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Potential Dajjalic Characters

All prominent commies were either mass murderers or degenerate atheists---quite a coincidence.

Where did Fidel Castro mass-murder ??

Murtaza asked for Indra's help in breaking Pakistan into four---There was his party member who threatened that he'll come to Pakistan riding on an Indian tank---

Give me the source please.

And why didn't Murtaza and Shahnawaz take refuge in India and instead went to Afghanistan and Syria ??

Was China and Iran also part of NATO? Since they also provided weapons to the Mujahideen... :lol:

1. China had its differences with the USSR and in fact they had a minor war.

2. Iran by then was under the rule of the mullah and we must not forget the Iran-Contra Affair.

So the involvement of China and Iran aligned with the interests of NATO.

Or those who fought against the USSR like Massod then fought against the Taliban with American Capitalist help?(Those you praise)

Civil war.

Ameer ul Momineen Mullah Muhammad Umar Mujahid.

Wow !!
Wht say about him ?
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Where did Fidel Castro mass-murder ?
Need I give countless examples like Stalin , Beria, Mao, Ho Chi etc?
Those were the founding fathers.
Give me the source please.
The terrorist prince.
Need I also give the source for the existance of his terror outfit al-Zulfiqar?
Or the source for plane hijacking and torture and murder of a passenger along with the source for attempting to kill Pope on his visit to Karachi?

Hypocricy is when you extoll Castro, Ho Chi, el Che, Murtaza, Laila Khalid and defame and demonize Taliban and Kashmiris for adopting similar tactics for freedom.

Apparently Soviets are also forgiven for putting millions to deaths and gulags and expelling millions from their homes and enforcing aethism on gunpoint. Let alone killing a million and making 3 million refugees in Afghanistan.
So the involvement of China and Iran aligned with the interests of NATO.
So did ours and Mujahideen's involvment.
Thankyou for proving that we were not stooges of NATO just like China(which supported us in those days).
We and mujahidden were fighting since 74, way before CIA had any interest in this region.
Civil war.
They werent paragons of humanity either.

And why didn't Murtaza and Shahnawaz take refuge in India and instead went to Afghanistan and Syria ??
You talk as if Syria or Afghanistan were saints.
Our pilots downed Isreali jets while flying Syrian planes and were awarded by Al Assad so we knew what we had to deal with...but we dont appreciate them giving refuge to terrorists who hijacked our planes and tried to tarnish Pakistan,s image by trying to kill the Pope.
I know. And I said so in my original post.
I made this thread solely on physical description
Mullah omar's eye does look like it has been gently rubbed over.
Mullah Omar was Mujahid, his level of Iman was so high ,we even can't touch his feet , he lost his eyes in the ways of Allah swt . Careful to say any bad thing about him , he was pure Muslims and his jihad against dijjalic systems.
Yes, you can say about Iftikhar Chaudhary, a caretaker of a dajjalic mission
Mullah Omar was Mujahid, his level of Iman was so high ,we even can't touch his feet , he lost his eyes in the ways of Allah swt . Careful to say any bad thing about him , he was pure Muslims and his jihad against dijjalic systems.

I believe one of the reasons the Americans wanted to out the Taliban is because they are not part of the ‘system’....they’r not connected to or susceptible to the tools of the world order like say Pakistan is to the IMF / or Iran is to the US sanctions. They are fearless regardless of their lack of modern technology.

My intuition tells me that they will be the black banners of Khorasan which will free Palestine from the zionists ان شاء الله
The time is not so far...the life of this Umma is 1500 years only...according to jews 6000 years in which they are living in 5736th year...the great two wars will happen soon bcz jews have to demolish Al-Aqsa mosque to build their third temple...according yo hadith:before dajjal comes out muslim will have victory in one of the great wars...
Nonsensical thread.

The real Dajjal will fool people with weak faith and only people with strong Emaan will be saved.

Also, Surah Kahf is a shield against Dajjal.

May Allah ta’ala save us from this tribulation

The time is not so far...the life of this Umma is 1500 years only...according to jews 6000 years in which they are living in 5736th year...the great two wars will happen soon bcz jews have to demolish Al-Aqsa mosque to build their third temple...according yo hadith:before dajjal comes out muslim will have victory in one of the great wars...

Looking at current world events, it seems certain that WW3 will happen in the next 5yrs or so....this is the calm before the storm
Ibn Sayyad is most likely to be Dajjal. And Allah knows the best!
May Allah ta’ala save us from this tribulation

Looking at current world events, it seems certain that WW3 will happen in the next 5yrs or so....this is the calm before the storm
5 years to much time... follow temple Institute of israel... u will hve the idea...what they are planning. max 3 years...
Wonderful. So according to this thread Mullah Omar and other "Mujhaids" are 100 percent Islamic even though their creator was NATO.

Time for the Qibla to be towards Washington DC, I suppose. :lol:

Don't you know, a proper Talibani shouldn't like women.
majority of the people are expecting that the "Dajjal" will be some Jew or Christian
I would imagine their surprise if the Dajjal came out from the Taliban or some other so called "Muslim" group.
This thread is purely based on suspicion/intuition containing different personalities that match description of Messih ad Dajjal.

This thread is pure conjecture. I'll start off with three if you have more feel free to share.

Erez Biton:
Jewish Poet/writer of Mizrahi(Algerian/Morroccan descent). Has faulty eyes but seems like both of his eyes are faulty.
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Lucien Greaves:
Torch Bearer after passing away of Anton Lavey. American national affiliation with church of satan. One faulty eye. Very charming personality and appearance.
View attachment 563266 View attachment 563267

Mullah Omar:
Freedom fighter against foreign powers. Based in Afghanistan. Affiliated with Taliban/Islami Emirate of Afghanistan. Born with both eyes healthy. But one was injured during Soviet-Afghan war. Deceased in 2013
(In my views he is not very likely cuz he fought on side of islam and that he's been declared dead but you never what Allah has planned i.e al-Baghdadi miraculously came back to life too and some ahadith point that Dajjal will come out of East/Khurasan/Iran area). But again not very likely.
Before loosing the right eye.View attachment 563268
View attachment 563270 View attachment 563269
Mullah omer is dead. There are millions with one eye missing including Nick fury.
Dajjal is not only about one eye.
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