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What are the Top three Motivation Factors for a voter in Pakistan

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May 24, 2009
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Marketing activities designed to influence about political issues, particular candidates for public office, or public issues and mind set of general public, politically called voters. Although political marketing uses many of the same techniques that other forms of marketing do, it is actually used to promote a concept or an idea, rather than a specific product or service, and to motivate people to vote for that idea.


Generally all type of marketing activities is focused on self-interest, but that in politics is focused on the common good and public interest. Political marketing is beneficial for both, the leaders and voters. Political marketing is an effective key to success, by practicing specific marketing techniques we can build public image of specific leader. The scope of Political marketing is not narrow, to increase number of voters, it also includes to make new and existing voters more loyal to their party and leaders.

I offer My services for Political Marketing and Consulting in Pakistan. i Guarantee for success in election for a party or a person. Political Consulting must be started at least two years before election to get good results. if you are a party leader or a Political personality and or a association, and if you want to get political consultation just contact me and i will do the rest. Political Marketing Services to design election campaigns for political Parties and leaders. :cheers:
aftabshah is this a service restricted to Malaysia or Pakistan. or global

Political marketing consultancy and services are for Asian countries, We will contract to provide our services for Muslim countries only. My home country is Pakistan and i am from Sialkot city so definitely i can offer better services to Pakistan.

I will want to know who the organisation has helped in the past and I am only enquiring for future purposes.
I don't need names but a rough Idea of how many not who you have worked for how can I determine a service without a known track record.

as i mentioned before that previously i offer my services to few groups in Pakistan and also in Malaysia. :what:

i am developing a new website for political-marketing don net please can you write comments about services offered in my website ?

Marketing activities designed to influence about political issues, particular candidates for public office, or public issues and mind set of general public, politically called voters. Although political marketing uses many of the same techniques that other forms of marketing do, it is actually used to promote a concept or an idea, rather than a specific product or service, and to motivate people to vote for that idea.


Generally all type of marketing activities is focused on self-interest, but that in politics is focused on the common good and public interest. Political marketing is beneficial for both, the leaders and voters. Political marketing is an effective key to success, by practicing specific marketing techniques we can build public image of specific leader. The scope of Political marketing is not narrow, to increase number of voters, it also includes to make new and existing voters more loyal to their party and leaders.

I offer My services for Political Marketing and Consulting in Pakistan. i Guarantee for success in election for a party or a person. Political Consulting must be started at least two years before election to get good results. if you are a party leader or a Political personality and or a association, and if you want to get political consultation just contact me and i will do the rest. Political Marketing Services to design election campaigns for political Parties and leaders. :cheers:

Forcasting About America Future.

I am Economist and Marketing person and also have a bit knowledge of Political Science and psychology. I beleive with moderate confidence that in comming few years America will get poor and in result, because american public in general no have ability to face trouble of poverty compare to other nations so they will show much more impatiance.

America is no more a world power and new world power will be china as we can see that now america itself tends to get help from china, Japan will support china on back to develop more technologies for future needs because this is also best for Japan's interest.


1. America should not try to interfare in other nations matters and should take care "only America and Americans"
2. America should bring back all armed forces from other countries and send them on paid leav for three months.
3. Americans should no more feel proud to be "AMERICANS" but they should feel guilty to be American because most population of world hate Americans.
4. America need to cut official expenditures as much as possible and should invest that money in America.
5. Offer cheap loans to public to get recover from recession.

I will not write my assumptions for this philosphy, but if any body have questions please post your comments here and i will reply in breif.

I don't need names but a rough Idea of how many not who you have worked for how can I determine a service without a known track record.

Scope of Political Marketing

Political Marketing is being used and implemented with different names and different shapes since centuries. In 1950 Political Marketing was defined as a separate subject please sees history of Political Marketing for reference and details.

Still this subject is in developing phase and need to do a lot to formally recognize Political Marketing as separate subject. In my point of view Political Marketing is highly significant in all countries especially in democrat governments and more especially to developed countries. Political Marketing is essential for political parties, leaders, government and as well as for general public. Political Marketing brings stability in political culture of a country that in return brings prosperity in national economy at root and gross level. Without Political Marketing or misuse of Political Marketing it is really intricate to better understand public needs and it is so intricate to create and develop good governance in a society.

To better understand the scope of Political Marketing I would like to quote two examples. 1st for the country where Political Marketing is being implement since many years and in contrast to this the another country where Political culture is not developed yet in parties as well as political leaders are not aware about Political Marketing.

On 1st hand I will like to quote USA. Where we can see very clear that Americans are implementing Political Marketing since many years in America, before elections the candidates create and develop a philosophy for their election campaign. So they are clear about what they are communicating in their dialogue. At all level their philosophy remains same, their goals, mission and objective does not change, audience to audience and place to place.

What ever they communicate for coalition parties or public, in New York or in any other state, the theme of their communication at all level remains same because they are well prepared, we can’t find any contradiction in their speeches, it builds harmony and trust in public. As a result we can see that in America normally election forecasting is done before elections by survey and pools and election result proofs those predictions.

On other hand I would like to quote an example of a developing country where political culture is not as developed yet. We can see that in Pakistan there is political instability, political leaders in Pakistan are not well aware about the importance of Political Marketing due to lack of knowledge. There is no research, no philosophy and no proper developed campaign. One leader is talking and communicating other things compare to other leader of same party, even we can notice very clearly that same leader is communicating in different way with different theme and objective on different occasions and at different territories. Its due to lack of research, lack of proper philosophy and agenda and without preparation of any centralized campaign. As a result public don’t believe their promises and other parties get advantage of their contradictions, however we can see instability, lack of trust inside party and no clear vision.

If we summarize all discussion and keep in mind both examples its clear that without research, developed philosophy and centralized political marketing and election campaign and theme it is impossible to build public trust and harmony at national level. we must give a direction to political activities to get good results for a better future.

For the reason our organization, political marketing services slogan is “VOTE FOR TOMORROW” that describes well all functions of political marketing at all levels, government, political parties, leaders and for public.

Article written by Mr. Aftab Hussain
Political Marketing Services to design election campaigns for political Parties and leaders.

I will stay anonymous so I won't contact you on your website however I hope you the best of success for the future.

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