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Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore





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He is destabilizing, this is not the time for this can't you understand this simple logic?

I agree with you...he shouldn't be doing this.

But why has the police acted like so?

Was this action during the TuQ protest?

No it wasn't.

Police came to destroy the barriers outside his home. The barriers were erected according to LHC orders from what I heard.

Now you tell me, doesn't every other lallu panju have a barrier outside his house?
It was Not just Nawaz but every Political party who want negotiations with Taliban including Imran Khan... After that they still carried attacks recent was Karachi after that they agreed to conduct operations against them

I don't really give a damn on what "Im the Dim" advocates because he is also a useless fossil that had the chance to topple this government. Since coming to power 4000 civilians have died within the year, henceforth why did you not punish them...after all they did go against the writ of the state.....spineless gutless fools, is the only answer.
Those barriers were in place since years and were as per LHC order, why Punjab police tried to forcefully remove these barriers without taking any legal actions via court? Sounds fishy.
View attachment 35355
I don't really give a damn on what "Im the Dim" advocates because he is also a useless fossil that had the chance to topple this government. Since coming to power 4000 civilians have died within the year, henceforth why did you not punish them...after all they did go against the writ of the state.....spineless gutless fools, is the only answer.

no one give Danm also what you think... how many people died in Musharaf time how many died in PPP time all you can see is last year people died
Those barriers were in place since years and were as per LHC order, why Punjab police tried to forcefully remove these barriers without taking any legal actions via court? Sounds fishy.

It will sound fishy only to a PTI troll. There is a court order to remove those barriers made in April 2014, It is sad to see that 'enlightened' trolls of PTI are acting like genuine ambulance chasers and trying to point political score ignoring the fact that a policeman in uniform was killed in cold blood by thugs of TuQ.
How do peaceful protesters manage to kill a policeman while injuring scores of others ?

You don't need to have a weapon to kill someone...

Both sides were throwing stones at each other. A stone to the head can suffice.
I agree with you...he shouldn't be doing this.
But why has the police acted like so?
Was this action during the TuQ protest?
No it wasn't.
Police came to destroy the barriers outside his home. The barriers were erected according to LHC orders from what I heard.
Now you tell me, doesn't every other lallu panju have a barrier outside his house?
Thank for agreeing....
Punjab Police does vandalize, i've seen them with my own eyes.... I mentioned it in one of posts but don't you find it weird most of us here are always mad that our authorities are pussies and such don't you find it well.... "good" that at least one of them ain't...
TUQ is here to destabilize the country, he doesn't want democracy rather wants a world where everybody listens to his GOD DAMN rants...
Every lallu panju does not have a private militia that fires at police men, but let's wait and see how it goes, remember IG was changed a few days ago... let the story develop.

It was Not just Nawaz but every Political party who want negotiations with Taliban including Imran Khan... After that they still carried attacks recent was Karachi Airport after that they agreed to conduct operations against them
Key words
That is Waziristan, this is Lahore, their strong hold.... difference! i admit they are selfish.... but their selfishness is positive for all i care. lahore is a developed city as far as Pakistan is concerned, can't say that about other capitals.

Your statement does not make sense....after all the government should enforce its writ of state across the country regardless of the hostile environment. Pakistan is known as sick man of Asia, and you call Lahore a developed city is just laughable.....its crap...dusty and has hardly any tall buildings.
TUQ is here to destabilize the country, he doesn't want democracy rather wants a world where everybody listens to his GOD DAMN rants...

Agreed. I am no fan of TuQ and also hate him to the core. But that doesn't mean that police should do this.

Every lallu panju does not have a private militia that fires at police men, but let's wait and see how it goes, remember IG was changed a few days ago... let the story develop.

Where's the proof that they had weapons? An empty statement by a Pakistani police official is hardly the most authentic of stuff.

And yes, ALOT of people have their private militias that challenge the law.

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