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Pro Democracy protests in Bahrain | News & Discussions

Yes keep your fairytales to yourself Pagan and Ajami and stay in your sanctioned, poor, drug and crime infected Mullah land (Iran) and stay there. Don't stick your dirty nose in the great and ancient Arab world or Muslim matters where you don't belong and are unwanted.

Just because we conquered you culturally, religiously, linguistically then you are not part of us. Get that into your empty head.

Just because you are named Reza (from the Arabic name Ridha) it does not make you an Arab or entitled to meddle in our affairs. Nor because you write your heavily Arabic influenced language with an Arabic alphabet. Nor does saying the name Hussein (RA) make you one or give you an right to meddle in our affairs.

Nor having a Fake Wannabe Arab Iranian Mullah Pagan Supreme Leader as ruler.:omghaha:

Do you get that empty head or should I repeat myself once again?

but as i said i will not respond to them as u r as low as my sh!t
even though u have non of the above so i can insult them!!!!:omghaha:
u r low
so low
so poor
but as i said i will not respond to them as u r as low as my sh!t
even though u have non of the above so i can insult them!!!!:omghaha:
u r low
so low
so poor

When will you get it? You are not an Arab or Muslim but a Pagan and foreigner (Ajami) so you have no right to meddle in our INTERNAL ARAB/SEMITIC/WESTERN ASIAN/MIDDLE EASTERN (call it what you want) affairs.

No matter how much you bark here, how desperately you want to attach yourself to us then you have nothing to do with us and your likes are completely unwanted and they are eliminated which is the only solution.

As I said focus on your ancestral homeland in Kazakhstan/Central Asian Steppe or on your actual neighbors. Your likes are not welcome in the Arab world nor have you any say whatsoever. In fact you have as big a say as a Inuit and you are as foreign to us. In short - absolutely nothing.

For the last time:

Get lost

Here is a little gift to you. Maybe you will keep quite although you seem as a rather "special case".

I hear that Arabic is taught everywhere in Iran and your alphabet is based on the Arabic alphabet and you have plenty of words of Arabic origin. Maybe you will understand something so you can get the point across without me repeating myself.

When will you get it? You are not an Arab or Muslim but a Pagan and foreigner (Ajami) so you have no right to meddle in our INTERNAL ARAB/SEMITIC/WESTERN ASIAN/MIDDLE EASTERN (call it what you want) affairs.

No matter how much you bark here, how desperately you want to attach yourself to us then you have nothing to do with us and your likes are completely unwanted and they are eliminated which is the only solution.

As I said focus on your ancestral homeland in Kazakhstan/Central Asian Steppe or on your actual neighbors. Your likes are not welcome in the Arab world nor have you any say whatsoever. In fact you has as much a say as a Inuit and you are as foreign to us. In short - absolutely nothing.

For the last time:

Get lost

Here is a little gift to you. Maybe you will keep quite although you seem as a rather "special case".
u r low low and burnt !!!! u smell like losers !!!
our middle eastern and western asian AFFAIRS? now they r yours?
now you r derranged too!!!!!:omghaha:

u want to make me angry so that i start insulting and racialy abusing arabs in response to
your insulting and racialy abusing words against me and my people
BUT arabs r great people they have great culture and muslims r all equal shiite=sunni
long live islam
u r low low and burnt !!!! u smell like losers !!!
our middle eastern and western asian?
now you r derranged too!!!!!:omghaha:

u want to make me angry so that i start insulting and racialy abusing arabs in response to
your insulting and racialy abusing words against me and my people
BUT arabs r great people they have great culture and muslims r all equal shiite=sunni
long live islam

Look I don't care what your likes thing about us Arabs or other ancient Semitic people that are native to the Middle East region unlike your likes that came from Kazakhstan/Central Asian Steppe if you are a Farsi. You can love us as much as you want but the feeling is not mutual. Do you think that any Arab cares about what a conquered people by us thinks about us? You must be mad. There are nearly 400 million Arabs in the world. Why the hell should we care about a few million of your Farsi likes or whatever ethnic group you belong to in Iran? It is already certain that you are not one of the 3 million Arabs that live in Iran.

I have seen your posts on this forum, your agenda, delusions, fairytales, meddling in our ancient and beautiful Arab world, meddling in the Muslim world etc. None of which is your business.

We cannot have normal relations with your likes nor do we need you at all. Maybe besides comedians or cheap labour. Nor do we care about your internal Iranian matters.

We should have left you worshipping fire.

Besides 90% of all Muslims and Arabs have nothing to do with your version/sect of "Islam" nor your so-called Supreme Leaders and other absurdities. You have a hard time realizing that as well.
Look I don't care what your likes thing about us Arabs or other ancient Semitic people that are native to the Middle East region unlike your likes that came from Kazakhstan/Central Asian Steppe if you are a Farsi. You can love us as much as you want but the feeling is not mutual. Do you think that any Arab cares about what a conquered people by us thinks about us? You must be mad. There are nearly 400 million Arabs in the world. Why the hell should we care about a few million of your Farsi likes or whatever ethnic group you belong to in Iran? It is already certain that you are not one of the 3 million Arabs that live in Iran.

I have seen your posts on this forum, your agenda, delusions, fairytales, meddling in our ancient and beautiful Arab world, meddling in the Muslim world etc. None of which is your business.

We cannot have normal relations with your likes nor do we need you at all. Maybe besides comedians or cheap labour. Nor do we care about your internal Iranian matters.

We should have left you worshipping fire.

Besides 90% of all Muslims and Arabs have nothing to do with your version/sect of "Islam" nor your so-called Supreme Leaders and other absurdities. You have a hard time realizing that as well.
u r not an arab!!!!! u r jewish !!!!!!
any way u r as important as a fag and i dont know why im still replying u:yay:
okey netanyaho goodnight, dream grad missiles being fired upon u by hamas!


‘Bahrain gets tougher on citizen journalists’

The Al Khalifa regime in Bahrain has stepped up its crackdown on citizen journalists ahead of a major opposition rally in the country, reports say.

On August 7, Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa banned protests in the capital, Manama, ahead of the August 14 celebrations of the country’s independence from the United Kingdom.

The opposition is planning to hold a major protest on the same day. The Manama regime has warned that any protests would face the “force of the law.”

Sources say regime agents have confiscated computers, cameras, phones and every other electronic item that bloggers use to cover Bahraini people’s protests for the outside world.

On Saturday, US human rights activist, Erin Kilbride was deported from the tiny Persian Gulf sheikdom for posting what Bahraini authorities called “radical” articles on social media websites.

The US woman was “using Twitter and a number of websites to publish articles on Bahrain that were deemed to incite hatred against the government and members of the royal family,” Bahrain's Ministry of State for Communications said.

The Bahraini uprising began in mid-February 2011.

The Al Khalifa regime promptly launched a brutal crackdown on the peaceful protests and called in Saudi-led Arab forces from neighboring states.

Scores of people have been killed in the crackdown, and the security forces have arrested hundreds, including doctors and nurses.

The protesters say they will continue demonstrations until their demand for the establishment of a democratically elected government is met.

PressTV - ?Bahrain gets tougher on citizen journalists?
When will you get it? You are not an Arab or Muslim but a Pagan and foreigner (Ajami) so you have no right to meddle in our INTERNAL ARAB/SEMITIC/WESTERN ASIAN/MIDDLE EASTERN (call it what you want) affairs.

No matter how much you bark here, how desperately you want to attach yourself to us then you have nothing to do with us and your likes are completely unwanted and they are eliminated which is the only solution.

As I said focus on your ancestral homeland in Kazakhstan/Central Asian Steppe or on your actual neighbors. Your likes are not welcome in the Arab world nor have you any say whatsoever. In fact you have as big a say as a Inuit and you are as foreign to us. In short - absolutely nothing.

For the last time:

Get lost

Here is a little gift to you. Maybe you will keep quite although you seem as a rather "special case".

I hear that Arabic is taught everywhere in Iran and your alphabet is based on the Arabic alphabet and you have plenty of words of Arabic origin. Maybe you will understand something so you can get the point across without me repeating myself.

Old-Persian was a consistent semi-syllabry (A semi-syllabary is a writing system that behaves partly as an alphabet and partly as a syllabary), invented independently by persians themselves.

If Aramaic alphabet would not reach us, we would have continued our own development till reaching an alphabet. And before arabs we had our own Avestan alphabet based on Phoenician>>aramaic alphabet. We were not waiting for any arab to give us alphabet.

Old Persian texts were written from left to right in the syllabic Old Persian cuneiform script and had 36 phonetic characters and 8 logograms. The usage of such characters are not obligatory. The script was surprisingly not a result of evolution of the script used in the nearby civilisation of Mesopotamia. Despite the fact that Old Persian was written in cuneiform script, the script was not a direct continuation of Mesopotamian tradition and in fact, according to Schmitt, was a "deliberate creation of the sixth century BCE"

The script encodes three vowels, a, i, u, and twenty-two consonants, k, x, g, c, ç, j, t, θ, d, p, f, b, n, m, y, v, r, l, s, z, š, and h. Old Persian contains two sets of consonants: those whose shape depends on the following vowel and those whose shape is independent of the following vowel.

You can also go back to your ancestral lands Al-Hassani (Cameroon/congo/Chad/Sudan/Ethiopia), where forfathers of proto-arab-semites origin from.

Stop using todays (Hindu) Indo-Iranian nummeral system (which is used by the whole world as essential part of all the sciences) and by this forget largest part of modern mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science and throw away your computer. Don't make use of any technology which is made possible by mathematics, chemistry, physics, computer science involving Indo-Iranian 0 as placeholder and the positional nummeral system (10 base decimal system).

Then you're free to drive your horses, donkeys, camels and to read and eat your arabic alphabet. And when u get bored, visit your ancestor relatives in Cameroon/Chad/Congo/Sudan/ethiopia.
Brothers don't reply this guy al-Hasani. I had a lot of discussions with him/her and realized talking to a wall is better than what I did. Anyway his/her username has become pink now, so no need to be worried about her/him.
Bahraini regime to ‘forcefully confront’ planned protests
Tue Aug 13, 2013 7:33AM GMT

Bahrain’s Prime Minister Sheikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa warns that the Bahraini regime would “forcefully confront” the anti-government demonstrations that have been planned for later this week.

The Bahraini prime minister issued the warning on Monday, saying that the anti-regime protesters would be punished if they go ahead with their plans, Bahraini’s official BNA reported.

“The government will forcefully confront the suspicious calls to violate law and order and those who stand behind them through decisive measures,” he said.

“It will punish [those] who stand behind them in line with the recommendations of the Bahrain National Council (parliament), which represents the will of the people of Bahrain,” he added.

The warning came in reaction to a plan by the opposition to hold a major demonstration on August 14, when the country will hold celebrations of independence from the UK.

On August 7, Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa banned protests in the capital, Manama, ahead of Wednesday’s celebrations. Bahrain’s loyalist-dominated parliament has also approved a bill banning all protests in Manama.

The uprising in Bahrain began in mid-February 2011.

The Al Khalifa regime launched a brutal crackdown on the peaceful protests and called in Saudi-led Arab forces from neighboring states.

Meanwhile, Bahrain’s main opposition group, al-Wefaq, said last week that more than 200 people, including a woman and 19 children, were detained during the regime crackdown on protesters in July.

Source: PressTV - Bahraini regime to ?forcefully confront? planned protests
August 10, 2013

Bahrain PM issues warning ahead of protests

Country being targeted in order to destabilise the Gulf, he says

Bahrain’s prime minister accused anti-government protesters of seeking to foment chaos and topple the government on Saturday, days before planned pro-democracy protests in the kingdom where unrest has persisted since early 2011.

Protesters inspired by the “Tamarod” (rebel) protests in Egypt last month have called for rallies on Wednesday, at a time of escalating clashes between the police and pro-opposition demonstrators.

“Everybody has become aware that the truth behind what’s happening is not demands for a better life, but rather to change the regime and drag the country to chaos and ruin,” the official Bahrain News Agency quoted veteran prime minister Shaikh Khalifa Bin Salman Al Khalifa as saying on Saturday.

The opposition, mostly made up of members of the majority Shiite community, demands the Sunni Al Khalifa ruling family introduce democracy in Bahrain, a close US ally.

On August 1, the government toughened the country’s anti-terrorism laws, including imposing longer prison terms and stripping perpetrators of Bahraini nationality, which human rights groups said could lead to a crackdown on protesters.

The new laws ban demonstrating in the capital, Manama, without permission from the security services and mandate jail for anyone who carries anything resembling explosives or firecrackers in a public place.

Shaikh Khalifa, speaking during an official visit to Muharraq Province, said Bahrain was being targeted in order to destabilise the Gulf, a possible reference to Iran, which Manama has accused of instigating the protests. Tehran has denied the accusations.

“The focus now is on Bahrain because it is the entrance to other countries in our region, and it is our duty to foil all these desperate attempts,” he said.

Bahrain PM issues warning ahead of protests | GulfNews.com
Sh!t. We should free our Shia brothers from these worthless Wahhabi-backed dictators. When Syria get rid of the terrorsits, the Shia axis Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon should topple this regime as a punishment of Wahhabis.
Sh!t. We should free our Shia brothers from these worthless Wahhabi-backed dictators. When Syria get rid of the terrorsits, the Shia axis Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon should topple this regime as a punishment of Wahhabis.

It is a mission impossible to you guys, trust me. Unless you want to dig your own graves then be our guests.
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