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Post Ratings

:D as if they will do it. i thought we can lock it by ourself

Webmaster cleverly introduced this feature so that the burden on them can be reduced. Now they will follow some of our feed back which makes their job easy :D.

But this feature is interesting and fun :D
add this to the smilies
Some members are misusing this feature. Just for the sake of trolling, they deliberately give a facepalm rating :/
May be now is the time to strike when the iron is hot.
@WebMaster most of the upgrades till now were looking good.Though the anxiety about it will take some time to settle down as we'll get used to it.But let me share my reservations over the new post rating system.
There is a need to make this system rather more pragmatic than adding variety to it.
Like once i shared with you the idea of a "system of recommendation and reputation" instead of thanks in the previous format of the forum.While this new development is in baby stages allow me to remind you about it once more.
It's a breach in the privacy of our communication, but i know you'll overlook it in the wake of the up coming improvements.Sharing a part of it:
Reputation points.
How the system works?

We want the thanked posts or the recommended posts by the reader to work,also we want the ranks to play a role hence making it more interactive and meaningful.

To make it practical.
2-Introduce member's reputation count.
The recommendation/thanks denotes the same thing and works to augment the reputation of the member.
(Edited the first and second pointer..)
3-Recommendations count (else that in the member's club) to the reputation status.
4-When a higher ranked or an equally ranked member recommends the post of a lower ranked member.It counts as a reputation point for the receiving member.
5-When a lower ranked/ new member recommends a post ,it adds 1 thanks/ recommendation in the tally.
6-Now for each recommendation point, the member get a reputation as follows,

100 recommendations/thanks =1 reputation point for full members
50 Thanks=1 reputation point for senior members
25 Thanks=1 reput point for elite/Veteran
20 Thanks=1 reput for opinionators
5 Thanks=1 reput point for professionals/TT's

Or something like that.Any of the criteria and quota can be settled and rectified to make it more suitable.Above mentioned is just an example.

(Edited the text related to other parts of the system)
It'll be systematic and also make the new members want to join the strata existing above his rank.

Last but not the least.Pardon me for any of the spelling or grammatical mistakes.:D
well done webby.about the ratings.
reputation scale is not a new thing and we had pondered over it it before starting star members/jnr TTs

thanks[popularity] doesnt necessarily mean quality[repute] hence instead of equating these two variables, we just started a new tag
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Currently we have Thanks, Informative and Reported Post.

I can make the Reported Post as such that certain group members of the forum can press reported post button and it will hide the post...

What do you guys think?

The ratings system doesnt work here, because we all have different opinions, thus everyone will dislike and negative rate posts that doesn't go along with their agenda... this is the worst idea a political and a military forum website comes up with...
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