Ok I read in the previous posts here that they make you stand all naked during the medical examination. but can anyone please tell me what they are actually trying to check with this and what else they would ask you to do being naked all the time there. It's just that it looks quite absurd, but has to be done anyway and I must be prepared for it. So kindly guide me more on this.
First, they will not ask to be naked 'all the time there', so relax.
Yes, may be you are in your shorts/underwear for a while there, but then if you feel 'shy' in your unddees around a few guys, then the profession of arms is not for you.
Second, they just want to be sure of your gender, ok no, that was a joke
What they want is to check is any physical deformities, like the guy here with 'one testis', problems like Piles etc or any other related issues.
They will also touch you down there, like with a glove thing or something, you wont feel embarassed because, one the guy checking you not kharaant that you start feeling threateneded by him
, second, he will make you look away outside a window and even before you are aware of the traffic outside, he would already have had you checked.
So, it aint that big an issue, Pakistani guys are grown up males, so they better behave like one