'JFK' deeply rooted in 'Conspiracy Theories. And you will find people liberally mention J.F.Kennedy as a sort of modern Robin Hood (he was NOT).

Americans, by design--they have much more free time than the 3rd world people--subscribe big way to conspiracy theories. It's just that the media in America does not really have a 'dialogue' when it comes to foreign-affairs. In domestic affairs--because it hits people's wallets in perceptible and immediate ways--people are VERY critical of the government. Congress' disapproval rating of 80+% is not for no reasons.

As far as Israelis are concerned, sure, 9/11 was a PR jackpot for them. There is no denying that at least.
OMG! It's actually flabbergasting to see the amount of Pakistanis who believe this conspiracy theory.

When I read the title I thought maybe some Anti-Israel guy opened this thread and other sensible Pakistanis would correct him but most of the Pakistani members are actually defending this? :O
i dont know whenever it is said that 9/11 was inside job, why it becomes too much painful for indians and they just drag their own 26/11 drama into it?

Stop this islamic terrorist groups nonsense and concentrate on safron terror while looking at others for your drama.

I don't know why but it has become almost like a national duty for Pakistanis to somehow try to prove 9/11 as inside job/or as an act done by Jews and call 26/11 a drama.. Stop this non-sense and get a life !!
I don't know why but it has become almost like a national duty for Pakistanis to somehow try to prove 9/11 as inside job/or as an act done by Jews and call 26/11 a drama.. Stop this non-sense and get a life !!

bcaz after 9/11 Pakistan is the only nation who has adversely affected, for 26/11 Pakistan is unnecessarily alleged. I dont know what Indians has to do with 9/11 inside / outside job.
bcaz after 9/11 Pakistan is the only nation who has adversely affected, for 26/11 Pakistan is unnecessarily alleged. I dont know what Indians has to do with 9/11 inside / outside job.
By supporting Taleban and Al-Quaida you already were on the path of destruction. Now post Al-Quaida you have some hope.. What logic is that, since you were badly impacted so 9/11 has to be inside job ? For 26/11, don't be delusional and read all the revelations in recent past.. And did you ever wonder why in the world only you guys got blamed for all such attacks..
stop talking from ur *** and get some ******* facts.
taliban/al qaeda = US creation. they armed them, trained them and gave them money. decades later they see the result of this

so stop blaming pakistan for the **** others have done
stop talking from ur *** and get some ******* facts.
taliban/al qaeda = US creation. they armed them, trained them and gave them money. decades later they see the result of this

so stop blaming pakistan for the **** others have done

Then from where good Taliban concept came ???
Rather than the conspiracies themselves, what I find interesting is the WHY... As in, why are people so desperate to believe ANYTHING except the fact that whack-job extremist Muslim terrorists did it? As if it is absolutely inconceivable that terrorists would do it.

"We hate America SO much, we will commit intellectual suicide to promote conspiracies we know, deep down, are ridiculous."

Come on man.. the feeling of victimization is the best drug in the world

You can say all my problems are because so and so did some thing and i am suffering because of that
Did Al Qaeda not take responsibility? I thought it did. Werent the hijackers clearly people of arab dissent with muslim back grounds? Arent all those inspired, by those terrorists, the ones killing innocent people in our own nation today, in the name of a god that would surely turn his back on such a barbaric people?
So where does the Israeli involvement become relevant? We have done this to ourselves, and as long as we keep finding scape goats, we will continue to let it happen due to our attitude of denial complacency. The war on terror is an American problem, and its perpetrators Israelis...what a convenient angle.
i dont know whenever it is said that 9/11 was inside job, why it becomes too much painful for indians and they just drag their own 26/11 drama into it?

Stop this islamic terrorist groups nonsense and concentrate on safron terror while looking at others for your drama.

Remember story from early school story books, "The Scorpion and the Turtle".


To cross river scorpian hitch-hiked turtle... BUT giving ride to scorpian cost turtle it's life & when the turtle plunged , scorpion also died....

India is that scorpion, who is counting-on this giant turtle (US) & dreaming of fulfillment of her evil-dreams against Pakistan...

But when the turtle will plunge, coz it made the mistake of taking scorpion with it, this scorpion will see her ending too...

Like Hamid Gul said,,, india always ride the sinking ship,,, when Russia was about to implode, india rode their ship,,, NOW when US is digging her own grave, rather whole grave-yard,,, india is jumping on her back...

US is also behaving like that turtle, by letting india on their ship... indian "suggestions" & expertise on how to cause terrorism inside Pakistan will cost US her own life too...
By supporting Taleban and Al-Quaida you already were on the path of destruction. Now post Al-Quaida you have some hope.. What logic is that, since you were badly impacted so 9/11 has to be inside job ? For 26/11, don't be delusional and read all the revelations in recent past.. And did you ever wonder why in the world only you guys got blamed for all such attacks..

How old are you kid? Where did i associate inside job with effect of 9/11 on pakistan? Go and read the history of soviet invasion on afghanistan. Where did world blame Pakistan for all such attacks? Please substantiate you claim.

Btw how z ur prime evidence? Headly :rofl:

Nobody on the world care for 26/11 anymore, the whole world knows that it was inside job.
Did Al Qaeda not take responsibility? I thought it did. Werent the hijackers clearly people of arab dissent with muslim back grounds? Arent all those inspired, by those terrorists, the ones killing innocent people in our own nation today, in the name of a god that would surely turn his back on such a barbaric people?
So where does the Israeli involvement become relevant? We have done this to ourselves, and as long as we keep finding scape goats, we will continue to let it happen due to our attitude of denial complacency. The war on terror is an American problem, and its perpetrators Israelis...what a convenient angle.
who have seen those attackers? As far as al qaeda taking the responsibility you must have seen the videos of OBL claiming the responsibility of 9/11. You believe that to be real? Keep believing what is told to you.

How many suicide attacks were there in Pakistan before 9/11? Its all resultant of Pakistan becoming the ally of US in wot, and they have full support of all those who want Pakistan's destruction.
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