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Possible Solution of Kashmir issue...Your Opinion

Actually it is India which is not following the UN resolution.

Hold a plebiscite and get it over with. Even Nehru promised the world a referendum would take place in Kashmir, but that never happened.
This is the funniest moments in PDF...
Every Pakistani talks about UN resolution on Kashmir but none of them has read it actually...
So I would urge you to go and read the UN resolution on Kashmir before you make fun of yourself again...
Stop being an Indiot here. Hold a plebiscite in Kashmir and get it over with it.

It is India which is holding the Kashmir dispute hostage for personal gains.

I can get you banned like other Indian members have gotten banned.

Even Sir Owen Dixon placed the blame on the Indians for being difficult on the Kashmir dispute.
Stop being an Indiot here. Hold a plebiscite in Kashmir and get it over with it.

It is India which is holding the Kashmir dispute hostage for personal gains.

I can get you banned like other Indian members have gotten banned.
Plebiscite will be done according to UN resolution... This is what India says...
If you really want plebiscite, why don't you ask your government or army to follow UN resolution...

And yes, you can always get others banned when you can't put up facts...
Plebiscite will be done according to UN resolution... This is what India says...
If you really want plebiscite, why don't you ask your government or army to follow UN resolution...

And yes, you can always get others banned when you can't put up facts...
Wrong, It is India which is at fault here. Not Pakistan. India is not following the UN resolutions.

We have already answered that argument. Subsequent UN resolutions removed the demand for Pakistani army to evacuate its part of Kashmir.

Nice try though.

No we ban Indiots here, when they start spouting lies and not facts here.

You are really a funny guy here. You make me laugh.

This is indeed the funniest moments at Pakistan defence forum, when the Indian thinks he is right on Kashmir. LOL :lol:
Wrong, It is India which is at fault here. Not Pakistan. India is not following the UN resolutions.

We have already answered that argument. Subsequent UN resolution removed the demand for Pakistani army to evacuate its part of Kashmir.

Nice try though.

No we ban Indiots here, when they start spouting lies and not facts here.
Removal of Pakistani army from Pakistan Occupied Kashmir is the very first condition of UN resolution...
You do it if you want plebiscite... Else give facts that support your argument...
And its very easy to abuse anyone using his country name... Only thing that a so called senior member can do
Removal of Pakistani army from Azad Kashmir is the very first condition of UN resolution...
You do it if you want plebiscite... Else give facts that support your argument...
And its very easy to abuse anyone using his country name... Only thing that a so called senior member can do
Already said subsequent resolutions removed that demand, genius.

India is at fault here. You act if you have read all the resolutions on Kashmir when you haven't.

Even Sir Owen Dixon said India is at fault here.

@Kaptaan, @waz, @dsr478 this indiot is getting out of hand on Kashmir. LOL
Already said subsequent resolutions removed that demand, genius.

India is at fault here. You act if you have read all the resolutions on Kashmir when you haven't.

Even Sir Owen Dixon said India is at fault here.
I have read the original genuine resolution...
Give me the link of the resolution that whole Pakistan has been reading

@Kaptaan, @waz, @dsr478 this indiot is getting out of hand on Kashmir. LOL
Yaah... When you can't put up facts all you can do is to ask moderator to ban the person...
This is the only thing you are good at...
Subsequent UN resolutions removed the demand for Pakistani army to evacuate its part of Kashmir.


They were just proposals of individuals to come up with a solution when Pakistan refuse to implement the original in words.

We agreed to and were supposed to respect the original resolution, any change to that, we can simply deny. Anyways they were non binding.

They were just proposals of individuals to come up with a solution when Pakistan refuse to implement the original in words.

We agreed to and were supposed to respect the original resolution, any change to that, we can simply deny. Anyways they were non binding.
No you are wrong Indiot. Don't cough up crap when you don't know what you are talking about.

Even Sir Owen Dixon after analyzing the Kashmir dispute said the fault is with India.

They were just proposals of individuals to come up with a solution when Pakistan refuse to implement the original in words.

We agreed to and were supposed to respect the original resolution, any change to that, we can simply deny. Anyways they were non binding.
Leave it... These so called senior member are just good in absing and banning others
Never expected facts from them

No you are wrong Indiot. Don't cough up crap when you don't know what you are talking about.

Even Sir Owen Dixon after analyzing the Kashmir dispute said the fault is with India.
If you are correct then why are you so reluctant to give the link of your so called new resolution on Kashmir
Leave it... These so called senior member are just good in absing and banning others
Never expected facts from them
I gave you facts. I said subsequent UN resolutions removed that demand. GO READ THE UN Resolutions. I do not remember which one to be exact, but it was discussed on this forum.

I am not here to spoon feed you. :lol:

Sir Owen Dixon said India is at fault. Nothing in the universe can change that fact.

@AgNoStiC MuSliM knows the UN resolution I believe since he mentioned it in the forum. Waiting for him to come online.
Solution is India vacates all Muslim majority areas of J & K and keeps Jammu/Ladakh. The template for this issue is State of Hyderabad which exactly mirrored J & K because -

  • It was Hindu majority but ruled by a Muslim ruler
  • It was a princely state exactly like J & K.
India invaded that state not by using proxy/tribals but y using it's own army. It gave no let to what the ruler said and sent the government packing then integrated Hyderabad into India. The pretext was because the ruler was cruel/unfair and was punishing the Hindu populace. That pretext could be used by Pakistan as well. That about sums it. Rest is he said she said I said.

Ps. The invasion of Hyderabad including massacre and human rights abuses by Indian Army - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-24159594

Hyderabad 1948: India's hidden massacre
By Mike Thomson Presenter, Document, Radio 4

I do not remember which one to be exact, but it was discussed on this forum.

I am not here to spoon feed you. :lol:

Sir Owen Dixon said India is at fault. Nothing in the universe can change that fact.
Look at your statement... It's hilarious...
You don't remember to be exact but you are ready to argueon it and even ban someone on that...
This statement showed the credibility of so called senior member of PDF...
And from when something discussed on PDF become more creditable then UN resolution
Look at your statement... It's hilarious...
You don't remember to be exact but you are ready to argueon it and even ban someone on that...
This statement showed the credibility of so called senior member of PDF...
And from when something discussed on PDF become more creditable then UN resolution
You are an idiot. Yes I do not remember the exact UN resolutions, but I remember it being discussed on PDF.

If @AgNoStiC MuSliM was here, he would give you a good thrashing and probably ban you for being an idiot here.

You cannot deny facts here. It is you who is being laughable at.
Solution is India vacates all Muslim majority areas of J & K and keeps Jammu/Ladakh. The template for this issue is State of Hyderabad which exactly mirrored J & K because -

  • It was Hindu majority but ruled by a Muslim ruler
  • It was a princely state exactly like J & K.
India invaded that state not by using proxy/tribals but y using it's own army. It gave no let to what the ruler said and sent the government packing then integrated Hyderabad into India. The pretext was because the ruler was cruel/unfair and was punishing the Hindu populace. That pretext could be used by Pakistan as well. That about sums it. Rest is he said she said I said.

Ps. The invasion of Hyderabad including massacre and human rights abuses by Indian Army - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-24159594

Hyderabad 1948: India's hidden massacre
By Mike Thomson Presenter, Document, Radio 4

That might have been best solution during partition...
Pakistan keeping Kashmir and India having Jammu
But in today's scenario neither India nor Pakistan will agree to it
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