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Pro Democracy protests in Bahrain | News & Discussions

Worry about freeing your little country in Caucasus that your great friends the Russians rule.

Bahrain will be ruled by Sunnis who make up 45 % of the population as long as it exists since it is under protection of KSA and just a little island 20 km from Saudi's Gulf coast. Most people want this. It will not fell into the hands of the Mullah's. So don't have twisted dreams. This will never happen.

Don't meddle in Arab matters that you have no business in, never had and never will have. Concentrate on freeing yourself from Russian slavery since they conquered you and have occupied you for 150 years. Worry about that instead then we Arabs will worry about the Arab world.

لا تتدخلوا في الشؤون العربية يا كلب

likewise, do not meddle in the affairs of the Caucasus!
well we live in! you want the blood of Caucasians? our genocide?
"The Caucasus against Russia"? you're crazy.:cuckoo:
just do not meddle in the affairs of the Syrians, and other nations!
they are not your colony!
they are independent and decide for themselves!
"Saudi's Gulf" ahaha)) know that your "Golf"?)))

likewise, do not meddle in the affairs of the Caucasus!
well we live in! you want the blood of Caucasians? our genocide?
"The Caucasus against Russia"? you're crazy.:cuckoo:
just do not meddle in the affairs of the Syrians, and other nations!
they are not your colony!
they are independent and decide for themselves!
"Saudi's Gulf" ahaha)) know that your "Golf"?))) Is a sewage))

"dog" "يا كلب" - you Bedouin snapper) "dog" is your reflection!:azn:

Syria like Bahrain are Arab countries and Arab lands.

We do not want Russian slaves on our lands and you will be kicked out as soon as you meddle, Vodka addict. Concentrate on getting your own little tiny country first.

I am a Hashemite from the Meccan branch of the Banu Hashim clan. Maybe a uneducated vodka addict like you and Russian slave should google that before spreading nonsense.

Yes, you cannot talk or write Arabic and we do not want you here. Go speak Russian as your masters do. Bark there.

Do not reply to me, Russian vodka addict. Bahrain is none of your business or any other Arab lands.
Forget it man. We can see what you had done to our brothers and sisters in Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. We are not going to let you rule Bahrain. This is the truth. The Gulf did the right thing arresting the ayatollahs because those rabbis were the one who told the Shias to cause corruption in the country. This is the Muslim land, not Shias.

Inshallah after when Assad and Hz fall, in the future we will bring Iraq and Iran back and we will execute all rabbis and guide every one of them to the right path, if they want to :)

faster "you" get back, back to the 18th century (and terrorism -101 century)
so you artificially =)

remember, every second - British intelligence (spies);-)
So, you want to bring Safavidism to Bahrain once more? :D sure ,but are you willing to fight for it? Sure come and get it.

lol) but I am not: Safevid, Osman; Saud.:partay:
I am Caucasian (Caucasus)! and I'll decide what to do!:coffee:

however, the people (most) of Bahrain, he decided!
He wants to Freedom!:victory:
Forget it man. We can see what you had done to our brothers and sisters in Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. We are not going to let you rule Bahrain. This is the truth. The Gulf did the right thing arresting the ayatollahs because those rabbis were the one who told the Shias to cause corruption in the country. This is the Muslim land, not Shias.

Inshallah after when Assad and Hz fall, in the future we will bring Iraq and Iran back and we will execute all rabbis and guide every one of them to the right path, if they want to :)

Is the FSA from Russia, Iran, China or is it a Creation of Neighboring Arab & Western Countries??

Is the FSA, MKO, Taliban being funded and supported by Russia or Iran? or by your Turk and Arabs with help of USA and UK?

Fact 1. You Take Funds from Israel and America and make an Alliance with These Zionists (Jewish and Christian Alliance) Which is forbiddn in the Qaran and then work against Islam by waging your KOSHER JIHAD Crusade on Muslims?

Fact 2. You Dogs, Why dont You Go Liberate Palistine if you care so much? What have you been doing in past 60 Years? Assad this Assad That, Go Into Israel Next Door. Assad Helped Hizbollah to FIGHT and Defeate Israel in 2006, Hizbollah Drove out Israel from Lebanon. Its Shia IRan that has Helped Palestine, Not some Arab Scum and sell out.

Fact 3.
Bahrain is Shia Majority. And Remember Your Little Island Bahrain, Home of Crusader 5th Fleet on the PERSIAN GULF. The Entire Region Belongs to Iran. From AFghanistan, Qatar to Lebanon. You Wahabbi American Israeli Dogs Move 1 Musscle of agresson, We will take your little Tent Island of Bahrain overnight. We have Neighbourhoods that are larger then your Entire Bahrain. How Big is Bahrain, the size of a Football Field?

It is you WHO were Installed by the British, Like the Shah. You are the one who caused the Corruption, Not Shia. Go Look at your Sunni Countries, You Arab wih your American Crusader Coward Friends even went and Destroyed Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pakistanis, Irani and Afghani are 100% better Muslim then $2 Crapdoms and petrol stations. Your Crapdoms were made in the backs of Pakistanis, Afghanis and Indian Muslims. You Arabs cant even make a cement mixer without help. You were Installed to Cause Fitna among Muslims and exxploit our resources. I will now even give you the Chance to guide to any path, I will put your head under my boot or send you and your crusader vermin brothers straight to Israel. Where the Zionist Jews, Arab Wahabbis and Crusader Vermin Belong.

Sell out Arabs, Salafi, Wahabbi Kufar who Cause Secteriasm Between Sunni and Shia.
You Should Say InShaitania. Thats who would support your hypocrisy.

Your American and Israeli Anglo Saxons Brothers Did THIS IN Libya, Afghanistan, IRAQ, Pakistan and now in Syria. When We Ousted the Shah Your DOG Saddam with the backing of the Arabs and Western World Invaded Iran, Didnt he. Fast Forward 20 Years your Crusader Friend Betrayed him, his arab friends betrayed him and he dies like the Shah. Like a dirty animal. :yahoo:

likewise, do not meddle in the affairs of the Caucasus!
well we live in! you want the blood of Caucasians? our genocide?
"The Caucasus against Russia"? you're crazy.:cuckoo:
just do not meddle in the affairs of the Syrians, and other nations!
they are not your colony!
they are independent and decide for themselves!
"Saudi's Gulf" ahaha)) know that your "Golf"?))) Is a sewage))

"dog" "يا كلب" - you Bedouin snapper) "dog" is your reflection!:azn:

faster "you" get back, back to the 18th century (and terrorism -101 century)
so you artificially =)

remember, every second - British intelligence (spies);-)

lol) but I am not: Safevid, Osman; Saud.:partay:
I am Caucasian (Caucasus)! and I'll decide what to do!:coffee:

however, the people (most) of Bahrain, he decided!
He wants to Freedom!:victory:

Yes a Genocide, I mean Final Solution to The Anglo Saxons of Western World and those Zionists Occupying Palestine is important along with their Arabi Saudi Wahabbi Salafi Puppets like this one. Why not? They have Caused genocides of Everybody else. Its only right its now done to them?

But Remember Russian, The Word Caucasian or White has No Significance. By that Logic even Turks and Afghans and even some as far as India can be called Caucasians (Cauc asians) get it? Besides Caucasian Region has always been Part of the Persian Empire. Not some Kufar Arab Dogs.

Look Russian, I have nothing much against Russia, You are Slavic People. You are Orthodox and Coptic Christian. You are Not Western Anglo Saxon Race of America, Britain, France etc. So Dont. Its Like Saying Persians and Turks are the Same or that Turks and Greeks are the Same and so on. We are Not. Skin Color does not make us same race.

Dont Join the Anglo Zionist Alliance, They have tried to cut your throat every chance they get, The American, the British, French and Israeli along with their Arab and Turk lap dogs. Since WW1 till the Fall of the Soviet Union. The Western Europeans and Americans. And now they are trying to cut ours using this British Created 5th Column within Islam, Called these Salafi Wahabbi Movements, Who Fund these terrorist dogs from gatar, bahrain and saudi and ofcourse an Enemy everybody has in the region, The Sell out Ottoman pan turks, Killer of Persians, Armenians, Russians, Arabs, Syrians, Greeks, Kurds.

The Turks and the Arabs are the Sell outs. And the Situation in Syria is the same as The American Created Taliban Situation in Afghanistan in the begining of 1979. Remember how Russia was Baited? Syria is just like that, These Dogs want to BAIT RUSSIA and IRAN. Do you know Why Russia? Because they want to expand the Zionist state of Israel to Greater Israel and bring their Messiah, Dajjal (the Anti Christ) The Alliance of Crusaders (Western Christians) and European Jews is Zionism, This is what we are Facing. Also Russsia Remember that, The Prophet Mohammad (SWA) Prophesied the Worse Among the Muslims would come from the Arabs, Nijad Area of Arabia. And thats Exactly the Birthplace of Wahhabism. The Zionists, Their Wahabbi Rabbis and and Westerners Want to Destroy Shia, Sunni and Orthodox Christianity. He Also Prophesied that We would make an Alliance with Rome (RUM) I think its Surat al Rum. Rum = Rome is Constantinople, The Byzantine Roman Empire, Orthodox Christianity, Moscow is today the heart of Orthodox Christianity, Moscow is RUM, and Islam is Iran.

Look at it this way, Everybody even Americans, Israelis, British, French, Saudi, Qatari, Turkey EVERYBODY who are supposed to be Enemies(?), EVen USA who says its fighting its "War on Terror" They all Agree on the FSA Al Qaeda and Fall of Al Assad, Dont you think there is something wrong with that. All these so called Enemies of each other come out in the open to work against us, After Syria it will be Iraq, Iran, then Russia and China. Dont Trust any of them, the PG Arabs, Their FSA, Zionist State of Israel, Turkey or the European and Americans Anglos. They are One. Sell out from even dogs are more loyal.

They want Syria so then Israel will have an Excuse to Expand saying "the Rising Islamist Governments Around us" Then America will intervene and remove their FSA Pawns. The Arabs and the Anglo ***** Play a Game of Chess, Unfortunately Persians and Russians are Chess Masters. :yahoo:
Is the FSA from Russia, Iran, China or is it a Creation of Neighboring Arab & Western Countries??

Is the FSA, MKO, Taliban being funded and supported by Russia or Iran? or by your Turk and Arabs with help of USA and UK?

Fact 1. You Take Funds from Israel and America and make an Alliance with These Zionists (Jewish and Christian Alliance) Which is forbiddn in the Qaran and then work against Islam by waging your KOSHER JIHAD Crusade on Muslims?

Fact 2. You Dogs, Why dont You Go Liberate Palistine if you care so much? What have you been doing in past 60 Years? Assad this Assad That, Go Into Israel Next Door. Assad Helped Hizbollah to FIGHT and Defeate Israel in 2006, Hizbollah Drove out Israel from Lebanon. Its Shia IRan that has Helped Palestine, Not some Arab Scum and sell out.

Fact 3.
Bahrain is Shia Majority. And Remember Your Little Island Bahrain, Home of Crusader 5th Fleet on the PERSIAN GULF. The Entire Region Belongs to Iran. From AFghanistan, Qatar to Lebanon. You Wahabbi American Israeli Dogs Move 1 Musscle of agresson, We will take your little Tent Island of Bahrain overnight. We have Neighbourhoods that are larger then your Entire Bahrain. How Big is Bahrain, the size of a Football Field?

It is you WHO were Installed by the British, Like the Shah. You are the one who caused the Corruption, Not Shia. Go Look at your Sunni Countries, You Arab wih your American Crusader Coward Friends even went and Destroyed Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pakistanis, Irani and Afghani are 100% better Muslim then $2 Crapdoms and petrol stations. Your Crapdoms were made in the backs of Pakistanis, Afghanis and Indian Muslims. You Arabs cant even make a cement mixer without help. You were Installed to Cause Fitna among Muslims and exxploit our resources. I will now even give you the Chance to guide to any path, I will put your head under my boot or send you and your crusader vermin brothers straight to Israel. Where the Zionist Jews, Arab Wahabbis and Crusader Vermin Belong.

Sell out Arabs, Salafi, Wahabbi Kufar who Cause Secteriasm Between Sunni and Shia.
You Should Say InShaitania. Thats who would support your hypocrisy.

Your American and Israeli Anglo Saxons Brothers Did THIS IN Libya, Afghanistan, IRAQ, Pakistan and now in Syria. When We Ousted the Shah Your DOG Saddam with the backing of the Arabs and Western World Invaded Iran, Didnt he. Fast Forward 20 Years your Crusader Friend Betrayed him, his arab friends betrayed him and he dies like the Shah. Like a dirty animal. :yahoo:

FACT 1.Say thanks to Israel for arming you against Iraq and say thanks to them for blowing up the Iraqi nuclear facility to save you.

FACT 2.Say thanks to America for selling Iraq to you, say thanks to them Saddam is toppled, say thanks to them they invaded Afghanistan only to protect you from the Talibans. Say thanks to America they gave the Shias power to both Iraq and Afghanistan.

FACT 2.You guys always talk about Palestine and us. We cannot liberate Asqa while you guys are here. How can we liberate Filistine while Iranians are meddling Arab states? How can we do that while Iranians are encouraging Shias to shed blood on Suunis? No, Umar(ra) got Zoroastrian Iran first then liberated Quds from Byzantines. Salahdin kicked the fatiymah out then got Quds from the Crusaders. Iran-Rafidhas are first then Jews.

FACT 3.The unwelcomed Iranian revolution led to Shia-Suuni conflict, they started the whole thing, not Arabs moron. One last thing, Palestinians are no longer with Hz and Iran. They are training the FSA. Want me to post a pics of Palestinians burning Hezbo's box of products? :laugh: Hamas now is with the uhmmm "wahhabi" Turkey, Egypt MB and Qatar :cheers:

FACT 4.You claim Bahrain is your land, yes but sucks to you that Bahrain now is an independence. I'm no fan of House of Saud but they did the right thing to stop the "Mutah Spring of Bahrain". Don't worry, they are not like Assad. Shias are living normal life there, it was an Iranian plot to take over.

Don't worry, we have no interest on taking over Iran or replacing to a Suuni rule there. We just need to topple the Khamanie rule, destroy the constitution then someone like Shah monarch or an Iranian government who can be trusted can rue the country.
Yes a Genocide, I mean Final Solution to The Anglo Saxons of Western World and those Zionists Occupying Palestine is important along with their Arabi Saudi Wahabbi Salafi Puppets like this one. Why not? They have Caused genocides of Everybody else. Its only right its now done to them?

But Remember Russian, The Word Caucasian or White has No Significance. By that Logic even Turks and Afghans and even some as far as India can be called Caucasians (Cauc asians) get it? Besides Caucasian Region has always been Part of the Persian Empire. Not some Kufar Arab Dogs.

Look Russian, I have nothing much against Russia, You are Slavic People. You are Orthodox and Coptic Christian. You are Not Western Anglo Saxon Race of America, Britain, France etc. So Dont. Its Like Saying Persians and Turks are the Same or that Turks and Greeks are the Same and so on. We are Not. Skin Color does not make us same race.

Dont Join the Anglo Zionist Alliance, They have tried to cut your throat every chance they get, The American, the British, French and Israeli along with their Arab and Turk lap dogs. Since WW1 till the Fall of the Soviet Union. The Western Europeans and Americans. And now they are trying to cut ours using this British Created 5th Column within Islam, Called these Salafi Wahabbi Movements, Who Fund these terrorist dogs from gatar, bahrain and saudi and ofcourse an Enemy everybody has in the region, The Sell out Ottoman pan turks, Killer of Persians, Armenians, Russians, Arabs, Syrians, Greeks, Kurds.

The Turks and the Arabs are the Sell outs. And the Situation in Syria is the same as The American Created Taliban Situation in Afghanistan in the begining of 1979. Remember how Russia was Baited? Syria is just like that, These Dogs want to BAIT RUSSIA and IRAN. Do you know Why Russia? Because they want to expand the Zionist state of Israel to Greater Israel and bring their Messiah, Dajjal (the Anti Christ) The Alliance of Crusaders (Western Christians) and European Jews is Zionism, This is what we are Facing. Also Russsia Remember that, The Prophet Mohammad (SWA) Prophesied the Worse Among the Muslims would come from the Arabs, Nijad Area of Arabia. And thats Exactly the Birthplace of Wahhabism. The Zionists, Their Wahabbi Rabbis and and Westerners Want to Destroy Shia, Sunni and Orthodox Christianity. He Also Prophesied that We would make an Alliance with Rome (RUM) I think its Surat al Rum. Rum = Rome is Constantinople, The Byzantine Roman Empire, Orthodox Christianity, Moscow is today the heart of Orthodox Christianity, Moscow is RUM, and Islam is Iran.

Look at it this way, Everybody even Americans, Israelis, British, French, Saudi, Qatari, Turkey EVERYBODY who are supposed to be Enemies(?), EVen USA who says its fighting its "War on Terror" They all Agree on the FSA Al Qaeda and Fall of Al Assad, Dont you think there is something wrong with that. All these so called Enemies of each other come out in the open to work against us, After Syria it will be Iraq, Iran, then Russia and China. Dont Trust any of them, the PG Arabs, Their FSA, Zionist State of Israel, Turkey or the European and Americans Anglos. They are One. Sell out from even dogs are more loyal.

They want Syria so then Israel will have an Excuse to Expand saying "the Rising Islamist Governments Around us" Then America will intervene and remove their FSA Pawns. The Arabs and the Anglo ***** Play a Game of Chess, Unfortunately Persians and Russians are Chess Masters. :yahoo:

WTF friend) lol)
I do not Rus-Slavs! I Lezgi-Albanians (Arran!). :azn:
I'm Caucasian, moderate-secular Muslim (Ahl-Sunnah, the analogy of Ramadan al-Buti!).

I know about the genocide of peoples.
I quadrupeds, the cooperation of British and Wahhabi (18-21 century). it is a fact.
I think .. Imam Mahdi will be the Persian.

because I for Syria! I am for the people of Bahrain!
I am for the Caucasus, against, without emisarov-Wahhabi.
I'm for the friendship: Caucasus + Russia + Iran + co.
US has no 'plan B' for Bahrain naval base: officer

The US military has failed to prepare a realistic "plan B" if political turmoil forces the closure of a vital naval base in Bahrain, a naval officer argues in a report.

The Fifth Fleet headquarters in Bahrain is the most US important maritime base in the Middle East but senior officers have become complacent about its future, Commander Richard McDaniel asserts.

"Surprisingly, military leaders have no 'Plan B' if strategic access in Bahrain is jeopardized," McDaniel wrote, in a paper published by the Brookings Institution, a Washington think tank.

"Because of a strong desire to support the government of Bahrain, losing critical access is not currently being considered, and strategic basing alternatives are not being developed."

The loss of the base "could leave the United States without a key maritime base during a critical juncture of heightened tensions in the Middle East," wrote McDaniel, who cited interviews with unnamed US officers.

His report warns the United States was caught ill-prepared and off-guard by political upheavals in the past -- in Iran in 1979 and in the Philippines in 1991 -- which saw Washington lose access to crucial bases.

The author proposes the United States investigate alternatives in the Qatari capital Doha, where a large port is under construction, and in Shuabia, Kuwait, as well as ports in Oman.

Shifting the whole headquarters to ships at sea is also an alternative, he wrote, though it would be costly and problematic.

US defense officials and military officers dismissed the report, saying the the Pentagon regularly reviews contingency plans, particularly for pivotal bases.

"That's not the case," a senior defense official said of the report's claims. "We're always assessing the security situation," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

"Our relationships with the kingdom of Bahrain and other nations in the region remain strong," a US Navy officer, who also asked not to be named, told AFP.

"As in other parts of the world, we have a number of viable options to maintain a robust presence," the officer said.

Rights groups have accused the United States of failing to use its leverage from the naval base to persuade Bahrain's monarchy to address the grievances of protesters and ease a crackdown on dissent.

Since 2011, a Shiite-led uprising has demanded more rights from the ruling Sunni dynasty.

Read more: US has no 'plan B' for Bahrain naval base: officer | Fox News
Politics divides Sunnis and Shiites

Sectarian differences arose from a 7th-century dispute but they aren’t reason enough to hate each other
By Lee Keath
Published: 21:30 June 27, 2013
Gulf News

It is not hard to find stereotypes, caricatures and outright bigotry when talk in the Middle East turns to the tensions between Islam’s two main sects. Shiites are described as devious, power-hungry corruptors of Islam. Sunnis are called extremist, intolerant oppressors.

Hatreds between the two are now more virulent than ever in the Arab world because of Syria’s civil war. Last Sunday, officials said four Shiites in a village west of Cairo were beaten to death by Sunnis in a sectarian clash unusual for Egypt.

Hardline clerics and politicians on both sides in the region have added fuel, depicting the fight as essentially a war of survival for their sect.

But among the public, views are complex. Some sincerely see the other side as wrong — whether on matters of faith or politics. Others see the divisions as purely political, created for cynical aims. Even some who view the other sect negatively fear sectarian flames are burning dangerously out of control. There are those who wish for a return to the days, only a decade or two ago, when the differences did not seem so important and the sects got along better, even intermarried.

And some are simply frustrated that there is so much turmoil over a dispute that dates back to the death of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in the 7th century.

“Fourteen centuries after the death of the prophet, in a region full of destruction, killing, occupation, ignorance and disease, you are telling me about Sunnis and Shiites?” scoffs Esmail Al Hamami, a 67-year-old Sunni Palestinian refugee in Gaza. “We are all Muslims. ... You can’t ignore the fact that (Shiites) are Muslims.” Struggling with anger that is increasingly curdling into hatred, Shiites and Sunnis across the region offer a variety of viewpoints.

The Sunni-Shiite split is rooted in the question of who should succeed Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in leading Muslims after his death in 632. Shiites say the Prophet’s cousin and son-in-law Ali was his rightful successor but was cheated when authority went to those the Sunnis call the four “Rightfully Guided Caliphs” — Abu Bakr, Omar and Othman and, finally, Ali.

Sunnis are the majority across the Islamic world. In the Middle East, Shiites have strong majorities in Iran, Iraq and Bahrain with significant communities in Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other parts of the Gulf. Both consider the Quran the word of God. But there are distinctions in theology and religious practice between the two sects.

Some are minor: Shiites pray with their hands by their sides, Sunnis with their hands crossed at their chest or stomach. Others are significant. Shiites, for example, believe Ali and a string of his descendants, the Imams, had not only rightful political authority after Mohammad but also held a special religious wisdom. Most Shiites believe there were 12 Imams — many of them “martyred” by Sunnis — and the 12th vanished, to one day return and restore justice. Sunnis accuse the Shiites of elevating Ali to the level of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) himself — incorrectly, since Shiites agree that Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was the last of the prophets, a central tenet of Islam.

The bitter disputes of early Islam still resonate. Even secular-minded Shiite parents would never name their child after the resented Abu Bakr, Omar or Othman — or Aisha, a wife of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), who helped raise a revolt against Ali during his Caliphate. When outgoing Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited Egypt earlier this year, the shaikh of Al Azhar, the bastion of Sunni theology, told him sharply that if the sects are to get along, Shiites must stop “insulting” the “companions of the Prophet [PBUH]”.

But only the most hard-core would say those differences are reason enough to hate each other. For that, politics is needed.

Iraq: ‘There is no magical solution’

If Syria’s war has raised the region’s sectarian hatreds, the war in Iraq played a big role in unleashing them. After the United States-led invasion toppled Saddam Hussain in 2003, the long-oppressed Shiite majority there saw a chance to take power. Sunnis feared the repression would flip on to them. The result was vicious sectarian fighting that lasted until 2008: Sunni extremists pulled Shiite pilgrims from buses and gunned them down. Shiite militiamen kidnapped Sunnis, dumping their tortured bodies later.

Abdul-Sattar Abdul-Jaber, 56, is a Sunni cleric who occasionally preaches at the prominent Abu Hanifa mosque in the Sunni-dominated Azamiyah neighbourhood of Baghdad. Two of his sons were killed by Shiite militiamen. He blames the United States and Iran for Iraq’s strife.

“Right from the beginning, the Americans were trying to create sectarian rifts,” he said. “Iran is a country of regional ambitions. It isn’t a Shiite country. It’s a country with specific schemes and agendas.” Now he fears the strife is returning, and he blames the Shiite-dominated government. “We feel the government does not consider us part of the Iraqi nation,” he said. “There is no magical solution for this. If the Shiites are convinced to change their politicians, that would be a big help.”

Ahmad Saleh Ahmad, 40, a Sunni, runs a construction company in Baghdad mainly employing Shiites. He is married to a Shiite woman. They live in the Azamiyah neighbourhood and raise their two daughters and son as Sunnis.

Still, his wife prays with the small clay stone that Shiites — but not Sunnis — set in front of their prayer rugs. She often visits a Shiite shrine in another Baghdad district. Ahmad sometimes helps his wife’s family prepare food for Shiite pilgrims during religious ceremonies. But he admits that there sometimes is tension between the families.

“We were able to contain it and solve it in a civilised way,” Ahmad said.

Iraqis like to talk politics, he said, and “when things get heated, we tend to change the subject”.

When their children ask about sectarian differences, “we do our best to make these ideas as clear as we can for them so they don’t get confused”, he said. “We try to avoid discussing sectarian issues in front of the children.”

Ahmad believes sectarian tensions have been strained because people have abused the democratic ideas emerging from the Arab Spring.

Democracy “needs open-mindedness, forgiveness and an ability to understand the other”, he said. “No human being is born believing in democracy. It’s like going to school — you have to study first. Democracy should be for people who want to do good things, not for those who are out for revenge.”

Hussain Al Rubaie, 46, a Shiite, was jailed for two years under Saddam. His Shiite-majority Sadriya district in Baghdad saw considerable bloodshed during the worst of the strife, and he fears it is returning. “The whole region is in flames and we are all about to be burnt,” he said. “We have a lot of people who are ignorant and easily driven by sectarian feelings.”

He sees it among his friends, who include Sunnis. “My friends only whisper about sectarian things because they think it is a shame to talk about such matters,” Al Rubaie said, “but I am afraid that the day might come when this soft-talking would turn to fighting in the street.”

Lebanon: ‘Ignorance feeds hatred’

Among some of Lebanon’s Shiites, it is fashionable to wear a necklace with a medallion in the shape of the fabled double-bladed sword of Ali. It is a mark of community pride at a time when the Shiite group Hezbollah says the sect is endangered by Sunni extremists in the Syrian uprising.

During Lebanon’s 1975-1990 civil war, the main fight was between Christians and Muslims. But in the past decade, the most dangerous divide has been between Shiites and Sunnis.

For much of Lebanon’s existence, Shiites, who make up about a third of the population, were an impoverished underclass beneath the Christians and Sunnis, each roughly a third also. The Shiite resentment helped the rise of the militant force Hezbollah, on whose might the community won greater power. Now, many Sunnis resent Hezbollah’s political domination of the government. The 2005 assassination of Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, a Sunni, increased Sunni anger after Hezbollah members were blamed. Since then, both sides have clashed in the streets.

Syria’s civil war has fuelled those tensions. Lebanon’s Sunnis largely back the mainly Sunni rebellion, while Shiites support President Bashar Al Assad’s regime, which is dominated by his Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiism. Hezbollah sent fighters to help Assad fight the rebels, enraging Sunnis regionwide.

Rania, 51, is a Shiite Lebanese banking executive, married to a Sunni and living in Ras Beirut, one of the capital’s few mixed neighbourhoods.

When she married, at age 22, “I didn’t even know what the difference between Sunnis and Shiites is.” Now she is inclined to support Hezbollah. While not a fan of the hardline group, she believes that Hezbollah and Syria are targeted because of their stances against Israel. She said her husband is anti-Hezbollah and supports Syria’s rebels.

Rania, who gave only her first name because she doesn’t want to be stigmatised about her social, religious or marital status, said she doesn’t talk politics with her husband to avoid arguments.

“I support one (political) side and he supports the other, but we’ve found a way to live with it,” added Rania, who has a 22-year-old daughter.

She said education plays a big role. “I find that the people who make comments about it are the people who are just ignorant, and ignorance feeds hatred and stereotyping,” she added.

Khalid Challah is a 28-year-old Syrian Sunni businessman who has lived for years in Lebanon. He comes from a conservative, religious family but only occasionally goes to mosque. He said the only way he would be able to tell the difference between a Sunni mosque and a Shiite one would be if the cleric talked about Syria in the sermon.

“A Shiite imam would speak against the rebels, and call to resist them, and a Sunni shaikh would talk against the government in Syria,” he said.

He said he still doesn’t understand the Shiites’ emotional fervour over the battle of Karbala, in which Ali’s son, Hussain, was killed by the armies of the Sunni Ummayad dynasty in the 7th century. Hussain’s martyrdom is a defining trauma of their faith, deepening their feeling of oppression. Every year, Shiites around the world mark the battle with processions that turn into festivals of mourning, with men flagellating themselves.

“It means much more to Shiites, this battle’s memory, than to Sunnis,” Challah said. He said Sunnis “behave sometimes like they are the only Muslims”.

Challah called this “very silly. Sunnis and Shiites come from the same root, they worship the same God.”

Iran: ‘The top of their agenda’

The Shiite powerhouse of the Middle East is home to a government led by Shiite clerics with oil wealth and the powerful Revolutionary Guards. Tehran has extended its influence in the Arab world, mainly through its alliance with Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Palestinian Territories. Iran has presented that alliance not as sectarian but as the centre of “resistance” against Israel.

Sunni Saudi Arabia and other Gulf allies have been trying to stem Iran’s influence, in part by warning of the spread of Shiism. Saudi Arabia’s hardline Wahhabi interpretation of Sunni Islam views Shiism as heresy.

Reza Tajabadi, a Shiite cleric in Tehran, blames the Wahhabis — and the related ultraconservative Salafi movement in Sunni Islam — for stoking sectarian hatred. “If Wahabis withdrew from creating differences, then Shiites and Sunnis will be able to put aside their minor differences, which are not considerable.”

Abofatah Davati, another Shiite cleric, points to the historical difference between the two sects. Since Sunnis have been dominant through history, Sunni clerics became subordinate to the rulers. The Shiite clergy, he said, has been independent of power. “Sunni clerics backed rulers and justified their policies, such as the killing of Imam Hussain. Even now, they put their rulers’ decision at the top of their agenda,” he said. “In contrast, Shiites have not depended on government, so Sunnis cannot tolerate this and issue religious edicts against them. This increases rifts.”

Egypt: ‘People are always surprised’

In a country where the Muslim population is overwhelmingly Sunni, many Egyptians know little about Shiites. The Shiite population is tiny and largely hidden — so secretive that its numbers are not really known. But ultraconservative Salafis, many of whom view Shiites as infidels, have become more politically powerful and more vocal since the 2011 fall of autocrat Hosni Mubarak. They often preach against Shiism, warning it will spread to Egypt.

Mona Mohammad Fouad is a rarity in Egypt: Her mother is an Iranian Shiite, her father an Egyptian Sunni. She considers herself Sunni.

“People are always surprised and shocked” when they find out her mother is Shiite, said Fouad, 23, who works for a digital marketing company. “But usually as soon as they know, they are very interested and they ask me many questions.”

Fouad said her sister has heard work colleagues criticising Shiites. In her fiance’s office they distributed leaflets “telling people to beware of Shiite indoctrination”, she added.

“People should read about Shiism. We make fun of foreigners who believe all Muslims are terrorists and we say they are ignorant, but we do the same thing to ourselves,” Fouad said. “There is a difference in interpretation, a difference in opinion, but at the end of the day, we believe in the same things.”

She told her Sunni fiancé from the start that her mother is Shiite. “I told him to tell his family, so if they have any problem with that, we end it immediately.”

Anas Aqeel, a 23-year-old Salafi, spent the first 18 years of his life in Saudi Arabia, where he would sometimes encounter Shiites. “We didn’t ever argue over faith. But they alienated me,” he said.

“I once saw a Shiite in Saudi Arabia speaking ill of one of the companions of the Prophet [PBUH] near his tomb. That one I had to clash with and expel him from the place,” Aqeel said.

He worries about Shiites spreading their faith. While he said not all Shiites are alike, he added that “some of them deviate in the Quran and speak badly of the Prophet’s [PBUH] companions. If someone is wrong and ... he insists on his wrong concept, then we cannot call him a Muslim.”

Palestinian Territories: ‘A religious conflict’

Palestinian Muslims are also almost all Sunnis. Their main connection to the Shiite world is Hamas’s alliance with Iran. But those ties were strained when Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, broke its connections with Syria because of the civil war.

Ahmad Mesleh, a 28-year-old blogger from the West Bank town of Ramallah, says he met Shiites on a trip to Lebanon and encounters them via Facebook. But some have de-friended him because of his online comments.

“If we take Shiites from a religious point of view, then we can describe Shiites as a sect that has gone astray from the true doctrine of Islam. I consider them a bigger threat to Muslims and Islam than Jews and Israel,” Mesleh said. He cited the Shiites’ processions mourning Hussain’s death, saying: “The way they whip themselves, it’s irrational.”

The Middle East conflict “is in its core a religious conflict. The Shiites want to destroy Islam. In Lebanon, they are the ones controlling the situation, and the ones who are causing the sectarian conflict.”

Esmail Al Hamami, the Palestinian refugee, who lives in Gaza’s Shati camp, said politics not religion is driving sectarian tensions.

“In Gaza, Iran used to support the resistance with weapons. Now they support Al Assad. ... In Iraq, they (Shiites) executed Saddam Hussain, who was a Sunni, and they took over the country with the help of the Americans. Now they are working against America in Iran and Syria.”

“So is that related to religion? It’s all about politics.

The beneficiaries of sectarianism, he said, are “those who want to sell arms to both sides ... those who want to keep Arab and Muslim countries living in the dark. The beneficiaries are the occupation (Israel) and the people who sell us religious slogans.”

“God knows who is right or wrong.”

–Associated Press

AP correspondents Adam Schreck and Qassim Abdul-Zahra in Baghdad, Barbara Surk and Zeina Karam in Beirut, Dalia Nammari in Ramallah and Ibrahim Barzak in Gaza City, Tony G. Gabriel and Mariam Rizk in Cairo and Nasser Karimi in Tehran contributed to this report.
Maybe they should learn that everything will come at a price and the price is heavy!

Yep, no doubt in that.

What's your opinion about Bahrain and Saudi Arabia getting united? Don't you think Saudis will hit terrorists with an iron fist in Bahrain?
@Yzd Khalifa

You are too ruthless with minorities, you get to admit that. :coffee:
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