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Probability of full-pledged war for Karabakh is at least 90% - Khramchikhin

Can Anyone Explain this Issue in Shrt way... Pardon my knowledge.. i don't want to dig into Wiki and read tons of lines

Nagorno-Karabakh is an Armenian majority enclave inside Azerbaijan. After Soviet Union broke down, Nagorno-Karabakh broke away from Azerbaijan with the help of Armenia after the war and also holds extra Azeri territory.


Well, I see you changed your avatar, well we don't care. Let me tell you guys a story then.

At 2001, A petrol research ship was stopped by Iranian FACs. Claiming that it violated Iranian maritime boundery. The ship returned to Baku. After some time Iranian jets started to harrase Azeri airspace regularly, and do show up in Azeri airspace. It almost became a daily routine for your guys. And then, again at 2001, 134th Aerial Demonstration Sq. "Turkish Stars" were sent to Baku for an unplanned air show. And three days later, Land Forces Commander Gen. Hilmi Kivrikoglu and his staff went to Baku. Just after those events. You guys stopped.

My advice to you is, stop provocating the thread while we're already in peace with Iranian, now in PDF.
Iran never violated Azeri air space. That air show you guest continue to mention was just a simple demonstration. The only thing Iran did was stop a Azeri patrol ship, which resulted in Azeris crying about it in the media. Where were you when we were supporting PKK?
anged your avatar, well we don't care. Let me tell you guys a story then.
At 2001, A petrol researc
Iran never violated Azeri air space. That air show you guest continue to mention was just a simple demonstration. The only thing Iran did was stop a Azeri patrol ship, which resulted in Azeris crying about it in the media. Where were you when we were supporting PKK?
Every month Azerbaijan kicks an hizbullah back home, you are a nation of terrorists, since you supported armenia in war time and even use armenian flag here Türks in iran has no reason to live with gypsies like you
Every month Azerbaijan kicks an hizbullah back home, you are a nation of terrorists, since you supported armenia in war time and even use armenian flag here Türks in iran has no reason to live with gypsies like you

The only gypsies throughout history have been Turks. Anyway, we will support Armenians today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. There is nothing you yurt-dwellers can do about it.
The only gypsies throughout history have been Turks. Anyway, we will support today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. There is nothing you yurt-dwellers can do about it.
ahahah you think so
We will make this century the century of Türks! first help your own kind, collect your gay rats from the basements of Turkey
ahahah you think so
We will make this century the century of Türks! first help your own kind, collect your gay rats from the basements of Turkey

Century of Turks? Hahaha. Your nation has been kicked out from Egypt, Syria and you still believe in this neo-Ottoman dream. When I see your fellow Turks dwelling in Europe, I see the potential…..
Century of Turks? Hahaha. Your nation has been kicked out from Egypt, Syria and you still believe in this neo-Ottoman dream. When I see your fellow Turks dwelling in Europe, I see the potential…..
My fellow Türks in Europe? What about them, now the immigration reversed, the young educated Türks of Germany are coming back, what about iran?

My fellow Türks in Europe? What about them, now the immigration reversed, the young educated Türks of Germany are coming back, what about iran?


The real educated Turks in Europe can be counted on one hand.
How in the world could a bunch of stupid yurt dwelers do this much to the amazing persians?





Aq Koyunlu



Qajar Dynasty

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