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Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

Security of Major cities should be given to Army ( Total Control ) and they should shoot anyone who tries to disrupt peace at sight , I have had enough of this TUQ & PMLN .

Did you have had enough of PTI, MQM and PPP also or the honor is just for PML(N) and TUQ.
If you see something put by Law Enforcement Agencies for some security measurement? will you go and try to remove those barriers by force?

PAT put a trap against Government, and Police fall for it. Now TuQ will used blackmailing tactics with People of Pakistan and will try to gather sympathy on (so called) brutal regime. Really Pathetic Political Tactis
i agree that barriers should be removed, but the timing is where i disagree,... Reality is 6-7 people died, which puts the current GOV in a very embarrassing position... Police should have shown extreme restrain...
where is lotera Govt where is lotera Govt ?? WTH lotera govt.. they send POLICE and now they will kick few **** police wala and their **** voters said dekha hamnay police waloon ko fire kardiya jinhonay ghalat kyaa... tthis Shit Govt is playing politics ....
Govt has to enforce writ of state, if jokers like TuQ are allowed to instigate the public against an elected govt and are allowed to threaten Parliament and Judiciary in broad daylight then why get shocked when groups like Taliban gain legitimacy and sympathy in public. TuQ is Taliban lite, the only difference being that Taliban are using guns and TuQ expects that by putting a thousand brain dead zombie followers of his on roads he will be able to topple the govt.

I completely support the government on this issue, it would have been wrong if TuQ was heading a political party and agitating which is not the case. TuQ has declared the parliament and judiciary as dysfunctional and now wants to derail the whole system, he doesn't want to get elected to power he wants to vandalize his way to absolute power. Ban PAT and all religious seminaries working under TuQ, make severe legal cases against all important organizational members and start cases against TuQ in Canada.

Its high time that a strict message is given to professional Fitna-gars like TuQ, NO ONE will be allowed to threaten and blackmail the government. Not Taliban and certainly not TuQ.

(My post in another forum)


Here are the 'peaceful' goons of PAT throwing rocks at police because police dared to remove barriers in-front of Qadri's house (at a time when Qadri has taken residency in Canada). Govt must not be blackmailed by thugs like Qadri, its shenanigans like these which at the end result in groups like Taliban who think that they can get away with anything.
TUQ and others like him will always keep having the support if governments will be seen as extension of system of kufr not work on implementation of Shariah and than doing terrorism on state level and thinking people will keep tolerating and by the way I seriously don't like this Qadri but he would have been not much of importance if state had made this stupid dumb move
Did you have had enough of PTI, MQM and PPP also or the honor is just for PML(N) and TUQ.
Currently this is for those who are ruling & those who are trying to rules , no one thinking about the people not TUQ not PMLN or any other politician party for that matter , everybody wants a piece of Pakistan .

TUQ and others like him will always keep having the support if governments will be seen as extension of system of kufr not work on implementation of Shariah and than doing terrorism on state level and thinking people will keep tolerating and by the way I seriously don't like this Qadri but he would have been not much of importance if state had made this stupid dumb move
Enough with this Rant of yours , Want Sharia ? , Implement it on yourself first , Stop supporting who are dragging the nae of Islam , become a Muslim first and then preach others .
Govt has to enforce writ of state, if jokers like TuQ are allowed to instigate the against an elected govt and are allowed to threaten Parliament and Judiciary in broad daylight then why get shocked when groups like Taliban gain legitimacy and sympathy in public. TuQ is Taliban lite, the only difference being that Taliban are using guns and TuQ expects that by putting a thousand brain dead zombie followers of his on roads he will be able to topple the govt.

The Noon League administration will fall like a domino effect, because this is a sign of a dictatorship which has used force to implement their rule of law, by killing the young and the old. The Government under Musharraf was also trying to enforce the writ of state in 2007, however your pathetic leadership was crying quite pathetically at the time, saying that this action was undemocratic.

You call TUQ a Taliban figure, however its your Punjab Police Force which has killed scores of civilians that include women.....does that make you brave....paper tiger. Ganja will suffer a horrible fate, where he will be lynched like a scoundrel and be remembered in history as a dopey stuttering spaz.

The so-called elected government which told the Indian Prime Minister that he does not trust his own Army, did not support his intelligence services when it was attacked by a news agency and has no clue on the war on terror.
Currently this is for those who are ruling & those who are trying to rules , no one thinking about the people not TUQ not PMLN or any other politician party for that matter , everybody wants a piece of Pakistan .

Enough with this Rant of yours , Want Sharia ? , Implement it on yourself first , Stop supporting who are dragging the nae of Islam , become a Muslim first and then preach others .
Sir you want to live in denial your choice write it on your front wall problems will increase not decrease by the actions our state is taking right now you may get relief for some time but not for long
Sir you want to live in denial your choice write it on your front wall problems will increase not decrease by the actions our state is taking right now you may get relief for some time but not for long
Ohh Accha Bhai Jaan Chor , We will take care of the problems ourselves our way , that is what Nations do , we do not hide from them or accept the demands of nut jobs .
The Noon League administration will fall like a domino effect, because this is a sign of a dictatorship which has used force to implement their rule of law, by killing the young and the old. The Government under Musharraf was also trying to enforce the writ of state in 2007, however your pathetic leadership was crying quite pathetically at the time, saying that this action was undemocratic.

You call TUQ a Taliban figure, however its your Punjab Police Force which has killed scores of civilians that include women.....does that make you brave....paper tiger. Ganja will suffer a horrible fate, where he will be lynched like a scoundrel and be remembered in history as a dopey stuttering spaz.

The so-called elected government which told the Indian Prime Minister that he does not trust his own Army, did not support his intelligence services when it was attacked by a news agency and has no clue on the war on terror.

Spare us the empty rhetoric. Any elected govt in power be it PMLN, PPP, PTI or any other party must not let any group of goons blackmail and challenge its writ.

Qadri has been inciting the police to stop obeying the orders of govt, he has been inciting Army to commit a coup, does not believe in parliament or judiciary. Most amusingly demands from provincial and federal govt (PMLN) to give him additional security till the time he overthrows PMLN govt (I mean WTF is there an end to his madness).

Qadri is nothing but a professional fitna-gar, country be damned but he won't stop until he can come to power.

Good going PMLN govt, people have elected you and now you have the responsibility to ensure safety of public. Don't let anyone challenge the writ of state and deal with the miscreants with an iron fist.
Dawn is reporting a death toll of 11 and ongoing clashes. What a sad situation.
I completely support the government on this issue, it would have been wrong if TuQ was heading a political party and agitating which is not the case. TuQ has declared the parliament and judiciary as dysfunctional and now wants to derail the whole system, he doesn't want to get elected to power he wants to vandalize his way to absolute power. Ban PAT and all religious seminaries under TuQ, make severe legal cases against all important organizational members and start cases against TuQ in Canada.

Your Punjab Police Force in the middle of the night attacked TUQ supporters and were forcibly taking their legal defense barriers around their leaders house. Why does Ganja dopey son of a gun have 3000 policemen protecting him in his house? This was even before he became prime minister and had no position in the government as Showbaz Sharif was the CM of Punjab. You can Ban PAT and all its religious seminaries, however all revolutions starts with blood and the Noon League fired the first shots.

Spare us the empty rhetoric. Any elected govt in power be it PMLN, PPP, PTI or any other party must not let any group of goons blackmail and challenge its writ.

You did not answer the question on the difference between Musharraf and Ganja, when clearly they both used force to implement the writ of state. Yes an elected government should not be blackmailed, so what was the fiasco that has occurred with the Taliban in the previous year...why did you negotiate with a bunch of butchering animals who don't even accept the constitution of the State. ....you are full of contradictions, just like that cross eyed dopey retard of a Ganja called Nawaz Sharif.
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Your Punjab Police Force in the middle of the night attacked TUQ supporters and were forcibly taking their legal defense barriers around their leaders house. Why does Ganja dopey son of a gun have 3000 policemen protecting him in his house? This was even before he became prime minister and had no position in the government as Showbaz Sharif was the CM of Punjab. You can Ban PAT and all its religious seminaries, however all revolutions starts with blood and the Noon League fired the first shots.

Public wants democracy not revolution. Precisely why public gave a big FU to Qadri's call to boycott elections and went out to vote in record numbers.

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