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President of Bangladesh confirms 16 MRCA, 8 attack helicopter and 6 BD built frigates on live TV

My observation:
(copied from the other forum)

The frigate contract would most likely be PLAN Type-054A+ frigates with transfer of technology. AESA radar and multirole VLS system technology could be incorporated from type-052D Destroyer. There were reports that Turkey offered Bangladesh Navy frigates from its MILGEM project but BN rejected it in favour of the type-054A.

For attack helicopters, it would probably be the AH-64. A few pages ago, I posed about BAF negotiating with US for AH-64.
However, there are many Russian websites claiming that BAF has already purchased 8 MI-35M. Previously, BAF has shown interest in Mi-28N, Z-10, T-129 and Mi-35M.

A BAF pilot after test flight of Mi-35.


BAF officials inspecting Z-10.

T-129 was shown in army billboards and even if it is purchased in the near future,it will be for the army aviation, not the air force.

However, the AH-64 is the most probable for BAF out of all these and BAF has been already negotiating recently for these helicopters. Pictured here are Bangladeshi soldiers with an American AH-64.

For fighter jets, I cannot say for sure which aircraft BAF would go for. BAF has not bought any 4th gen fighter jet in the last 20 years so I am not sure which direction BAF will go. Russia's SU-30MKK/MKI based variants seemed to be the top contender for years and so is the MiG-35 but the quality of Russian equipment cannot keep up with its other competitors and hence Bangladesh is not purchasing any major defence equipment from Russia anymore since 2013. Their continued support for Myanmar in the rohingya crisis is also a big factor here. However, there is still a chance they might go for Russian birds.


The Chinese J-10CE has a good chance as the Chinese engines have matured and improved alot, it has AESA radar and has PL-15 which is a game changer. There are also pictures of BAF pilots test flying the J-10. However, along with the Russians, the Chinese also deeply support the Myanmar and provides the backbone of its military.

The Royal Air force has offered Eurofighter Typhoon to BAF in mid 2019. Typhoons would give BAF a major advantage over its regional counterparts but its high price tag means it would be difficult to fit them into BAF budget.

And lastly, there is the F-16. Along with the Ah-64, BAF was also negotiating for fighter jets but no model has been named. BAF would most likely look for F-16 E/F block 60 or F-16V Block 70/72. BAF was previously interested in F-16 in the 1990s but due to security issues, the USA refused to sell the 36 F-16s BAF requested. In recent time, military cooperation between the two countries increased greatly and the US is finally willing to sell BAF its newest F-16 variants. Pictured here are Bangladeshi officials inspecting US fighter jets.
Has India ever objected to Bangladeshi defense purchase? average Indians do not look at Bangladesh as an adversary. Most actually think of Bangladesh as an ally. There is some anxiousness among people in the East, but that is not seen as a potential for military conflict

Yes, you bitch and moan all the time. Last explosion of hysterics occured a few years ago when submarines were acquired.
If you guys get Block 50/52 F16s with AMRAAM C7 than you have superiority over Myanmar Su30s and Block 2 JF17s and anything India has except Rafales (as PAF proved in Feb).

I doubt you would have to worry about the Rafales anyway as IAF will need them on its Western border with Pak (only thing that can face PAF F16s and Block 3 JF17s).

And those of you who think uncle SAM wont sell them to Bangladesh to appease India - just remember, they sold them to Pak against Indian protests and were agreeable to sell more so long as Pakistan paid for them.

Realistically, the only worry should be if USA shifts the whole F16 production to India. Which currently seems unlikely after Indias false claims re shooting down an F16s and hype of AMRAAM dodging.
If you guys get Block 50/52 F16s with AMRAAM C7 than you have superiority over Myanmar Su30s and Block 2 JF17s and anything India has except Rafales (as PAF proved in Feb).

I doubt you would have to worry about the Rafales anyway as IAF will need them on its Western border with Pak (only thing that can face PAF F16s and Block 3 JF17s).

And those of you who think uncle SAM wont sell them to Bangladesh to appease India - just remember, they sold them to Pak against Indian protests and were agreeable to sell more so long as Pakistan paid for them.

Realistically, the only worry should be if USA shifts the whole F16 production to India. Which currently seems unlikely after Indias false claims re shooting down an F16s and hype of AMRAAM dodging.
Nope buddy. It ain't simple as that. Even BLK 70 wont make difeerence alone. We survived because of supporting assets like jammers (airborne and land based) & AWACS.
Nope buddy. It ain't simple as that. Even BLK 70 wont make difeerence alone. We survived because of supporting assets like jammers (airborne and land based) & AWACS.

It's a start.

Also, strategically, if this were to happen, its a good thing for Pakistan.

In theory at the very least.
Nope buddy. It ain't simple as that. Even BLK 70 wont make difeerence alone. We survived because of supporting assets like jammers (airborne and land based) & AWACS.

I know. Talking about plane vs plane.

18 on eastern border.

So they claim. Like they claimed that Rafale is to check China, but then what did Modi say in Feb after PAF owned the skies? Deployment away from Pak is simply so PAF doesnt knock them out on the ground on day 1. Let the border heat up again and we see how long these Rafales stay east.
Has India ever objected to Bangladeshi defense purchase? average Indians do not look at Bangladesh as an adversary. Most actually think of Bangladesh as an ally. There is some anxiousness among people in the East, but that is not seen as a potential for military conflict
But, have we ever listened to what India bickers about our defence activities. India used to say, "Why BD needs a defence force when its Bondhland is nearby to help it"? When at the time of Ziaur Rahman, BA initiated to train a commando group because all the PA trained Bengali troops were getting older and would retire. But, Bondhuland India objected.

I will not repeat the reaction to the purchase of submarines. But, I would state that IN supplied one Kilo-class ragtag submarine to its BondhuRastrya Myanmar to give us a lesson.

If India is a friend, BD does not need an enemy.
LOL the way we are talking about F-16 and EFT when there's no facility to support them i hope our dream don't get crushed when the actual fighter jet is revealed. :lol: And dreaming about taking on India with 18 TRG-300 GMLRS is even more hilarious. :rofl::rofl: Sorry for laughing but lets not get carried away with our wet dream.

Most probably F-16 from USA. Recently govt. signed 2 defence agreement with United States required for transferring advanced defence equipment.

No they haven't yet signed anything and it will take at least 5 years to materialize (GSOMIA). Bangladesh wants more time.

Only 16!! Wtf....we need at least 100.

This is initial order. They will order more later.

And the 8 attack helis, are they Apaches?

President said it's BAF so yes it could be Apache.

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Yes, you bitch and moan all the time. Last explosion of hysterics occured a few years ago when submarines were acquired.
But, have we ever listened to what India bickers about our defence activities. India used to say, "Why BD needs a defence force when its Bondhland is nearby to help it"? When at the time of Ziaur Rahman, BA initiated to train a commando group because all the PA trained Bengali troops were getting older and would retire. But, Bondhuland India objected.

I will not repeat the reaction to the purchase of submarines. But, I would state that IN supplied one Kilo-class ragtag submarine to its BondhuRastrya Myanmar to give us a lesson.

If India is a friend, BD does not need an enemy.

This was indeed unexpected. Generally, I’ve not seen BD described as a military threat in media. Perhaps as you’ve pointed, there have been instances that have skipped my attention. But my assertion about regular people’s view of BD as a regular neighbor is however the general street view.

Needless to say, BD reserves the right to arm herself as it wishes to. Good luck with the pursuit
And dreaming about taking on India with 18 TRG-300 GMLRS is even more hilarious.
18 systems is not enough I agree, but we saw what happened on the Iran ballistic missile strike even without warheads. There are a good amount of Indian airbases within range of 120km that could easily be taken out by large barrages of 10-20 rockets.
This was indeed unexpected. Generally, I’ve not seen BD described as a military threat in media. Perhaps as you’ve pointed, there have been instances that have skipped my attention. But my assertion about regular people’s view of BD as a regular neighbor is however the general street view.

Needless to say, BD reserves the right to arm
18 systems is not enough I agree, but we saw what happened on the Iran ballistic missile strike even without warheads. There are a good amount of Indian airbases within range of 120km that could easily be taken out by large barrages of 10-20 rockets.

18 batteries is ofcourse not enough. But it is the beginning.

BA up until now created capabilities to fight inside our borders and then fall back on guerilla tactics.

This is the first time we are developing capacity to hurt the enemy before they come to our border

Karisgas are a quantum leap in BAs capacity akin to the purchase of the Mings for BN. This development can not be understated. Our forces are progressively moving from defensive to offensive posture in line with the old saying that the best form of defense is offense.
Missile force should be established as a separate branch as soon as possible.
It should consist of short, medium, and long range MLRS, and short range ballistic missiles. Collabaration with BD army, and air force for taking out fixed and semi-fixed targets should be the main mission.



Khan ballistic missile

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