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Poll Shows India is Israel’s Best Friend; Russians Like Us Too

Oh God :rofl:

It's like saying China will attack Pakistan
They will eventually occupy Pakistan and make it a protectorate or an autonomous region of China like what they have done to Tibet! You see, they have already positioned 11,000 PLA troops in Pakistan Administered Kashmir and trying to establish bases in FATA etc.

And surprisingly Pakistan is turning a blind eye to this assault on its sovereignty. A small American presence on Pakistani soil raises their hackles, but then, China is a different ball game altogether! Deeper than the oceans, higher than.....Oh well, you get the point!

most in the Indian establishment recognize the fact the India and Israel share common problems and we have mutual respect for each other . hence the co operation .
as for the public in India we see Israel a country which has stood against the odds . a country which has developed fast and is a friend to us and helped us in kargil .
its but natural that we like them . :)
To be honest, most Indians don't give two hoots about distant countries we dont have any issues with. Hence 'positive' opinion on most countries. Its only on internet forums I see some overly pro-Israel Indians. We are more of business partners than anything else.
Actually the thing is that, we Indians have mastered the art of survival.

Be neither overly friendly nor overly hostile to anyone and we'll be just fine.

Like they say in Hindi, "Na Kahu Se Dosti, Na Kahu Se Bair".

We are a pretty self-contained people.

We are pretty ok as long as we're not roughed up.

This is basic survival instinct in the animal kingdom.

Even a dog wouldn't bite you if you don't mess with it.

We've simply mastered the art of survival. We haven't survived for thousands of years for nothing.

"Na Kahu Se Dosti, Na Kahu Se Bair". I think that I have seen this poem in the movie" Slumdog Millionaire"
what does it mean exactly?
To be honest, most Indians don't give two hoots about distant countries we dont have any issues with. Hence 'positive' opinion on most countries. Its only on internet forums I see some overly pro-Israel Indians. We are more of business partners than anything else.

Maybe common Indians do not give a hoot about distant countries including Israel but for many other Indians, when they think about Israel, two things comes to mind.

1. How Israel helped India with some precision bombs which was crucial in turning Kargil war in India's favor.
2. Israel's approach in fighting terrorism especially how they went after the terrorists post-Munich massacre and the Entebbe incident.

The above 2 points brings in a special respect and liking for Israel. The second point especially as India had been in similar situations - Mumbai massacre and Indian Airlines Hijacking in 1999. When the terrorists who are responsible for Mumbai massacre are conducting rallies and providing warnings, many Indians seethe in anger at India's inability to take on these terrorists and long for our govt to see Israel as a role model.
To be honest, most Indians don't give two hoots about distant countries we dont have any issues with. Hence 'positive' opinion on most countries. Its only on internet forums I see some overly pro-Israel Indians. We are more of business partners than anything else.

Many Indians I know of have high respect for Israel for how they tackled terrorism and how they progressed under a hostile environment. Sadly not many don't know about Israeli help in Kargil.
there was another survey from PEW released a few months back and it showed favorable ratings of Americans towards Israelis at around 70, just below India & France.

But anyways these polls are irrelevant, if you want to know the true sentiment of Indians towards Israelis, I suggest one visit India, from Ajmer-E-Sharif durgah to Nizamuddin, or any state of India, I can assure you the public sentiment would roughly be 70% or more favorable.

Acctually, no Israelis are known to be worst tourists in India. It is general opinion that they are highly unfriendly to Indian culture nad population
"Na Kahu Se Dosti, Na Kahu Se Bair". I think that I have seen this poem in the movie" Slumdog Millionaire"
what does it mean exactly?

its "Kahi" i think...good to see you are trying to learn our language.. :tup:
Acctually, no Israelis are known to be worst tourists in India. It is general opinion that they are highly unfriendly to Indian culture nad population

yes, Israeli backpackers are thought to be rude and arrogant and a "nuisance" but I wasn't talking about them. My post directs to Indian's view of Israel and its citizens, not the tourists to India.
"Na Kahu Se Dosti, Na Kahu Se Bair". I think that I have seen this poem in the movie" Slumdog Millionaire"
what does it mean exactly?

It simply means 'not to be friend of anyone and not to be enemy of anyone'
The reason is simple: Israel provides India with the greatest access to Western military technology with the least strings attached.
Both commits genocide , one in Kashmir and another in palestine and so both are friends naturally. Most Indias adore the israelis
for their efficient massacre of innocent muslims and genocidal methods and want to learn from them about how to commit
ethnic cleansing.
"Na Kahu Se Dosti, Na Kahu Se Bair". I think that I have seen this poem in the movie" Slumdog Millionaire"
what does it mean exactly?

Its saying which more or less means neither friendship with anyone,nor conflict.Basically tells to avoid overt grand gestures and let circumstances take their course to decide who may be freind and who enemy.
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