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PN's NG Frigate acquisition and Israel's Sa'ar 5/6 Class Corvettes

Thx for detail explanation about frequencies but It is a complicated issue indeed and require a deep expertise. Turkish industry is developing "Arudhra" like similar radars having multi functions on field but The Naval mast solutions are also very similar on Western examples that Turkish institutes are working closely.

Thales I-Mast solution
Aegis Radar solutions

Those two are also working similar S and X band different radar solutions on same mast complex that is used for long and precision target detection & early warning and fire control modes. Selex prefers X band and C band radar on similar naval mast solution. I mean Almost all countries who is willing to develop similar systems, are applying similar concepts to benefit the advantages of different wave lengths, While covering the deficiency of them on non-rotating platforms.

Very similar projects from Aselsan.

S band
Active phased array technology
Around 500km range (up to 700km in accordance with changing the target type)
IFF on board
Early Warning & Fire Control radars
2018-19 (Inventory acceptation)

TEIRS (4 on order)

SEIRS (18 on order planning)

Hi dear
@cabatli_53 I guess TEIRS is the equivalent of our arudra and SEIRS is the equivalent of our ashwini radar system.But since they are still under development a lot of technical details are not fully known.Whereas if you see arudra and ashwini their design got completed by 2014 and now they are undergoing user trials. In india LRDE bangalore is the designing agency that does R&D in AESA radars. THey have more than 30 years of experience with phased arrays-both active and passive.
. .
When German engineers from ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, who are building Israel’s next-generation Sa’ar-6 class missile corvette, showed Israel Navy engineers the first blueprints for the strategically vital vessel, the Israelis realized there was a problem.

The plans outlined a ship based on Germany’s own sea platforms, and was similar in design. Yet Israel must deal with a far more challenging environment, in which Hezbollah is stockpiling radar-guided shore-to-sea missiles that can target the navy, offshore gas drilling rigs in the Mediterranean and strategically vital sites, such as civilian sea ports – just the type of threat the Sa’ar-6 will be designed to counter.

“From our perspective, the designs did not match our requirements, such as the need for a low radar signature,” a source from the navy’s Weapons Department told The Jerusalem Post in recent days. “Our challenge was: How do we now create a platform with a radar signature that suits our needs?” The radar signature issue is not merely technical; it impacts the ability of the navy’s future ships to evade detection and destroy the enemy before being hit themselves.

“Radar signatures dictate the range in which enemy radars, or the radars of other forces that we do not necessarily want detecting us, can see us. The more we decrease the detection, the lower the chances of us being hit,” the officer explained.

Even if detected, a more stealthy vessel stands a much better chance of avoiding radar-guided missiles, after they are fired from the Lebanese or Syrian coastline by Hezbollah mobile launchers.

Hahaha, German K130 design on which these ships are based were intended for Baltic Sea operation, i.e. right under RUssian noses. Stealth is of the essence there too. Hence eg. Sweden's Visby and Norway's Skjold and Nansen. The German K130 was intended to replace all unstealthy FACs of the Bundes Marine. Stealth was incorporated but just one of many design parameters

THere is nothing particularly spectacular about the Saar 6 design in terms of stealth. Certainly nothing the Germans can't or haven't come up with in their recent naval designs. See e.g. MEKO A200, MEKO CSL and F125.



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