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Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

You can be far less biased? Far from reality is more like it when I wasted all this time showing you facts upon facts. The burden of protection lies on the Police which is clearly being reported by Dawn as opening fire on protestors and retaliation came by the protestors stoning.
Read tribune. Police had to retreat numerous times.

I'm less biased because I don't live in Pakistan nor have political sympathies or associations.

pakistani govt should raise the issue with canada. its very much like waging war against a country. Also common people especially his supporters should realize the mistake they are committing.
do you not see the mess already? Raising issue with Canada will make him call his supporters to pick arms. He'll be more aggressive.

This is why MQM is untouched.

Read post #508, how about removal of barriers near sharif brothers Model Town houses.

You need to do research before you blame others, by the way reliable sources say police operation was to kill TUQ's son, thus proven that the blame goes to pml-n and their police not TUQ political party. Don't talk about other's inviting Army when pml-n members are born under the hood of zia-ul-haq.
You need to read posts as well.

MANY times I've said in this thread that just because one has barriers doesn't mean others should have it too.

If I steal bijli, should you too? And when gov't asks you to pay, you pelt rocks and say I don't pay bills so you wouldn't either?

Also killing son? what reliable source is that? No joking, but would like to know.

Why keep bringing past into present? PMLn was created decades ago. It's people opinion who they want to vote. It seems they voted PMLn.

Blame still goes to party workers for not going home when police fired warning shots.

that's sad.

You know, i would love mid term elections... But it's complicated.

Let pmln ruin the country so they never get elected again and people get taste of bad goverence.
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Read tribune. Police had to retreat numerous times.

I'm less biased because I don't live in Pakistan nor have political sympathies or associations.

Firstly. Being an unbiased canadian how can you compare reporting by DAWN with Express Tribune?

Secondly. Show me where on Tribune it is stated that the police were attacked before shots were fired. I gave you exact place and made it all bigger on my post. You could do the same.
who is this Qadri Guy. he is very famous in bangalorean muslims as well. He often visits bangalore. what is his agenda in pakistan since he is a canadian citizen. Sad to see so much bloods spilling on street. @Irfan Baloch @Aeronaut
he is a religious scholar Belonging to Beralvi Sunni school, (he is anti Wahabai/ Salafi funded violence ) he had tried politics in the past but then later on dedicated himself to religious education and has a big following, he in the past held peaceful demonstrations in Islamabad and Lahore etc. he got Canadian citizenship as well and is strong opponent of AL Qaeda and taliban and favors their complete eradication. he made a comprehensive case and held a briefing declaring AL Qaeda un-Islamic.

he has recently declared a war on the current political system where he maintains that a real democracy has no chance because elections are won by a select group of political dynasties who take turn. he was planning to come back to launch a protest against PMLn

Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

bro what i hate about PLMN people .. even whwn they condem it they say it but if and buts .. its like they still are defending PMLN.
they killed protesters .. yet they have the gal to condemn army actions on state terrorist?

where is democracy? Nawaz league doesnt belive in democracy
You need to read posts as well.

MANY times I've said in this thread that just because one has barriers doesn't mean others should have it too.

If I steal bijli, should you too? And when gov't asks you to pay, you pelt rocks and say I don't pay bills so you wouldn't either?

Also killing son? what reliable source is that? No joking, but would like to know.

Why keep bringing past into present? PMLn was created decades ago. It's people opinion who they want to vote. It seems they voted PMLn.

Blame still goes to party workers for not going home when police fired warning shots.

How about you update you knowledge those barriers outside TUQ residence and office were there for Years so it did not bother anyone then why is pml-n bothered now after TUQ decides to come, barriers outside zardari's residence No?. I'm not your servant check it out yourself for media videos, your sleeping wakeup and do your research again if you bothered to investigate and research Elections were rigged hence fraud not that people voted pml-n in masses. But I guess you're blinded by noon league's affection. I would desist from further argument with a person with biased views, lets not remind you of how RCMP treats even an arrested person calling him sir ma'am here you are advocating opposite that state can go brutal like what happened in lahore please do not lie to public how Canada police is they are far educated and even treat arrested persons well.
Seriously, how old are you? You keep asking tjat everyone who disagrees with your idea.

I don't read any news source. I read tribune and dawn, from Pakistan,

And qadri is national leader? He doesn't participate in election! Oh wait, you're from PTI! CONSPIRICY! You know, I'm a national leader too! I took oath to protect Queen, I don't reside in Pakistan, I can't win an election seat and i can have people breaking stuff and attacking police. I'm NATIONAL LEADER.

Read article. Police was stormed and had to retreat many times.

You're done with me because you've lost. You haven't read my artcile, haven't answered my points. You come up with new things instead of answering old points.

Typical army-loving person.

Have fun with your martial law!

You can differ with TuQ's politics and religious stuff. Heck even I hate him and my previous posts on this very forum are proof of it. I am hardcore critic of him. But that doesn't mean I will support any violent act against him.

He's successful or not as a politician is another question, but he has huge following people. Which makes him a political leader. My point was valid that whenever you strom residence of such leader during mid night, who has huge support in public, then be ready to face backlash.

Yes, I am army lover, they are our national heros. But I am not a martial law supporter. Stop calling names and pulling things out of your rear end.

I have read the article you posted, and have answered the questions. It is you who is rejecting facts and smearing things. If you call it victory, then enjoy it. I've no interest in such an argument.
that's sad.

You know, i would love mid term elections... But it's complicated.

Let pmln ruin the country so they never get elected again and people get taste of bad goverence.
like PMLN supporters .. i dnt believe in this logic that PPP was looting and the oppsition was watching and waiting for his term.. now the opposition PPP is watching and PMLN is distroying Pakistan .. this logic works well with PPP and PMLN worker ..I dont buy this .. the government should resign as they clearly used police for the political revenge ... barriers were there was 7 years and they remmeber it 5 days before he is coming back .. police was there is to remove barriers but they marched inside the Minhaj ul Quran and beat people there ... Gollu Butt was distroying and breaking cars so later the police could say that they opened fire as the protesters were distroying public property ..u know that just 2 nights ago special officer was posted in this area by government???

I know deep down u know that it was planned by the government .. but i believe that awaam is still physiological slaves of bhutto family and Nawaz family .. even in sindhi every person knows that what PPP did but they still support and vote for them ...
Most PMLN works are same ..voting for muslim league .. there parents voted for them, u voted them, now ur childern will vote for hamza and nawaz ...
You can differ with TuQ's politics and religious stuff. Heck even I hate him and my previous posts on this very forum are proof of it. I am hardcore critic of him. But that doesn't mean I will support any violent act against him.

He's successful or not as a politician is another question, but he has huge following people. Which makes him a political leader. My point was valid that whenever you strom residence of such leader during mid night, who has huge support in public, then be ready to face backlash.

Yes, I am army lover, they are our national heros. But I am not a martial law supporter. Stop calling names and pulling things out of your rear end.

I have read the article you posted, and have answered the questions. It is you who is rejecting facts and smearing things. If you call it victory, then enjoy it. I've no interest in such an argument.
Oh please. Where is link to 18+ requirment?

And didn't you say you won't be replying to me? cuz, LOL, what you just did?

like PMLN supporters .. i dnt believe in this logic that PPP was looting and the oppsition was watching and waiting for his term.. now the opposition PPP is watching and PMLN is distroying Pakistan .. this logic works well with PPP and PMLN worker ..I dont buy this .. the government should resign as they clearly used police for the political revenge ... barriers were there was 7 years and they remmeber it 5 days before he is coming back .. police was there is to remove barriers but they marched inside the Minhaj ul Quran and beat people there ... Gollu Butt was distroying and breaking cars so later the police could say that they opened fire as the protesters were distroying public property ..u know that just 2 nights ago special officer was posted in this area by government???

I know deep down u know that it was planned by the government .. but i believe that awaam is still physiological slaves of bhutto family and Nawaz family .. even in sindhi every person knows that what PPP did but they still support and vote for them ...
Most PMLN works are same ..voting for muslim league .. there parents voted for them, u voted them, now ur childern will vote for hamza and nawaz ...
I voted no one and I don't know anything deep inside.

All I know is, I used to like PTI, but it's a party of crying. So PMLn is better than PTI. They have metro being built whereas kpk still doing studies.

To be honest, I prefer military rule. And I miss mush.
How about you update you knowledge those barriers outside TUQ residence and office were there for Years so it did not bother anyone then why is pml-n bothered now after TUQ decides to come, barriers outside zardari's residence No?. I'm not your servant check it out yourself for media videos, your sleeping wakeup and do your research again if you bothered to investigate and research Elections were rigged hence fraud not that people voted pml-n in masses. But I guess you're blinded by noon league's affection. I would desist from further argument with a person with biased views, lets not remind you of how RCMP treats even an arrested person calling him sir ma'am here you are advocating opposite that state can go brutal like what happened in lahore please do not lie to public how Canada police is they are far educated and even treat arrested persons well.

What the hell is wrong with you people. If I pin some blame on party workers, I become n leaguer?

I keep getting called PTI or N leaguer. Yet I voted none.
His model town house still have barriers and riwind road palace has a whole road blocked for public.

Posted in post #508 all noon league lovers are mum n hush over it and this wishlive justifies killing despite brief audio visual footage. Guess what just saw rana sana is twisting story now back to TUQ and derailing of democracy what does it have to do with lahore incident I thought it was Gov and their removal of barriers now it's gone to danger to democracy truly pml-n is in panic.
Told you to check forum rules, help yourself. Stop asking others to pamper you.

Just answered you question, guess replying is the only way to do that, no?
Haha, you can write paragraph after paragraph but when it comes to source, you tell me to look it up.

Anyways, I'm done with arguing you kid, help yourself and go read the link I've posted. It has all the proofs and everything explained at one place. Or else, keep posting whatever crap you want. Cheers.

bolded for you
You can differ with TuQ's politics and religious stuff. Heck even I hate him and my previous posts on this very forum are proof of it. I am hardcore critic of him. But that doesn't mean I will support any violent act against him.

He's successful or not as a politician is another question, but he has huge following people. Which makes him a political leader. My point was valid that whenever you strom residence of such leader during mid night, who has huge support in public, then be ready to face backlash.

Yes, I am army lover, they are our national heros. But I am not a martial law supporter. Stop calling names and pulling things out of your rear end.

I have read the article you posted, and have answered the questions. It is you who is rejecting facts and smearing things. If you call it victory, then enjoy it. I've no interest in such an argument.

It doesn't he has already declared:
1. Parliament is dysfunctional (there is no need for elections thus)
2. Judiciary is dysfunctional (There is no need to prove anything in courts thus)
3. Any man who can pull around twenty thousand people on roads gets to become the king.

Groups like Taliban didn't happen overnight. It took decades of Martial Law to hammer down the fact that might is right and one with gun can rule illegally in complete violation of constitution. Military take overs being illegal were a catalyst for violent groups like Taliban. Secondly in absence of a democratic system the segments which felt wronged had no other way but to pick up weapons.

TuQ is the continuation of same mentality, he thinks if he can get thousands of his brain dead zombies on roads he gets the right to rule. He completely ignores the fact that we have many many religious leaders and other fake peers who have the same power to bring people on roads (lets not forget the political parties) and if dharna politics continue Pakistan will come to a standstill with no one able to rule it.

If govt has to allow a Canadian national to mock judiciary and constitution then on what bases are they going to fight against Taliban? TuQ is no political leader he doesn't even believe in politics in his lala-land when he gets his zombies on road occupies parliament and hangs all the judges he will get to rule without any hickups. All of Pakistan will bow down to his genius and Pakistan will enter a new age of prosperity and development. He won't go for elections because first he will need to weed out the corruption - will it take a year or ten years no one knows. What will happen if another Mullah gets his hundred thousand zombies on the road while TuQ is developing Pakistan - no one knows that either.

TuQ is nothing but a Fitna, who is selling himself like a prostitute hoping that GHQ will sponsor him. But then IK is almost doing the same thing and its understandable why PTI trolls are so hurt.
These brainless ganjaas have made container madari somewhat important. At-least Zardari was not that much idiot.

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