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Possible Russian S-400 sale to India and Pakistan's Response.

Ha ha ha .....
Khush raho....
By the way that post boost vehicle theory was funny one.....as its after the attitude correction system....

Nukes are exploded few km above ground to minimize crater and get more destruction...

Bye for now
Will meet again
This system posses threat to our old F 16 whuch flies lower than twin engine jet time to consider SU 35 which can evade S 400 atleast SU 35 Stands a chance F 16 no way
This system posses threat to our old F 16 whuch flies lower than twin engine jet time to consider SU 35 which can evade S 400 atleast SU 35 Stands a chance F 16 no way

s 400 vs su 35... nice... still you believe about su 35 deal..
The bursting of so called MIRVed Tactical Nukes a few kilometers above the ground won't kill an ant on the ground.
A sub kiloton nuke is useless to be used in a strategic ballistic missile. It is as good as a fireworks show.

The S 400 system or for that matter any SAM system can be defeated. But You always have to weigh the cost. There is a reason why the Americans, The NATO fear this system. It could be defeated but It is absolutely lethal.
Extremely sorry to inform you that nuclear warheads packaged into separate re-entry vehicles are not sandwiches you can fit into your lunchbox.

I agree that none of this information is backed up by official sources. But I'm doing the best I can, and if you cannot appreciate that, I guess you should be left to your wild imaginations.

a FEW kilometers? Guess what, Mumbai is still there, after having enjoyed a mind-blowing fireworks show.


Yar jaisay aap khush raho, meri bass ho gai hai.

Love your posts. Thanks.
s 400 vs su 35... nice... still you believe about su 35 deal..

Well Parrikar in India is Pressurizing Russia to stop the Defence Deals with Pakistan... the only deal that's been signed so far is 4 Mi-35 Heli which can be extended to 10-12 and a Gas pipeline deal worth 2 Billion Dollars.... So India is so scared of Mi-35 Heli after Getting S-400? I don't think so there are still many thing going on... Let Air Chief Marshal Sohail visit Russia this month we will all see the outcome of the visit and the rumors about Su-35 will be cleared
Well Parrikar in India is Pressurizing Russia to stop the Defence Deals with Pakistan... the only deal that's been signed so far is 4 Mi-35 Heli which can be extended to 10-12 and a Gas pipeline deal worth 2 Billion Dollars.... So India is so scared of Mi-35 Heli after Getting S-400? I don't think so there are still many thing going on... Let Air Chief Marshal Sohail visit Russia this month we will all see the outcome of the visit and the rumors about Su-35 will be cleared

all the best... have good time for master....tion to kids..

babur is old generation subsonic cruise missile comparable to kh-55 of russia both are based on later 70's Era Technology.Meanwhile many of the advanced defence systems have been developed to Counter even more sophisticated Cruise missiles like Brahmos

Defense systems like Aster-30 & Barak-8 can easily take on Supersonic cruise missile threats.
Leave subsonic threats aside .

So you mean to say that after Babar we just relax and didn't made any improvements?
S-400 is potent system but its not invincible, with new tech and tactics it can be taken care of, but it will be potent threat for solution of which Pakistan have to work with China as they know about it.

If China buys it then Pakistan can access missile seekers are learn how to defeat them, it may be one of many solutions to beat S-400.

Even US is finding it difficult to counter S300 forget about S 400. US has few days ago told that in context of middile east conflict that The have a solution of S 300. This means it is even difficult for US. S 400 with the missile of 7 mach speed can down anything upto F22. It is very difficult to penetrate by highly advance countries with lots of collateral damage. It may not be invincible for US but it is certainly invincible for Pakistan for many more decades to come.
Even US is finding it difficult to counter S300 forget about S 400. US has few days ago told that in context of middile east conflict that The have a solution of S 300. This means it is even difficult for US. S 400 with the missile of 7 mach speed can down anything upto F22. It is very difficult to penetrate by highly advance countries with lots of collateral damage. It may not be invincible for US but it is certainly invincible for Pakistan for many more decades to come.

And you know everything about Pakistan what they have and what they can get or do to counter that threat, right?

Please don't tell Pakistanis what they have and can get / do, Indian members here are always trying to teach Pakistanis about Pakistan while they don't know little about it.
And you know everything about Pakistan what they have and what they can get or do to counter that threat, right?

Please don't tell Pakistanis what they have and can get / do, Indian members here are always trying to teach Pakistanis about Pakistan while they don't know little about it.

The discussion can be done on information available in public domain. You guys have always a very a very high opinion about your weapon and forces. They were very badly pitted against India in all past 4 wars. What alien technology you have as per your secret sources. Pl explain. Zaid hamid says that Allah’s soldiers came to fight with Indian army with open swords ridding on Horses. There is no remedy of someone who want to believe in a source which they can not give reference. You may believe in whatever you feel convenient. That is not a matter. If you have any reference to prove your point you are well come. Every time giving reference to some secret devine power to protect Pakistan and prove the point is a totally useless and BS idea. you always do that. It doesn't prove anything.
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This deal is worth of pak defence budget :agree::partay:
And you know everything about Pakistan what they have and what they can get or do to counter that threat, right?

Please don't tell Pakistanis what they have and can get / do, Indian members here are always trying to teach Pakistanis about Pakistan while they don't know little about it.

Ofcourse we do not know so many things like revalation of Zaid hamid. You have exclusive right on it.
Without going into the utter hilarity of YOU calling others trolls, how was it trolling? The only two cases a war can start is

  1. Another terrorist attack by Pakistani terrorism factory on Indian soil, warranting a response
  2. Another military misadventure by Pakistan like Kargil, Operation Gibraltar etc
Once Pakistan desists from the above two, they have effectively countered all Indian weapons, Triumf included.

Drama queen:disagree:

1-Indian regime is so innocent,they never send spy agents like black tiger or Sarbajjet singh,lol
2-Indians are so innocent,victim of Pakistanis,they don't know who did operation seven sisters or Operation deep strike,might be some martians from monga monga country of mars, disguised as Indians did that b/c their watch dog is so scared of supa powa India,:sick:
3-The list is long,google more cinnamon bunny:confused:

4-Hum nahi kehtay,Indians khud kehtay hain:

Ex Indian Spy Documents RAW's Successes in Pakistan

Are Pakistan's allegations against RAW mere conspiracy theories? Are all of Pakistan's problems today entirely of its own making? Is RAW just a dis-interested spectator of thegrisly drama being played out in Pakistan?

Let's try and answer these questions by looking at the history of the Indian spy agency and its successes claimed by retired Indian intelligence officer RK Yadav in his 2014 book "Mission R&AW". Although the book cites some of RAW's actions in China (Tibet), Sikkim (annexation) and Sri Lanka (creation and support of LTTE), most of it is devoted to Indian agents' accomplishments in destabilizing and disintegrating Pakistan.
Yadav's Book:
Here are some of the key Pakistan-related excerpts from Yadav's book:
On Pakhtunistan Page 21:
" Wali Khan (son of Abdul Ghaffar Khan aka Bacha Khan) wanted moral, political and other support from Mrs. Indira Gandhi. R.N. Kao sent hs deputy Sankaran Nair to negotiate as the Indian representative. Since Pakistan embassy was keeping watch on the movements of Wali Khan, the rendezvous was shifted to Sweden where Nair and another R&AW man of Indian mission I.S. Hassanwalia met Wali Khan. Subsequently all sorts of support was given to Wali Khan by the Indian Government till 1977 when Indira Gandhi lost election". On Agartala Conspiracy Page 197:
"In view of the disclosures of S.K. Nair, it is evidently true that Mujib was implicated in the Agartala Conspiracy case at the instance of Pakistan Government. However, it is also true that other accused in this case were certainly agents of Intelligence Bureau (IB) in India"
On Fokker Hijacking in Srinagar Page 227:There was an agent of R&AW-Hashim Qureshi in Srinagar.......R&AW persuaded Hashim Qureshi to work for them.....After the plan was given final shape, on January 30, 1971, Hashim Qureshi along with another operative Ashraf Qureshi, his relative, was allowed to hijack a Fokker Friendship plane Ganga of Indian Airlines with 26 passengers on board, to take the plane to Lahore airport. R&AW allowed him to carry a grenade and a toy pistol inside the plane. Pakisani authorities at Lahore airport allowed the plane to land when they were informed that it had been hijacked by National Liberation Front activist militants of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. All India Radio soon made broadcast of this hijacking and the whole world was informed that the Pakistan Government was behind this hijacking...The incident overtly gave India the right opportunity which was planned by R.N. Kao, to cancel the flights of Pakistan over its territory which hampered the plans of Yahya Khan to send its troops by air to curb the political movement of Mujib in East Pakistan. On Mukti Bahini Page 231:
Since the Indian Army was not prepared and well-equipped for an immediate army action at that point (March 1971), it was planned to raise and train a guerrilla outfit of the Bengali refugees of East Pakistan by R&AW which would harass the Pakistan Army till the Indian Army would be ready for the final assault to the liberation of East Pakistan. She (Indira Gandhi) then asked R.N. Kao, Chief of R&AW, to prepare all possible grounds for the army for its final assault when the clearance from General Maneckshaw was received for its readiness for the war.
On 3 RAW created Forces (Mujeeb Bahini, Special Frontier Force (SFF) and Kader Bahini Page 242:
"..He (Kader Siddiqui aka Tiger Siddiqui) was the main operative of R&AW in the most vital areas of strategic operation around Dacca... Kader Bahini played havoc with the communication system of the army (Pakistani), ambushed enemy columns, blew up supply and ammunition dumps and assaulted a number of enemy convoys.....all these three guerrilla outfits created by R&AW with the help of BSF and the (Indian) army proved a vital force .. "
Obviously, the author is silent on India's current activities against Pakistan, particularly its covert war being waged from Afghanistan through its agents who have infiltrated Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA).
Ajit Doval Speech:
For clues as to what Indian spooks are up to now, let's watch the video of a 2013 speech by Ajit Doval delivered before he was appointed by Indian Prime Minister Modi as his National Security Advisor (NSA). Here are a few snippets from Doval's lecture at Sastra University in Tamil Nadu:
"How do we tackle Pakistan? .. You make it difficult for them (Pakistan) to manage their internal security... Pakistan's vulnerability is many many times higher than India's....Taliban have beheaded 23 of their (Pakistani) soldiers...funding can be countered by giving more funds...more than one-and-a-half times the funding they have available and they'll be yours..the Taliban are mercenaries...go for more of a covert thing"

Pakistan's Narrative:
Is India responsible for all that is wrong with Pakistan today? Obviously not; however, its spies are promoting and exploiting the ethnic, regional, religious and sectarian fault lines that exist in Pakistan. RAW is instigating and thriving on the chaos gripping the Islamic Republic.
Pakistan's response to its problems of growing violence has to be comprehensive; it needs to deal with both internal and external causes.
It has to develop and promote a powerful counter narrative to appeal to misguided young men who are drawn to the militants making references to the Quran and the Hadith as part of their call to violence. The counter narrative has to explain the basics; it has to be based on the Quranic verses proclaiming Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) as Rehmat ul lil Alameen (Blessing to the worlds); it has to explain Misaq e Madina, the constitution of the first real Islamic State established by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Madina.
"This is a document from Muhammad the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), governing relations between the Believers i.e. Muslims of Quraysh and Yathrib and those who followed them and worked hard with them. They form one nation -- Ummah."
It clearly says that all citizens of "Yathrib" (ancient name of Madina), regardless of their tribe or religion, are part of one nation--"Ummah". So the word "Ummah" here does not exclude non-Muslims.
Further into the "Misaq" document, it says: "No Jew will be wronged for being a Jew. The enemies of the Jews who follow us will not be helped. If anyone attacks anyone who is a party to this Pact the other must come to his help."
The Misaq assures equal protection to all citizens of Madina, including non-Muslim tribes which agreed to it. The contents of Misaq-e-Madina, Islam's first constitution approved by Prophet Mohammad 1400 years ago, appear to have inspired Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah vision of Pakistan where people of all religions and nationalities live in harmony with equal rights and protections under the law.
Counter-Intelligence Ops, Afghanistan:
Internal efforts alone will not succeed; Pakistan also has to mount a serious counter-intelligence challenge to blunt RAW's efforts to destabilize and disintegrate Pakistan. Pakistan has to try and stabilize Afghanistan to deny India what former US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel described as "India's second front against Pakistan".
Advice to India:
The best and most sane advice that can be offered India now is to think of the consequences of its actions in destabilizing its neighbor; particularly the fact that it s a large nuclear-armed country with a population approaching 200 million. India may find some short-term satisfaction by inflicting huge damage to its neighbor. But what if it leads to Pakistan becoming a REALLY failed state triggering a massive refugee problem along India's long border? What if the India-funded groups like TTP and BLA actually succeed in defeating the Pakistani military? What would that do to India? What if it triggers an unintended devastating nuclear war? I hope saner minds will prevail in New Delhi to prevent a major human catastrophe in South Asia.
Grow up man,grow up!
Nobody is victim here.

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