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Policemen gang-rape 13-year-old girl

may the rapists get executed & get their 'tool' cut with Guillotine

This is what happens when Islamic law is'nt implemented! The rapists get away with the crime, and even if they do go to jail they can easily bail out!

rather than uttering a single word agaisnt the mother fcuking idiots who did this god damningly fcuking act, you have come down to Sharaih Law!!!
at least utter a word against those fcuktards for the goodness sake
Don't know what kinda stone age laws & revelations people want to implement, what about the current laws?
They want the law in which victim must bring four witness,Witness for RAPE!!!!
:disagree: :hitwall:
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The girl is lucky that she is alive as in most of such cases they kill the poor victims after rape. this incident has left a big scar on her which will haunt her for life, so i am hoping that the concerned authorities will try to provide her as much psychological help as possible.
Just read in yesterday's newspaper that after parents get divorced, newly married mother thrown her 18 years old girl out of home, so she started searching her father in city streets. In the meantime watching her roaming here and there, two old people (both are employees of a court) gave her some foods and bring her to their room at night where they tried to rape her. When she started crying loudly students from nearby hostel rescued her. The judge declared the offense as unbailable and the girl's medial checkup going on. But I think what punishment her parents should get?

I advocate there is only one punishment for rape and to remove this cruelty from our society forever.... burn rapists alive. HR go to hell... :angry: :angry: :angry:
Dont let those rapist die with a bullet or a rope..:hitwall: Dont let them die so easily...:hitwall: they should be kept alive to keep torturing them even if they wish for a death than living in this world. Even devil won't admit these 'pundas' in hell.:angry:
To all the indians who are saying that these criminals should be tortured, hanged whats the fuss then when Acc to sharia'h if sentences like behading, lashing are permitted, why so much talk of human rights then?

A drug trafficker will get his head removed by sword in SA... but when it is happened there is a huge cry of HR violation. imagine what the addict can do get his drugs, he will kill, rape ppl. See the history of drug addicts.

So why shouldn't a man be hanged, tortured after he has commited the crime, why not stop it from the start. by giving severe punishments in the beginning. Which Islamic law does.

I in no way acknowledge the act of these man..i condemn it.
To all the indians who are saying that these criminals should be tortured, hanged whats the fuss then when Acc to sharia'h if sentences like behading, lashing are permitted, why so much talk of human rights then?

A drug trafficker will get his head removed by sword in SA... but when it is happened there is a huge cry of HR violation. imagine what the addict can do get his drugs, he will kill, rape ppl. See the history of drug addicts.

So why shouldn't a man be hanged, tortured after he has commited the crime, why not stop it from the start. by giving severe punishments in the beginning. Which Islamic law does.

I in no way acknowledge the act of these man..i condemn it.
that is some thing to ponder about:undecided::undecided:
Think of how much impact a reformed drug dealer or addict could have on those people who fancy drug dealing or usage:azn::azn:
that is some thing to ponder about:undecided::undecided:
Think of how much impact a reformed drug dealer or addict could have on those people who fancy drug dealing or usage:azn::azn:
Listen to your self man, Reformed Drug Dealers? don't you think its a crapshoot why not Reformed sexual predators like the ones in USA........? I am not of the opinion that Drug dealers or any person who is found with any drug should be beheaded and i strongly oppose Saudis and other states for that matter, but you are not arguing with jonasad on valid terms, as on one hand you want sexual predators to be punished till they die and on the other you are advocating reforms for those who are most of the times contributing factors of such heinous crimes.
that is some thing to ponder about:undecided::undecided:
Think of how much impact a reformed drug dealer or addict could have on those people who fancy drug dealing or usage:azn::azn:

Think of how much impact a dead drug dealer could have on those ppl who fancy drug dealing...

If i am thinking of becoming an Drug dealer i will say ok if i smuggle or do drugs and is caught i will get a chance to get reformed then i will do that agian or w/e... see the damage, even if he has destryoed even single human life its irrecoverable loss of the individual to his family, wife, sons, daughters etc etc

and again if i knew that i will get my head chopped if i am caught then... no way in hell man i'll never sell drugs.. seriously
Thats Human Nature.

the same logic can be applied to a rapist.
the bold part.. the addict do not get death penality.. he/she is given appropriate treatment.
And the raped girl doesn't get punishment either..
So many misconceptions about Islam...
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thats the reason some people still support taliban era ,because of there prompt punishment which create fear among would be criminals from doing some thing wrong.
although there every action can not be approved.
democracy has some of its own drawback ,long court battles if some one rich influential then half his case is already won.
poor people also are unknown of there rights ,also no body cares ,this is where thy are made victim.
Listen to your self man, Reformed Drug Dealers? don't you think its a crapshoot why not Reformed sexual predators like the ones in USA........? I am not of the opinion that Drug dealers or any person who is found with any drug should be beheaded and i strongly oppose Saudis and other states for that matter, but you are not arguing with jonasad on valid terms, as on one hand you want sexual predators to be punished till they die and on the other you are advocating reforms for those who are most of the times contributing factors of such heinous crimes.
I am not saying all criminals can be reformed.
The ones that can be reformed and are willing to accept they are wrong and repent for it should be given a chance to do so they could act as an example of what not to (drug dealing,sexual crimes etc...)
On the other hand those (pleez note) people that are not willing to reform and are a capable and willing to repeat crimes for which they have been arrested should be kept behind bars for life(or until they notice the gravity of their mistakes and reform)
The death penalty should be reserved for only those gravest of grave cases
Raping a thirteen year old girl for 21 days comes under the death plenty's jurisdiction in my view.:cheers:
Think of how much impact a dead drug dealer could have on those ppl who fancy drug dealing...

If i am thinking of becoming an Drug dealer i will say ok if i smuggle or do drugs and is caught i will get a chance to get reformed then i will do that agian or w/e... see the damage, even if he has destryoed even single human life its irrecoverable loss of the individual to his family, wife, sons, daughters etc etc

and again if i knew that i will get my head chopped if i am caught then... no way in hell man i'll never sell drugs.. seriously
Thats Human Nature.

the same logic can be applied to a rapist.
the bold part.. the addict do not get death penality.. he/she is given appropriate treatment.
And the raped girl doesn't get punishment either..
So many misconceptions about Islam...
@ jonasad
post 55#
is a reply to your post also
Sex pests everywhere man. Im all for the death penalty of these animals, and if the courts decide that they are innocent, well then i have no choice but to support any vigilantes that feel as strongly as i do on matters like this.
may they be sent into the taliban occupied areas with american uniforms
This sort of thing would happen when a man turned into sub animal. I do not wish him dead rather cut his genital, arms, legs and then place this sub animal on street corner to beg.

No laws can stop this sort of hellish activity because there are human looking sub animal live among men.
check post number 14# mate

Look, i saw those reports and that is nothing new and we all knew about it. My point is: Can you find anything in the Quran to order punishment of rape victim? If you cant find then you need to stop arguing the same thing over and over again. What the Saudis do i dont care. the taliban also in Afghanistan did the most horrible things and called it Islamic, but in reality that was the Tribal culture of southern folks which theTaliban was forced on the majority of people of Afghanistan. this will be my last post regarding what sharia says about rape. Lets at least focus on the griefe of the victim and strongly condemn the perpetrators.
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