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Poor people should not be allowed to give birth

Instead of trying to ban people giving birth, concentrate and discuss about the ways to give the due rights to these poor people by the respective govts.

Banning child birth or limiting it is not a solution to this issue, nor is the right way.

Right way is that govts should make sure its people get their basic living rights and have the basic necessity of life and encourage family planning through public awareness and facilitating the people who are interested in family planning.

And the state in which these poor people are is not their fault, its the fault of the people which we elect and who govern us. They have the power and resources to change these poor peoples lives.
well the kind of population explosion that we have seen..we do need some fascism coming into play...if given a wide enough time frame...I'd definitely go for the democratic education of the entire populace to curb the high birth rate...but that doesnt seem to happen at a good rate...
the state must draw the line...
Reach a minimum threshold income and then go for a child.
I think to control the uncontrolable birth, the governments need to have a complete package. I think in china they have already put some measures that people cant have more than one kid, and if they have then the gov wont have any responsibility for it. education, more welfare and help for the needy families. look at the countries how much they spend on their military, they can spend some of for social welfare. something needs to be done about it, limited resources, broken economies, wars, poverty, illetracy etc are all linked to over population. we have got more than 2.5 billion people just in china and india. what's gona happen to this world and specially to this region in the next 100 years if crazy type over population is not contrroled?
There should be a upper cap on the number of children an woman can give birth to irrespective of financial status.

IMO,three children should be the maximum limit.No womnn should be allowed to give birth to more child if she already has three children of her own.

That way we can control poverty born out of poverty .
its a natural cycle buddy we are no one to allow or restrict life , this is how it is on our end , these people need help and suport from those who can
Why should poor people not be allowed to give birth?......well there poor and they wont be able to provide for there famlies.

Why wont they be able to provide for there famlies?....there poor thats why.

Why are they poor?.....there poor becauce the rich have the money.


One rich child probably takes up the same resources as a whole family of poor people.
its a natural cycle buddy we are no one to allow or restrict life , this is how it is on our end , these people need help and suport from those who can

it is not about restricting and controling people's lives, it is about the whole society. responsible pareting is a huge burden. If those guys who are so fond of having unlimited number of children are not made aware of their responsibilities then their bad effects will affect everybody. it is easy to become a father, but being a proper and good father is very difficult. some people bring children in this world, once they are at around 3-4, they let them go on the streets to terrorize the locals, and such kids are more likely to be bad adults in the future. considering all these facts, why shouldnt someone have one or 2 kids only?
it is not about restricting and controling people's lives, it is about the whole society. irresponsible pareting is a huge burden. If those guys who are so fond of having unlimited number of children are not made aware of their responsibilities then their bad effects will affect everybody. it is easy to become a father, but being a proper and good father is very difficult. some people bring children in this world, once they are at around 3-4, they let go on the streets to terrorize the locals, and such kids are more likely to be bad adults in the future. considering all these facts, why shouldnt someone have one or 2 kids only?

Rather have a few poor people terrorize the the streets then have a few rich people terrorize the world.....Bush-Blair-Bin Ladin ect.
Why should poor people not be allowed to give birth?......well there poor and they wont be able to provide for there famlies.

Why wont they be able to provide for there famlies?....there poor thats why.

Why are they poor?.....there poor becauce the rich have the money.


One rich child probably takes up the same resources as a whole family of poor people.

I agree with you about social injustices, and over population will double the risk of these injustices. Not all rich/moderately rich/middle class/etc people have made their wealth through illegal means, they might have had good brains and by using it they became rich, they might be good doctors, engineers, mechanics and many other things-we dont know. scondly, it has been the case(mostly) that the poor have alot more kids than the rich not the other way around.
Rather have a few poor people terrorize the the streets then have a few rich people terrorize the world.....Bush-Blair-Bin Ladin ect.

If we dont follow blair, bush, laden, mullah omar etc then they are just a bunch of individuals. we also should take responsibility for what is happening.

And again, as long as the world is heading to over population, the rsources will seem alot smaller than they are now. the result will be more wars between the nations,death, misary etc.
But no matter poor or rich,the population should be controlled,the Resources(house,land,water,food,fuel,Medical,Education etc) are limited,we can't give birth a baby and let the baby die in next minute.
Not all rich/moderately rich/middle class/etc people have made their wealth through illegal means, they might have had good brains and by using it they became rich, they might be good doctors, engineers, mechanics and many other things-we dont know.

The same way we dont know how some became poor.....could have a businessman who went bankrupt......or a family that has been robbed ect.

scondly, it has been the case(mostly) that the poor have alot more kids than the rich not the other way around.

Does not matter.......how are the resources of the nation divided amongst its people that is what is important.
Give a certain section of poor people the same amount of access to education and health and i am sure with in a few decades they wont be poor.Making them have no children does not solve the problem.
The problem is with the word "allowed".

You can promote the awareness and hope that people are sensible enough to understand that they have to match their finances with the number of children they produce.

That goes for not just poor, but middle class people as well.

Well said! Education of family planning is the key. It is the state's fault that they are unable to progress at a decent rate to provide opportunities and education to all. Fascism won't work, at least in India.
it is not about restricting and controling people's lives, it is about the whole society. responsible pareting is a huge burden. If those guys who are so fond of having unlimited number of children are not made aware of their responsibilities then their bad effects will affect everybody. it is easy to become a father, but being a proper and good father is very difficult. some people bring children in this world, once they are at around 3-4, they let them go on the streets to terrorize the locals, and such kids are more likely to be bad adults in the future. considering all these facts, why shouldnt someone have one or 2 kids only?

you are saying in other words that the society wants control over these births as they want the poors to not to bring up more than a kid , if more they are most likely to become a bad adult and trouble the society !! i see a conflict of interest as bigger question is who is actually the society is it compromsied of middle clas and poors or is it just a indivisual group. i
in almost every post in this thread everyone seems to care about the rights of poor man but very few are concerned about the child whose whole life is at stake guys we are talking about another human being a different individual different personality.and we are not talking about some materialistic needs like a skateboard or psp :eek:but basic needs i.e. food and shelter
every one looks at the goverment to solve the issue and by that sense even mentally challenged people have the right to have kids and our goverment should look at their upbringing.:no:

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