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PPP, PML-Q finalise power-sharing deal

Read the statement carefully .. "Citing unnamed sources in the PML-Q, the channel said the party has decided to form an alliance with the PPP ‘if the need arises’"

I don't believe the Punjab government led by the PML-N will be toppled unless the Sharif's really push the PPP - the deal with the PML-Q is basically a warning shot for the Sharif brothers that if they step too far out of line with the lawyers movement, restoration of judges or attempt to topple the GoP, they will lose Punjab.

On the other hand, I doubt the PPP wants the headache of having Nawaz Sharif, who is easily out polling the PPP in popularity, gunning after the coalition government from a 'no holds barred' opposition position. That will mean street protests, an alliance with the Lawyers, Mullah's - basically any one who is opposed to the PPP led coalition over the issues of judges, operations in FATA/Swat, cooperation with the US, economy, power shortage, inflation .....

You have to realize how much **** is going to hit the fan if the PPP openly goes against the PML-N and takes Punjab away.

On the other hand, I am pretty certain that the Sharif brothers also realize, despite their populist rhetoric, that toppling the PPP led coalition means creating an extremely unstable situation in the country, with none of the major issues resolved, and all of that will land in the PML-N's lap if they actually succeed. They will then have to fulfill their promises of no operations, restore judiciary, economy ... They will fall flat on the first issue alone.

They either make an enemy of the US, and lose all aid and support and possibly court sanctions, or they lose face in front of the electorate and continue with the 'Musharraf polices' they taunt the PP with. Not a lot of good choices for the Sharif brothers if they do manage to take power anytime soon by toppling the PPP led government.

Their best bet is to hope that the PPP manages to get the situation somewhat under control by the time the next elections come around, and the PML-N will probably still win given the perceptions of 'US lackey's' about the current GoP and their current popularity as a party of 'principles' (on judges, opposition to operations, not a US lackey etc...)
Rural Punjab is very much upto speed I went to a free Public Hospital in Rural Punjab in 98 it was very clean and very well maintained.
The road network is much better.
Punjab has many cities that have become financial hubs.
The Literacy rate in Punjab is very high and the Productivity is Higher in all fields including art and culture.

Well that is good to know. Unfortunately, Sindh couldn't take full advantage of the Musharraf era due to the dirty politics of BB.

Balochistan was at the bottom so I would say a lot has been done but more needs to happen. Only province which actually went backwards is NWFP.

I hope Musharraf is back soon.
Read the statement carefully .. "Citing unnamed sources in the PML-Q, the channel said the party has decided to form an alliance with the PPP ‘if the need arises’"

Their best bet is to hope that the PPP manages to get the situation somewhat under control by the time the next elections come around, and the PML-N will probably still win given the perceptions of 'US lackey's' about the current GoP and their current popularity as a party of 'principles' (on judges, opposition to operations, not a US lackey etc...)

Really good points but I think Nawaz league's best bet is to have a martial law imposed so that everything falls in PA's lap.

I don't think Zardari will remain in power because he has lost popularity in rural Sindh as well.

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