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Poor people should not be allowed to give birth

better solutions - rich should adopt poor kids...
and let the poor free for an orgy. govt will provide food and shelter.:no:
man i'd love to be poor when this happens.:disagree:

well bye guys.
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They are simply not aware of their actions , they need education about birth control , "Govts can step in and help by providing contaceptives to the poor " look closer and notice that it seems they have given up! They need serious help not bashing

Yes, I do agree with you in thiss regard. But over population must be first accepted as a problem not just like some people think it is a good given right of the individuals to mess this world up by bringing unlimited number of children in this world. Education and change of culture is the key for success. There need to be a complete package to tackle this problem, one or 2 measures on their own cant be helpful.
better solutions - rich should adopt poor kids...

How many should they adopt? and do you think it is fair that we produce kids irresponsibly and keep a eye on the others to adopt? and do the parents of those kids allow their kids to go to somebody else? if they had a brain they never had those number of kids in the first place.
If we wait for everyone to get educated it will be too late. Then there will be famine ala african style and nature will take care of the balance. Now how many people would like to see that?

The right mindset. Delaying problems will not help. If population reaches a level that is simply unmanageable then every government will not hesitate to use draconian measures. Then you will lose more than just the right to have children, and this sets a bad momentum. When people's existence and quality of life are threatened by others, everyone's rights and existential value decreases.

Population growth is not only about today, it is about future. what will happen in the next a hundred years?200 years, 500, 1000? the gobe will explode. this uncontrollable population growth is a receipe for disaster and a base future wars and world wars, nations and people fighting and killing each other over very limited resources..
Personally, I think "Poor people should not be allowed to give birth" should be replaced with "Poor people should not be advocated to have one baby" , People, whether are the rich or the poor, have rights to carry on their generations.
exams are over :yahoo: :partay:

Personally, I think "Poor people should not be allowed to give birth" should be replaced with "Poor people should not be advocated to have one baby" , People, whether are the rich or the poor, have rights to carry on their generations.

so what you are saying is that every one has the right to ruin the life of atleast one human being.:coffee:.
As far i'm concerned, i must say india's poverty is the sole contribution of high birthrate seen among poor ppl compared to the lower middle class and up ,negating and burdening all developmental activities.

And the same population is said to be the driving force behind booming economy.

So i would say this is very silly idea to deny the right of birth to poor.

Though population growth indeed adds to some poverty but blaming the poverty squarly on population growth is also wrong.
No one has the right to decide or interfere one's personal and religious matter. This is what i hate most about China.
No one has the right to decide or interfere one's personal and religious matter. This is what i hate most about China.

It is not about interfering, but about being responsible. Gov has to set some rules and regulations even if it clashes with our private life. Population growth is not a personal matter, it is something that can affect the life of every single person. Regarding religion, yes, nobody has the right to interfere with your belief as long as you dont harm or insult the others.
And the same population is said to be the driving force behind booming economy.

So i would say this is very silly idea to deny the right of birth to poor.

Though population growth indeed adds to some poverty but blaming the poverty squarly on population growth is also wrong.

jana i truly agree that every one has the right to have a child but i am talking about the poor who can't provide food,shelter,education to a single child but still goes on having many childrens.:blink:

the idea might seem silly but first look at the picture

and now tell me (just think about the child) what concerns you more The well being of the child or his Fathers rights.:undecided:
jana i truly agree that every one has the right to have a child but i am talking about the poor who can't provide food,shelter,education to a single child but still goes on having many childrens.:blink:

the idea might seem silly but first look at the picture

and now tell me (just think about the child) what concerns you more The well being of the child or his Fathers rights.:undecided:

And why they are poor?

I have seen people with No Child even are poorer.

Now whom you will blam for that poverty?

Population does have some affect or role in adding to poverty BUT mostly

1. Its the Govt's policies

2. lack of farsighted projects

3. nepotims.

4. lack of or non-existence of saftey nets for poor.

5. Political victimisation and granting development on the basis of political affiliations
Poor shouldn't be denied their rights but should be educated. Special programs should be started wherein after a single child if they get their fallopian tubes tied, they would get paid like somewhere around 2000 or so.

Poor people would be happy when they get paid. Also their right to carry on their generation won't be denied.
why is it that everytime we talk of poor he is thought of as some sort of angel in need while on the other hand rich is considered cynical.:coffee:

And why they are poor?

I have seen people with No Child even are poorer.

Now whom you will blam for that poverty?

Population does have some affect or role in adding to poverty BUT mostly

1. Its the Govt's policies

2. lack of farsighted projects

3. nepotims.

4. lack of or non-existence of saftey nets for poor.

5. Political victimisation and granting development on the basis of political affiliations

since you talk of govermant policies ...

imagine a country with a population=12
you are the governer (working hrs =10 a day)
2 citizens are hard working and rich(W H=16)
7 citizens are in middle class (WH= 8)
i and my wife are the poor ones.(WH=0)
we dont care about the system dont want education.
the best u could do is provide us proper food,shelter by increasing taxes.
now what if i have a child and i treat him like a stray dog.
i guess you will still manage it:agree:.but what if i go on having 10 children.:coffee:.
which one of the 5 reasons that you pointed above would be apt for me being poor.

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The problem is only State Policy
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