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Poll: Turkey's possible future union

In which union do you want Turkey in ?

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I listened to an interview of Davutoglu talking about what Turkey's orientation is. He says Turkey is focusing on all directions. On EU, Muslim world and Turkic world.

If we look at EU progress, it is not going well and even if we dance like a tamed bear we won't get access.

Muslim world. I regret to say it but we failed there too. Egypt coup was huge blowback for Erdogan. We lost our biggest ally to military dictators. We can forget hegemon in middle-east without Egypt. If we look at remaining muslim countries. Also in huge term oil.

What remains? The turkic world. A continent of stability, trust, mutual interest in energy, military and politics.

I think Turkey should still have multi polar foreign policy but I think it became clear where our priorities should be.
Hm, well, say what you will, but when travelling from ME, you get the sense you are going towards Europe for the first time when you are somewhere in western Turkey. From architecture to people....

Now with that said, this membership process can never be resolved until there's such a strongman in power in Turkey, who coopts opposition with fixed trials, suppresses media, etc etc...We probably all know what i'm talking about, i won't go into much detail here....
A comical scenario would be, EU with Turkey tries to school North Korea on human rights, and Kim's press service reminds EU that it's member is 2nd in the world in arrested journalists.

Another aspect is countries Turkey borders with. It would be all hell to try to make those borders be in such a shape that when you arrive on Turkey-Greece border you just drive through, ie Schengen type agreement. Although, that border with Iran might come in handy.

I know you all focus on "Turkey too big, too strong for EU", but that has a chance of happening in 20-30 years, while above reasons are the from here and now.
u along with them can go to hell we dont want be ummah with isis and your other dudes !

all turkic country where ex soviets coutries they learn for generation that the god does not exist they are total secular we are secular i don't think we get any problem with them but with these people ! NEVER

You can clearly state your opinion with civilised manner... @Kaan , please buddy, try as hard as you can to delete such disgusting posts
There will never be so called ummah unity and Turkic union wll not occur as long as russia is around

A unity/confederation between KRG and Turkey is more possible than a Turik union or Muslim union " pipe dreams"
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I voted no Union. Because:

- a nation joins a Union to be a part of a bigger entity, for economic benefit and for collective security
- Turkey's inclusion in NATO provides it with collective security
- Turkey's inclusion in NATO also provides it with opportunity for close economic relations with NATO nations and NATO partners

So even without EU membership Turkey can use the NATO membership as a basic foundation for its foreign relations and build from that base. NATO is a powerful alliance of many highly developed nations and NATO partners also include many developed nations:
NATO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the time being, Turkey should not pursue other goals with any other groups, that may harm its relations with NATO and NATO-partner nations. Rather Turkey should remain a loyal NATO nation and work to further the geopolitical interests of NATO member nations.

Having said that, future can open up new possibilities, but one should cross a bridge when one comes to it.
I voted no Union. Because:

- a nation joins a Union to be a part of a bigger entity, for economic benefit and for collective security
- Turkey's inclusion in NATO provides it with collective security
- Turkey's inclusion in NATO also provides it with opportunity for close economic relations with NATO nations and NATO partners

So even without EU membership Turkey can use the NATO membership as a basic foundation for its foreign relations and build from that base. NATO is a powerful alliance of many highly developed nations and NATO partners also include many developed nations:
NATO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the time being, Turkey should not pursue other goals with any other groups, that may harm its relations with NATO and NATO-partner nations. Rather Turkey should remain a loyal NATO nation and work to further the geopolitical interests of NATO member nations.

Having said that, future can open up new possibilities, but one should cross a bridge when one comes to it.
Turkey doesnt have a great relationship with NATO. IMHO Turkey gives more than it takes from NATO. Turkey needed nato membership against the Soviets, which served western nations more than Turkey, and since that threat is gone, nato is nothing but just a term on paper for Turkey, though the exp and nato standards are certainly a bonus to the Turkish army and military industry. I dont expect western countries to back up Turkey once the situation is just not worth for these western countries due their historical experience with Turks. I might be wrong, but it's again our fellow nato members who were cold about doing ToT with Turkey in the past while even non-nato members (even China) did ToT with Turkey. I think Turkey's role in nato can only be 'healthy' as long as Turkey acts in rule with the interest of certain western nations. Once Turkey will pursue its own interests more and more and be more assertive (as it should be), its relationship with certain western nations, which tried and try to bully Turkey in the past and present, will decrease to a certain degree automatically. Unfortunately, i think Turkey should stay in nato for the next few decades, hope for the best and wait till its economy and military has grown to a more serious level.

I wonder what other Turkish members are thinking about Nato.
@rmi5 @atatwolf @asena_great @Sinan @Kaan @xenon54 @Oublious @T-123456 @xxxKULxxx @Combat-Master @cabatli_53 and others.
Turkey doesnt have a great relationship with NATO. IMHO Turkey gives more than it takes from NATO. Turkey needed nato membership against the Soviets, which served western nations more than Turkey, and since that threat is gone, nato is nothing but just a term on paper for Turkey, though the exp and nato standards are certainly a bonus to the Turkish army and military industry. I dont expect western countries to back up Turkey once the situation is just not worth for these western countries due their historical experience with Turks. I might be wrong, but it's again our fellow nato members who were cold about doing ToT with Turkey in the past while even non-nato members (even China) did ToT with Turkey. I think Turkey's role in nato can only be 'healthy' as long as Turkey acts in rule with the interest of certain western nations. Once Turkey will pursue its own interests more and more and be more assertive (as it should be), its relationship with certain western nations, which tried and try to bully Turkey in the past and present, will decrease to a certain degree automatically. Unfortunately, i think Turkey should stay in nato for the next few decades, hope for the best and wait till its economy and military has grown to a more serious level.

I wonder what other Turkish members are thinking about Nato.
@rmi5 @atatwolf @asena_great @Sinan @Kaan @xenon54 @Oublious @T-123456 @xxxKULxxx @Combat-Master @cabatli_53 and others.
Our relation to Nato was not always good but i think beeing a Nato members is one of the best things happened to our state since its creation, i think Nato was useful for us to built up a modern Army, and building a strong relation to Europe which is where half of Turkish exports goes.
Turkey without Nato would look much more different, i mean in a negative way.

We may did more for Nato than other way around but Turkey never had a war since its membership so there was nothing much to do, but who knows what will happen in the future.
1974 embargo from NATO countries was a real slap to the face. Turkey had to uphold it's NATO responsibilities and keep US and NATO bases in Turkey open through the embargo years, a lot of equipment was out of service and no spares available. Practically crippling Turkey's defense.

Joining NATO prevented Turkey from industrializing in key areas, Aerospace and Defense. Thankfully these areas are being worked on Today.

If a union is required, I would hope it is a Union based on Technology, Science and Innovation. That is how we go forward, not backward based on religion, language or ethnicity.

New world order :D
We should stay in NATO,however ''bad'' its still better then all other possibilities.

If a union is required, I would hope it is a Union based on Technology, Science and Innovation. That is how we go forward, not backward based on religion, language or ethnicity.
I agree!
Turkey doesnt have a great relationship with NATO. IMHO Turkey gives more than it takes from NATO. Turkey needed nato membership against the Soviets, which served western nations more than Turkey, and since that threat is gone, nato is nothing but just a term on paper for Turkey, though the exp and nato standards are certainly a bonus to the Turkish army and military industry. I dont expect western countries to back up Turkey once the situation is just not worth for these western countries due their historical experience with Turks. I might be wrong, but it's again our fellow nato members who were cold about doing ToT with Turkey in the past while even non-nato members (even China) did ToT with Turkey. I think Turkey's role in nato can only be 'healthy' as long as Turkey acts in rule with the interest of certain western nations. Once Turkey will pursue its own interests more and more and be more assertive (as it should be), its relationship with certain western nations, which tried and try to bully Turkey in the past and present, will decrease to a certain degree automatically. Unfortunately, i think Turkey should stay in nato for the next few decades, hope for the best and wait till its economy and military has grown to a more serious level.
I wonder what other Turkish members are thinking about Nato.

No need to evaluate the importance of NATO much. We should stay in NATO but NATO isn't exactly an union.

@MarkusS I'm curious about your vote too. I know you don't want Turkey in EU then in which union would you like to see Turkey in ?

Definition of the abbreviations are in the first post.
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Turkey doesnt have a great relationship with NATO. IMHO Turkey gives more than it takes from NATO. Turkey needed nato membership against the Soviets, which served western nations more than Turkey, and since that threat is gone, nato is nothing but just a term on paper for Turkey, though the exp and nato standards are certainly a bonus to the Turkish army and military industry. I dont expect western countries to back up Turkey once the situation is just not worth for these western countries due their historical experience with Turks. I might be wrong, but it's again our fellow nato members who were cold about doing ToT with Turkey in the past while even non-nato members (even China) did ToT with Turkey. I think Turkey's role in nato can only be 'healthy' as long as Turkey acts in rule with the interest of certain western nations. Once Turkey will pursue its own interests more and more and be more assertive (as it should be), its relationship with certain western nations, which tried and try to bully Turkey in the past and present, will decrease to a certain degree automatically. Unfortunately, i think Turkey should stay in nato for the next few decades, hope for the best and wait till its economy and military has grown to a more serious level.

I wonder what other Turkish members are thinking about Nato.
@rmi5 @atatwolf @asena_great @Sinan @Kaan @xenon54 @Oublious @T-123456 @xxxKULxxx @Combat-Master @cabatli_53 and others.
After ww2 , Stalin demanded several provinces from Turkey to cede to Soviet Union. There was great threat to Europe and Turkey and I think joining NATO saved our *** and saved us from not loosing millions of soldiers and / or land.

Nowadays there is no Soviet threat but I think being in NATO still has its advantages. obviously we are still protecting Europe's flank and we are getting benefits in return.

It is better to be part of the winning club instead of the loosers club. Also lets be realistic we have no political, economic and military independence to kick NATO bases out of Turkey. It would cause major escalation of tentions between US and Turkey.
Latest statics of the Turkish users . Total votes 39

EU: 4 votes %10
(Hyperion, Mertkaan, Neptune, Asena_Y)

Ummah: 6 votes %6
(AKINCI, [TR]Ahmet, tesla, xxxKULxxx, Casus Belli, Kaan)

Turan: 16 votes %41
(LegionnairE, MrTopal27, atatwolf, Ahiska, Azeri440, Sinan, u.MP,Baykuş, Islamic Faith&Secularism, xenon54, rmi5, usernameless, telkon, Timur, Asena_Great)

SCO: 0 %0

No Union: 13 votes %33
(Combat-Master, BronzePlaque,damm1t, Quasar, madmusti, Targon, hacksquat, T-123456, olcayto, anatolia, Corleone, Wave, Charon 2)
Turkic Union or no union. I don't see the point of others. Should we have good economic ties with the EU and some Islamic countries? Of course, but turkey should not get carried away.

That being said turkey is heading towards a union. However this union is going to be within turkey's current borders; AKP is slowing going to unfold their future federal system plans . A Federal turkey is waiting for us in the quite near future unfortunately.
I would love to see a union of Turkey, Iran, Azerbaycan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. These ten Nations could become a federation or an Economic Block.

These Ten Nations form one Contiguous mass having a Population close to 500 million People giving us a huge domestic market so that we could produce products at cheap prices making us a an " Export Engine ".

In terms of Defense we would be invincible as we will have the financial resources and Technology.

The only thing that prevents this dream is our divisiveness. If we overcome our divisiveness in our overall interest , we would become invincible.
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Yeap and he can slap who opposes him in the face. :)

I wonder what would happen to him and his people if/when they would lose the next elections?
Only slap in the face?

I would love to see a union of Turkey, Iran, Azerbaycan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. These ten Nations could become a federation or an Economic Block.

These Ten Nations form one Contiguous mass having a Population close to 500 million People giving us a huge domestic market so that we could produce products at cheap prices making us a an " Export Engine ".

In terms of Defense we would be invincible as we will have the finacial resources and Technology.

The only thing that prevents this dream is our divisiveness. If we overcome our divisiveness in our overall interest , we would become invincible.
Possible with the Iranian Mullahs in charge you think?
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