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POLL on MQM website. 64.7% want ALTAF hussain to leave politics lol

You are so right.

This is what I tell to my family members (if they listen),

that Mohajirs have every thing to gain and nothing to lose by shedding this mota don Altaf and even MQM.

The reason is simple.

Mohajirs are the leaders in education in Karachi and Hyderabad.
Mohajirs are sitting at the New York of Pakistan aka biggest port.
Mohajirs dominate (or can dominate in few years) banking, insurance, and manufacturing industries.

If there is peace in Karachi, Mohajir community will be the biggest beneficiary.

Mohajir sons and daughters will have the best future compared to any ethnicity in the country.


unfortunately many Mohajir seniors cannot let go of the ethnic/class warfare mentality that used to be so common in the ancestral homeland aka Bihar.

What MQM is doing in Karachi is only slightly different from what Lallu Parsad and Rabri devi used to do in Bihar.
What MQM is doing in Karachi is only slightly different from the Runbeer Sena and other militant thugs used to in Bihar.

But even Bihar has moved on, and so should Mohajirs.

And one of the easiest way to do is to say bye bye to ethnic chauvinism and this kala mota chor bhata khor Altaf.

sorry if any Altafite gets hurt with these words.

but my heart cries when I see so many mohajirs suffering all due to ethnic fascists like Altaf.

Thank you.

I am glad that there are others that share my views. There is still hope for the Nationalist cause perhaps :smile:
When more people from this ethnic group will start thinking and wondering what they are doing then perhaps things can change. Pakistan is ultimately what should really matter.

These ethnic identities should have actually disappeared into the background and should have become inconsequential like tribes have become inconsequential in Saudi Arabia with many not even knowing which they belong to... but in Pakistan they lead us to new records of idiocy. Early on I used to argue with Indians non-stop... but how can you do it when we aren't united within?

You talked about the Biharis... I must say most of them suffered a sad state as stateless Pakistanis when East Pakistan broke and no one seems to care about them anymore. Its sad what they are going through. Earlier I aggressively fought for their rights and claimed MQM did well to allow some of them to come to their homeland. The issue is not the Biharis... this is the overall mindset. When Lucknowi's who had a huge, huge role in the Muslim League (Lucknow was its birthplace) have fallen victim to ethno-fascism how do you expect other groups to relent.

In either case its in our interests if highly educated people from hyderabad (Indian Hyderabad) wish to come to Pakistan and become naturalized citizens (Consider themselves Pakistani not Indian). Similarly despite my severe dislike for Afghans the refugees should be given a chance to integrate. We can't blame them for creating traitors. Its just those sitting in the west that are an issue. We have to stop being grouchy in this regard... Ayub Khan closed the borders before all Muslims had shifted. Some planned to shift later by the time their brothers built a strong position in newly formed Pakistan. Even we moved a little later... almost no one had moved in 47 or 48. I have often stood up for this, our family having been a bit of a straggler in the moving process.

Anyway Muhajirs are by far to blame for what has been happening in Karachi. We just cannot give up on Altaf despite knowing what a terror-chief Altaf is. No matter faced with what kind of proof including a speech calling the blood of our forefathers a mistake (he called partition a mistake!) the jingoism and the self-victimization doesn't end.

Since childhood I have been hearing abuse upon abuse against various races, and some of the most racist stuff you can think about. My frustration has been such even though our family history is really rich I actually tried to escape Muhajir identity...

This has made me a refugee in my own country, my government and army cannot come to accept my nationalism, my urdu speaking community considers me a freak who goes around in a Pakol, followers of Bacha Khan refuse to accept me as a Pashtun and not a single race in Pakistan accepts my sacrifices for ethnic unity, still spending their time bashing others and not looking at the way they vote. Many condemning the MQM here will at the end of the day vote the same PMLN and PPP frauds in.

In the day I fight with Altaf supporters... at night with Pashtun ultra-nationalists and at night I go to sleep a little depressed... and I know I will die serving my country.

@haviZsultan @faujiHistorian : Nothing wrong with the Mohajirs having an 'exclusive' identity of their own ! They are Urdu speakers who bring with them some of the unique cultural practices of UP, Bihar, Gujrat etc. & they should be accommodated in the larger Pakistani Culture which is an amalgamation & an overlapping of different Pakistani cultural & linguistic identities each with their own respective space to express themselves.

Disagree. We were supposed to integrate. We turned ourselves into a separate community and trampled on Jinnah's grave. Fine Jinnah referred to us as Muhajirs but where did he say we were a separate community? In fact he said we would integrate eventually in a speech. Everything suggests it was a temporary label until we settled and eventually we would merge (wonder how a retard like Syed Jamaluddin, friend of Altaf can even talk about a separate Muhajir nation-that also named Jinnahpur :lol:) Jinnah said this in a speech where he said that instead of an ethnic identity a Pakistani identity would appear.

The ideal situation would be that we became "Pakistani" and these ethnic identities disappeared in the background, but even if we couldn't do that, why the hell exacerbate ethnic tensions? Why become a separate ethnic group? Do all my fellow Muhajirs have is wet farts about "they don't want us to integrate and call us derogatory terms like Indian?" Have we tried to integrate? Whats wrong with learning Sindhi? A little struggle for unity doesn't hurt. And we made it worse... we made the MQM and ethnic tensions exploded from there. Coincidence? For 20-30 years now we are oppressing every other community and even have a separate law for Karachi.

The other races shouldn't be having to make sacrifices for Muhajirs. You know sometimes Sindhi Nationalists complain they opened their houses to us and instead we took over and threw them out... they are so godamn right. I apologize to @A.Rafay and others for this on behalf of my stupid community.

I will adopt Pashtun identity regardless. I love them as a community that is strong, patriotic and I strongly want to protest how so-called Muhajirs behaved after 1947 and also want to protest against MQM's efforts to turn communities into enemies, Pashtuns being the primary ones.

Even in the Punjab, which is perhaps the most ethnically & linguistically diverse province of Pakistan with a history of excellent harmonious co-existence between different ethnicities & linguistic groups, the Urdu speakers have their own uniqueness to them that hasn't been embellished by the dominant culture or language of the Punjabis. This is partly so because Punjab & Punjabis aren't the kind that shove their language or culture down another's throat but also because the Urdu speakers & other ethno-lignustic groups have seamlessly integrated & interwoven themselves into the local communities without loosing themselves in a linguistic or cultural sense.

The urdu speakers you probably met are from Karachi who have settled in Lahore, Pindi, Sialkot or other cities though I admit there may be some who have for some reason maintained a separate identity. Majority of those who shifted to Punjab integrated as Punjabis because of the larger Punjabi population and inter-mixing. As I stated having a population that crowded and eventually dwarfed the Sindhi population in Karachi became an issue as lack of interaction with local culture did not allow them to meld.

Punjabis don't know Punjabi themselves and it is slowly disappearing. 1947 was a romantic time... a time I would have liked to have lived in... to even have died but just seen Hazrat Jinnah. There was a woman in 40's/50's. Punjabi. She used to beat her children if they spoke Punjabi and demanded they speak urdu... so much was Jinnah revered at that time we were throwing the identity of our ethnic group in the kachra... though the purpose of Urdu as the national language was not this, rather it was supposed to be neutral like Persian used by the Mughals running on the assumption that my stupid community would integrate. Instead of pulling up the Punjabis did this or that card each time we should look at ourselves. Most liberal Punjabis I have met severely criticize themselves anyway like I criticize MQM mentality.

I believe efforts must be made in regard to maintaining Punjabi language. But racists like Luffy and W.11 may use it to score browny points. Punjabis have sacrificed their language.

Our qualms with the MQM has nothing to do with them being a predominantly Urdu speaking party or anything like it; its them engaging in all the sh*t that they do & then playing the victim card whereby they project themselves as the poor Mohajir who migrated for Pakistan & is unwelcome in the Pakistan they fought & died for ! Thats what puts us off ! Baaat kiyaaa keee theee aur kheeench kar kidhaar lei gaii...this incessant injection of ethnicity & the sacrifices of the past whenever they are cornered or called out for the things they do, is what irks us to no end ! We fought for Pakistan too...West Pakistan got closer to 5 million refugees with 1.5 million settling in Karachi, Hyderabad & the adjoining areas whereas closer to 3-3.5 million settled in the Punjab - Hummm toouu 24/7 nahinn jataaa raheiii hoteiii kehh that our people too were butchered & our women too were defiled !

You are not racist like your friend who spends his time insulting other ethnic groups, peoples backgrounds, people who live in another nation and Jinnah and I appreciate that. But you will naturally say that to boost ethnic unity which I also appreciate because it is a huge issue in our land. I on the other hand am by birth a Muhajir albeit a nonchalant one who has been forced to adopt that identity as I was born with it. Links don't disappear in one night and they are everywhere, my relatives constantly reminding me of them. I will reserve my right to criticize them and express my extreme frustration with them.

You can't do that without being labelled anti-muhajir by MQM supporters. I can because they run off like squirrels instead of facing me, proving this is by far an ethno-fascist movement not a political party. You would have noticed I never comment heavily on concerns about Pashtuns despite all I told you. I will always be a kind of outsider even if a lot of people accept me as a Pashtun including close friends... and many would doubt my motives too because I have always failed to disengage myself from politics, its always been in me from birth. It frustrates me sometimes... knowing i might never fit in... but I will continue to call myself Pashtun not just because I love Pashtuns... but because I want to prove a point, give a Nationalist statement.

And thats compounded further by the incessant allegations that go to the tune of 'Punjab Khaaa giyaa' aur 'Hum kamaa kaar deteiii hain 70% revenue Pakistan kooo' ! Any fool with a half-working brain could see the 'bhoook' & 'nang' on the outskirts of Lahore never mind the rest of Punjab & anyone fool could look at the break up of the tax revenue by FBR to know the truth about those figures ! Hummm touu nahin keh raheiii hoteiii how we neither kill Baloch, nor Pashtuns, nor Urdu Speakers or anyone else just because they are 'they' & we're 'We' nor do we say that we're the ones who order all of them goods that Karachi earns most of the duty from ! That irks us even more. And the insinuation by Altaf & Co. on blaming the Punjabi for everything from the broken sewage line down the street to Kargil, '65, '71 etc. just does it for us !

I am sorry. I hear these allegations almost constantly. Punjabis are my brothers and I would be ready to die for them as i would for Rafay and Astanosh, as I would for any other of the 200 races in Pakistan. I am a Pakistani first second and last. For it is my life. I wish I would host a nationalist party and defence.pk could be used as a platform for it... but things ain't well for people like me in this shitty world. ;)

So I think we should learn to separate Urdu-speakers from MQM because over the past 1-2 decades that distinction has been blurred due to continued election victories of MQM in Karachi through whatever means & the ardent support that some Urdu speakers from Karachi show to it !

Self-gratification is a form of making one feel superior which the urdu-speakers often feel keen to use to make their role in making Pakistan seem humongous and that of other communities miniscule thus justifying their right to have an "alag" political party. Its actually chest-thumping being done by a gorilla with low IQ similar to that of a person you know... :) but the line blurs quite easily between gorilla's and humans where ethno-fascists exist.

I will not comment upon this further, my point having been made.
Whereas the Karachiwallas should learn to be a bit more gentle on the rest of us !

True. I think racism from every quarter needs to go to hell. We should will win people with love and respect though for me given my political and nationalist nature it turns out to be a difficult job. Perhaps I can tell them that ethnic identity is not a constant, it is fluid, by changing mine to Pashtun... tell them not to take these too seriously as Pakistan is what really matters in the end. Perhaps it is possible to win with love and respect.

Though by love and respect we often mean to say killers cuddling with killers as we do when we use words like #aman and #bhaichara. #PPPMQMalliance.

Yours is the most educated community & the most prosperous one by large...that doesn't mean that the rest of us are bunch of neanderthals running amok in dhootiss as the extra-baggage weighing the progress of Pakistan down due to our inabilities !

I think its more important particularly for the Punjabis and Muhajirs to make sacrifices for the rest, particularly the Muhajirs. It is true Muhajirs as they want to call themselves have the highest GDP per capita in Pakistan compared to any community as preliminary reports from H&H research prove. There is no denying this. The richest and most educated community is the one that makes sacrifices... not insult others 24/7 and try to take Karachi Tony Versetti-style.
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@haviZsultan : Your views are remarkably in agreement with my own ! Where the foOk were you for so long that we never talked before ? :blink:

And about the 'Hazrat Jinnah' bit - Loved it to bits & I parallel that 100% ! :tup:
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I am glad that there are others that share my views. There is still hope for the Nationalist cause perhaps :smile:
When more people from this ethnic group will start thinking and wondering what they are doing then perhaps things can change. Pakistan is ultimately what should really matter.



Bravo, Bravo, Bravo.

Man this is what they call "pouring your heart out".

It made me cry perhaps with some sadness, but a lot more with pride of having a nationalist like you. Bravo.

Nothings can be said beyond what you have already stated so eloquently.

there is hope my friend. there is hope.

peace to you, and peace to all.

Happy and prosperous 2013
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