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Pray for Soheil ....

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i think its a case of dislocated segments, it causes numbness because there is a pressure on the cord(which controls the body)

i think this is what he has

but...cant dislocated segments be treated without any chance of death... ?
but...cant dislocated segments be treated without any chance of death... ?

i dont know if the surgery is for the damaged spinal cord or the bone segment which got dislocated?

i dont know about this guy's case but, i think surgery is an option if the patient cant sustain the pain for this disease, other wise the doctor recommends simple pain killer, sleeping pills along with neck collar

it has pain but it is treated without even anti biotics or intake of other drug

if it is treated properly with a proper doctor than i dont think it has any major issue

my father suffered from this problem because he used to sleep on big pillows which obviously made his head on a very inclined position as compared to the torso

but he didnt get hit on the neck by any chance
Well I don't agree with Soheil, however I pray for the best possible result. May Gods help and science give you the best outcome Soheil.
May Allah Aza'Wa-Jall bless brother Soheil with a successful surgery and a quick recovery.
@SOHEIL دکترا رو بی خیال... خودت با انبردست یاورشو استاد کن :whistle:
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I don't want to talk about it anymore ...
@WebMaster please close the thread ...
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