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possible plaaf inventory in 2025. please tell me the aircrafts which can be

The point is not about buying alone but maintaining it. The US uses its weapons with its alliance in NATO by invading around the world. China on the other hand has neither an alliance nor a war economy; it has a manufacturing economy similar to Korea, Taiwan and Japan which relies on production and sale of commercial products rather than just military hardware.

There's a stark contrast between the two countries.

You cannot apply the big economy-big air force logic just blindly.

Oh and our PAKFA plans have been slashed to 144 units.

144 * 4 still makes 600 5th generation fighters - Chinese economy 4 times as large as India

Also since China will be producing all this itself rather than having buy from abroad, let us add another 200 fighters which makes 800 - cheaper to make it yourself and not paying a profit margin
to your supplier.
Here is my prediction:

300 J-20
500 J-31
500 J-10B
1000 SU-27/30/J-11/J-15/J-16.
50 unknown stealth bomber - range enough to strike US from Chinese mainland

All the older fighters like J-8 and J-7 would have been retired. J-10A's would have been upgraded to
J-10B standard

This force would be by far the most powerful on the Asian continent.

PLAAF wants around 300 J-20's. The J-21/J-31 is for export and naval for the PLAN, PLAAF would be made up of 4th and 5th generation aircraft's.
china is producing so many jets like j 10 j10b j11 j11b j16 j xx j31 j20 i am confused are they mad why so many different jets then i thought may be different companies giving options to plaaf shenyang or chengdu. SO WHICH JETS WILL BE INVENTORY OF PLAAF IN 2025 AND HOW MUCH WHO GOONA WIN SHENYANG OR CHENGDU OR BOTH COMPANIES JETS WILL BE PROCURE.

J-10,J-10B, J-11, J-11B, J-20 for Air superiority, J-15 carrier based version of the J-11. J-16 is Multirole and J-31 is Multirole and Naval I mentioned this in my previous post.
144 * 4 still makes 600 5th generation fighters - Chinese economy 4 times as large as India

Also since China will be producing all this itself rather than having buy from abroad, let us add another 200 fighters which makes 800 - cheaper to make it yourself and not paying a profit margin
to your supplier.

There is no direct correlation(proportionality Quotient is not 1) between economy & number of fighter jets {China having 4 times India's GDP has 2.5 times Air force numerical strength}

Moreover any jet needs around 8-10 years to get fully developed after first prototype
I guess JXX will mature at-least after 2022
Are you kidding 800 5th Gen planes

Realistic figure would be
200 5th Gen Fighters)

300 J-20 figure is realistic, since iaf has an order of 214 pak-fa/fgfa
Again 800 is realistic figure since 2400 F-35s are on order for USAF-US Navy/Marines/Army Aviation

Apart from that 13 Years is a long time you'll all need to wait if you people make it to 2025.

The 2400 F35 are for usa & export customers as well and spread over 2 decades... ie 2015-2035

America 5th gen development is ten years ahead of china,s

I suspect that by 2025 PLAAF will no more than 200 fifth gen fighters ie 50./50 split between J20/J31

I think FC20 /J10 will peak at around 400 by 2020 BY WHICH time PLAAF will build 5th gen only

That leaves about 500 flankers/j11 COMBINED

And around 300 mix of JF7/J8 AND other combined...

For the record it took PLAAF 7 years to induct 200 j10 as a example
The 2400 F35 are for usa & export customers as well and spread over 2 decades... ie 2015-2035

You are wrong, 2400-2443 F-35s are the requirement of USAF-Army Aviation-USN/Marines.

There is no fix time the last squadrons could enter 2037-2039.
REGARDLESS luftwaffe i think you can see that comparing USA fifth gen fighter prgrammes with CHINA,s is not fair on china or a good comparison

USA fighter production capability is multile times greater.

CHINA & russia ARE BETTER compared relatively i think
REGARDLESS luftwaffe i think you can see that comparing USA fifth gen fighter prgrammes with CHINA,s is not fair on china or a good comparison. USA fighter production capability is multile times greater.

You cannot compare russians to China; russians have for the past 25 Years only upgraded and produced limited number of Aircrafts compared to China for their own inventory [I am not counting exports].

How can you say US production capabilities are multiple times greater did you not read F-35 and exports delays. Go figure out it would take 27 Years to deliver 2443 F-35s to USAF-Army Aviaiton-USN/Marines. And I believe there are going to be cuts in the numbers perhaps 2000 would be the final numbers.

China has the capabilities and when needed the factories can be installed for greater number of product roll out the problem is not manufacturing the problem is great deal of time is spent testing them its not like aircraft rolls out of factory and next day flying regularly. As usual you are into number count BS, growup already.
There is no direct correlation(proportionality Quotient is not 1) between economy & number of fighter jets {China having 4 times India's GDP has 2.5 times Air force numerical strength}

Moreover any jet needs around 8-10 years to get fully developed after first prototype
I guess JXX will mature at-least after 2022

You don't need to tell me that as I am well aware.

The J-20/J-31 will be produced in a hi-lo combo. This means 3-4 J-31 may be produced for each J-20.

300 J-20 seems like a reasonable estimate and 500 J-31s by 2025 is also reasonable as this will be both a cheaper fighter and the Chinese would need a large quantity for their future Naval force as well as PLAAF. Masses of a fighter like J-31 will be replacing the J-10/J-11 on a one-for-one basis. J-20 will be produced in relatively small quantities as it will be too expensive otherwise.

Now, what part of by far the most powerful air-force in the whole of Asia has got some Indians riled here?

China is aiming to match the USA and does not really care for the likes of Russia/Japan/India at all.
all i can see to CHINAS is good luck trying to match the USA.

Remember the USA had AESA equipped F22 fifth fighters in 2005

CHINA will be doing well to have a AESA equipped J20 by 2020...

China is miles a head of INDIA i agree BUT i doubt they are ahead of RUSSIA or indeed Japan.

Remember RUSSIA builds TVC engines for FUN and the Japense have their OWN AESA radars and wil build a FIFTH gen fighter of their own.

CHINA CAN MAUFACTURE quanity but lacks SOME cutting edge technology AS YET. ESP engines and radars
You don't need to tell me that as I am well aware.

The J-20/J-31 will be produced in a hi-lo combo. This means 3-4 J-31 may be produced for each J-20.

300 J-20 seems like a reasonable estimate and 500 J-31s by 2025 is also reasonable as this will be both a cheaper fighter and the Chinese would need a large quantity for their future Naval force as well as PLAAF. Masses of a fighter like J-31 will be replacing the J-10/J-11 on a one-for-one basis. J-20 will be produced in relatively small quantities as it will be too expensive otherwise.

Now, what part of by far the most powerful air-force in the whole of Asia has got some Indians riled here?

China is aiming to match the USA and does not really care for the likes of Russia/Japan/India at all.

Well now the PLAAF is not interested in the J21/J31 if it is successful in exporting that might change, the PLAAF would use it to replace the J-10 and J-11.

all i can see to CHINAS is good luck trying to match the USA.

Remember the USA had AESA equipped F22 fifth fighters in 2005

CHINA will be doing well to have a AESA equipped J20 by 2020...

China is miles a head of INDIA i agree BUT i doubt they are ahead of RUSSIA or indeed Japan.

Remember RUSSIA builds TVC engines for FUN and the Japense have their OWN AESA radars and wil build a FIFTH gen fighter of their own.

CHINA CAN MAUFACTURE quanity but lacks SOME cutting edge technology AS YET. ESP engines and radars

USA and Russia are ahead of China, so more funding in R&D and Military to try and close the gap between China and Russia. main point of weakness is in Engines which by 2015-2018 should be solved, testing on the WS-15 engines have been going well.
Well now the PLAAF is not interested in the J21/J31 if it is successful in exporting that might change, the PLAAF would use it to replace the J-10 and J-11.

USA and Russia are ahead of China, so more funding in R&D and Military to try and close the gap between China and Russia. main point of weakness is in Engines which by 2015-2018 should be solved, testing on the WS-15 engines have been going well.

It is the idea of a relatively low-cost stealth fighter, rather than the J-31 per-se that is the argument.

China would need a stealth fighter that it can build up to 1000 units or more within it's budget.
Aggressive aliens including greys, reptilians knows attacking earth will invite strong reply from ashtar galactic federation, Arcturians, annunakis etc etc.... But they knows that they can still bring hell on earth by making humans vs humans by a device named as negative frequency beam.... This negative frequency beam is so powerful that it can take over humans brain and can make them trigger nuclear attack.... War been faught since universe was created.... Dark vs light.... Am afraid and sorry to say that war will be faught in future and it will be nuclear war.... It happened 3 times in last 10 million years.... Recent one was 5000 years ago when atlantis empire attacked rama empire of india.... It brought hell on earth. Naturals disasters, disease were killing people in millions and than rama empire's lord krishna nuked our own rajasthan city to stop the disease to spreading into whole asia.... Atlantis empire was destroyed by nuclear attack from rama empire and the sattelite moon brought by Enlil to sink atlantis empire.... War will be fought soon and its been already told by pleiadians that 3 president of top countries will die in this nuclear war and billions of people will die.... Remaining will be shifted to pleiadians mothership and when earth gets radiation free we will be shifted back to earth.... No one can stop the war. Its better we start preparing. We should concentrate on defence largely....
all i can see to CHINAS is good luck trying to match the USA.

Remember the USA had AESA equipped F22 fifth fighters in 2005

CHINA will be doing well to have a AESA equipped J20 by 2020...

China is miles a head of INDIA i agree BUT i doubt they are ahead of RUSSIA or indeed Japan.

Remember RUSSIA builds TVC engines for FUN and the Japense have their OWN AESA radars and wil build a FIFTH gen fighter of their own.

CHINA CAN MAUFACTURE quanity but lacks SOME cutting edge technology AS YET. ESP engines and radars

if you wanna put i that way.

in 1990 the US was flying the Yf-22 china was making the j-7
in 2020 the US will be flying the f-35 and china will be flying the j-20/possible j-31 as well
luck is not needed just continued progress

all the important parts of all japanese planes comes from the US so yes china is and will remain ahead of japan. their f-3 is a paper project even then its engines and other parts are to be american where as all new planes in china are powered with the chinese parts and j-10A aside, chinese engines

China has also been playing with TVC at least since the 90s and been playing with aesa since the 70s, though aesa for fighters is much more recent. heck there are reports that chinese aesa t/r modules are cheaper/better than russian ones though the yield rates have not yet reached american levels

lacking some cutting edge? absolutely but there is a large amount of money along with a large numbers of engineers being thrown at the problem area and its showing success as one can see the gap narrowing already. as for manufacturing capabilities, only the US can perhaps match china in an all out race(though of course at this point the US products will be better)
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