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Post Ratings Review Board.

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How does a poster who makes such quality posts in response to Carnegie Endowment articles written by intellectuals gets to give me negative ratings to my posts just because he does not like them? What kind of a joke is this that known trolls like this guy and Donatello among others are now giving negative ratings to posts they do not like and positive ones to even abusive posts?

Productive but Joyless? Narendra Modi and U.S.-India Relations

Now if this was posted by me on an Imran khan or Nawaz sharief thread, I would have received an infraction and definitely negative ratings. It was bad enough that we have biased admins and mods who believe in illuminati conspiracy theory etc and worship JF17, but this new system of ratings is basically a bunch of random trolls running amok with their new power.

Please scrap this system its intellectually very insulting to receive negative ratings from trolls. Thanks.

@WebMaster you need to respond.
yep,many title holders are nothing but trolls.especially the professionals.
though of course majority are good posters..
Today Chinese members were talking about arming the 132 (!) seperatist movements in India, and Aeronaut himself has told me he wants ISI to arm the fascist groups in India (which in that post happened to be Shiv Sena and RSS, as if those organizations would rebel against the Indian state with those newlygotten weapons.) Not to mention the arming of Kashmiri seperatists that is proudly proclaimed (and performed) all the time.

You guys need to remember that this is a Pakistan defence forum.

I once joined an Indian forum a while back, and obviously due to me being Chinese, me and my country were targeted by a great deal of extremely hypocritical arguments. When I got into an argument, the moderators would always favor their fellow Indians over the Chinese.

But I always remembered, it's their house, so it's their rules. It is something to be expected, not something to act surprised about.

Needless to say, I don't give negative ratings to the large number of posters here who support the Tibetan government in exile, the Uyghur extremists, or any others that advocate separatism in China.
You guys need to remember that this is a Pakistan defence forum.

I once joined an Indian forum a while back, and obviously due to me being Chinese, me and my country were targeted by a great deal of extremely hypocritical arguments. When I got into an argument, the moderators would always favor their fellow Indians over the Chinese.

But I always remembered, it's their house, so it's their rules. It is something to be expected, not something to act surprised about.

Needless to say, I don't give negative ratings to the large number of posters here who support the Tibetan government in exile, the Uyghur extremists, or any others that advocate separatism in China.

The difference is that this forum purpots to be objective. If that's what the management says, that it's a Pakistani forum and so we should expect it to be biased, then I'm fine with it, since my particiption is entirely voluntary.

But their stance has always been that they try to be objective and unbiased - heck, the rating sytem itself is meant to convey that impression. They claim that ratings are given for good or bad post quality, not for being pro or anti Pakistan. So when people come to the forum and look at the names of members, they think that the red number underneath signifies he is a terrible poster who always violates forum rules, or trolls, or makes posts of no value. However, if the forum openly says that the red figure is mostly for anti-Pakistan remarks, then members who have a lot of negatives will be only thought of as anti-Pak, not as a worthless poster.
Only mods, think tanks and professionals can give ratings.

You make a shyte post, you troll, you get a negative rating. You make an informative, well written post you get a positive rating, simples.

Is this correct? I am vitally interested.
Are you still on that forum? Because I'm not.

I am actually, but I keep a low profile and generally don't cause too much bother for the Indian hosts over there. I just comment on China related issues.
Janon: 7000 posts 11.000 thanks
Joe Shear: 6500 posts 11.000 thanks
Ayush: 7.000 postst 11.000 thanks...

I mean serious. If you thank that much (which is pathetic if you ask me) then why so much shouting when I give 1 negative rating? I have far less thanks then I post. I do not mind. If you wanna make a bet whether I am misinformed or bad poster... Please do. Challenge me to post better. But do not whine if you all rape the thanks button.

1) Please check out how many thanks I have given, as opposed to how many I have got. That should tell you a story.:azn: Go on, do it. I don't control the thanks I get, only the ones I give. So before accusing me of "raping the thank button", please check out how many times I have clicked it - quite possibly I have given one of the lowest number of thanks, for someone who has been on the forum so long or made so many posts. The reality is the exact opposite of your accusation.

2) Do you want me to point out some Pakistani members with much higher thank ratios? Talon for example, or marshmallow, or even people who have ONLY trolled and abused, like razpak - check out how many thanks they have.

3) As you know very well, neutral rating does not have as much prestige as a positive rating, which is described as given for posts of exceptional quality or ones that are highy thought provoking, which is why it is only given by titled members. I can think of many Pakistanis getting positive ratings for silly one liners, like "time to send a missile up the taliban's ***." And conversely, the negative ratings are meant as a mark of shame, for people who have violated forum rules or trolled badly - and yet, as you can see from the examples above, the real measure for getting one is whether the post is anti-Pak, not whether it is abusive, which is a violation of rules.

Long story short - The thanking function is not advertised as a measure of quality, but popularity - the rating is advertised as an indicator of quality, although it has turned out to be anything but.
Did you actually read the posts you Indian make now and then? Did you read the post I gave negative rating? You call that quality? Maybe on your BRF or Keymag forum.

:D good to see a good poster after a looooooooooongggggggggggg time.

know you from DT
:D good to see a good poster after a looooooooooongggggggggggg time.

know you from DT
Did you actually read the posts you Indian make now and then? Did you read the post I gave negative rating? You call that quality? Maybe on your BRF or Keymag forum.
Did either Joe or I specifically complain about your rating? What exactly are you trying to tell us here, if you admit that you don't even read our posts?

As for the charge of 'raping the thanks button', you have used it 249 times and I have used it 281 times, despite me having more than twice as many posts as you, and therefore making the reasonable assumption that I have engaged with twice as many posters as you. That should give you pause to think about whether I rape the thanks button or not.

Anyway, none of my points presented here was about a rating you gave. So I'm not sure what your point is or whether you even have one.
Yo want me to read your posts? Trust me. I do not read garbage.

Seriously , This is how you show respect a Professional who has contributed immensely to this forum.

God knows , what is your problem with Thanks button. :rofl:
what is with this negative rating stuff i didnt get it i mean some guys with minus 18 are still on PDF while other with minus 2 are banned ??
Whom are you addressing? Or have you lost your balance so completely that you no longer know?

Sir, both Munir and Joe Shearer are good posters and knowledgeable. Both should keep calm. Munir might had not gone through all your posts and also he might had formed opinion based on comments from Indian trolls
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