I had been part of some detailed discussions (albeit informal) before 2013 elections in PTI meetings- I always had the pov that PTI should go with electable where personal vote of the candidate is substantial; and there were very few voices in favour of this argument in 2012. IK had strong reservations and was of firm view about two attributes for PTI candidates; clean and young (youth). It would have worked if there was
1. High literacy,
2. No feudalism, and
3. Non compromised electoral system
This year, I again had a chance to meet IK in UK, and it was not PTI thing but a social event, and issue of corruption, Panama and then clean vs. electable came up while discussing the future elections, I was pleasantly surprised when I heard him say "........I can't bring people from Norway to fight elections in Pakistan".
And today, in Nadeem Malik's program IK stated that its not presidential form of Govt., where one person wins and selects his team, its parliamentary form, and if you have to bring change, you need to form a government, and for that you need certain number of seats, for which you need people that "can" win elections.
Issue is; its not IK's fault; its Pyaare Pakistanis fault, who vote for electable; if awaam (public) stop giving votes to electable then IK would also not induct those electables.