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Probe Reveals Hindu Terror Network In India


Jun 14, 2010
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Probe Reveals Hindu Terror Network In India


NEW DELHI – Two right-wing extremists who died in Nanded while making explosive devices received arms training in Dewas along with alleged Samjhauta Express bomber Kamal Chauhan, National Investigation Agency investigators have learnt.

“Two right-wing extremists — Himanshu Panse and Naresh Rajkondowar — died while making a bomb on April 6, 2006, in Nanded (in Maharashtra). Panse and Rajkondowar had participated in the Bagli training camp (near Dewas in MP) along with Kamal Chauhan,” an official said.

Sources said the training camp had been organised by RSS pracharak Sunil Joshi in January 2006. Joshi was shot dead in mysterious circumstances in December 2007 in Dewas.

During the camp, Joshi’s close aide Ramji Kalsangra gave a demonstration of an improvised explosive device (IED) blast.

Panse led the Nanded group, which was allegedly behind the blasts at three mosques in Maharashtra, one in 2003 and two in 2004. All took place after the Friday afternoon prayers. The same thing happened in Malegaon on September 8, 2006.

“Panse and Chauhan participating in the same training camp shows that the Nanded group was not working in isolation,” said an official on condition of anonymity.

The NIA suspects besides the Nanded blast, the death of two Bajrang Dal activists — Rajiv Mishra and Bhupinder Singh Chopra — in a bomb-making exercise in Kanpur on August 24, 2008, was also not an isolated incident.

“We have reasons to believe that Mishra and Chopra were also linked to the group led by Sunil Joshi. The kind of bomb-making material they were experimenting with was similar to the IED components used by the Joshi-led group. We suspect Mishra and Chopra may also have participated in training camps of Sunil Joshi and his close aides — Sandeep Dange and Kalsangra,” a source said. Both Dange and Kalsangra are on the run at the moment.

“We need to know whose brain was behind the group led by Joshi and who ordered his killing,” an investigator said.

Probe Reveals Hindu Terror Network In India | Link Newspaper
This happened ages ago why u posting news of 2/3 years ago?
Yes. Major threat to India & the world is Hindu terrorism !!!!! More people have died in the hands of Hindu suicide bombers , terrorists like RSS, Hindu Yuva sena etc than in the hands of all other religious terrorists groups combined. Why, Hindu terrorists are even planning to get nuclear weapons. Hindu terrorism is the major threat to world peace :blah::blah:
Hindu nationalist's do not need to go for non state actors and asymmetric violence. Their goal is to take over the Indian state and use the entire state to achieve their agenda of world hegemony. Calling their own Bengali Muslims as Bangladeshi migrants is just one aspect, stealing water from common river is another. When the state, its agencies and its control of private media is used for propaganda to establish alternate reality, then no one is safe from it. Extremist Muslim criminals have nuisance value, but a Hindu nationalist state and a Han nationalist state are threats for the rest of the world, not just their neighbors.
hindus just talk abt terrorism. they dont have the balllls to blow themselves up and i can say that as a hindu. only muslims have the expertise in this technology. i have never heard of hindu suicide bombers being trained in india to blow up in pakistan.
This is true they exists,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

But there r huge difference between hindu terrorists & other terrorists in the world.Where other terrorists remains hide most of the time These hindu terrorists roam open air.The government also support them. These people can beat they can kill nothing happens to them. Only innocents become guilt.Thats true.
If there is a thing called Hindu terror, its contained inside India. We have no plans to export it worldwide.
mate I have always said that India is the epicenter of Hindutva ie Hindu terrorism

I tolerate your dumb posts as ignorant or childish but you seriously need to learn before you post garbage all over the forum...

hindutva: "Ordinarily, Hindutva is understood as a way of life or a state of mind and is not to be equated with or understood as religious Hindu fundamentalism.

equating hindutva to any form of terrorism is as equivalent of me calling your prophet with a popular degenerative term often used in western right-wing media...
never heard of hindu terrorism. Hindus are one of the most peace loving people.

the world Islam MEANS "peace" if there can be misguided "Muslim" terrorists. it's not hard to believe that there exists such a thing as "Hindu" terrorists. and i agree with Rahul Gandhi that for India "Hindu" terrorists poses a bigger a threat ATM especially at a time when the whole world is against islam, it's easy for "false flag terrorism" to cover up "Hindu" terrorism as we are seeing.
I tolerate your dumb posts as ignorant or childish but you seriously need to learn before you post garbage all over the forum...

hindutva: "Ordinarily, Hindutva is understood as a way of life or a state of mind and is not to be equated with or understood as religious Hindu fundamentalism.

equating hindutva to any form of terrorism is as equivalent of me calling your prophet with a popular degenerative term often used in western right-wing media...

Just because I deliver an unpalatable message to you don't have to get personal young man.

I tried to learn about Hindutva and set up a thread on Hindutva. Many Indians on this thread agreed that Hindutva adherents were thugs etc. There was no clear clarification. I suggest you read it. Some Indians agreed with you but a significant number did not.

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