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PNS Azmat Class - Fast Attack Missile Craft | Updates & Discussions.

Im not trolling... considering the history and military cooperation between Pak and China .. i doubt China will refuse.

So, you accepting that CHina provided the nuke and missile tech., or sometime a whole readymade bomb to Pak?
So, you accepting that CHina provided the nuke and missile tech., or sometime a whole readymade bomb to Pak?

Funny how you can believe that the Russians would lend its nuclear sub to India and China won't do the same for Pakistan. I guess in your mind, the Sino-Pak relationship is not as solid as Indo-Russian relationship?! I suggest you have your logic checked by a mental health profession.
Funny how you can believe that the Russians would lend its nuclear sub to India and China won't do the same for Pakistan. I guess in your mind, the Sino-Pak relationship is not as solid as Indo-Russian relationship?! I suggest you have your logic checked by a mental health profession.

Russians took 1$ Billion for the lease for a period of 10 years can Pakistan afford the same
Russians took 1$ Billion for the lease for a period of 10 years can Pakistan afford the same
What makes you think the Chinese would charge Pakistan the same price? Unless you are delirious about the nature of Russia's arms' deals with India, and truly believes that the offered price is indicative for an "Alliance". Then you would know China has never, and would never treat Pakistan the same way that Russia handles India.

If the Chinese leadership sees PN having a SSBN/SSN as some thing that would advance Chinese interest in the region (or to promote region stability by evening the odds between Indo-Pakistan military power), than I see no reason why the Chinese wouldn't offer a lease to the PN even free of charge. Since the Chinese is not milking Pakistan for its money nor could it not afford a gifted SSBN like modifying the pretty much retired Type 094.

When was the last time India received a $12 million interest-free military loan from Russia, like the one that China has just offered to Pakistan?
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What makes you think the Chinese would charge Pakistan the same price? Unless you are delirious about the nature of Russia's arms' deals with India, and truly believes that the offered price is indicative for an "Alliance". Then you would know China has never, and would never treat Pakistan the same way that Russia handles India.

If the Chinese leadership sees PN having a SSBN/SSN as some thing that would advance Chinese interest in the region (or to promote region stability by evening the odds between Indo-Pakistan military power), than I see no reason why the Chinese wouldn't offer a lease to the PN even free of charge. Since the Chinese is not milking Pakistan for its money nor could it not afford a gifted SSBN like modifying the pretty much retired Type 094.

When was the last time India received a $12 million interest-free military loan from Russia, like the one that China has just offered to Pakistan?

1st we don't need soft loans or Aids for weapon purchases & yes I know instead of having a relationship status of 'Equals' like Russia & India.You guys have a Aid giver & aid receiver relationship

2nd if you start by giving free nuke subs to our arch rivial what makes you think we will not do the same
1st we don't need soft loans or Aids for weapon purchases & yes I know instead of having a relationship status of 'Equals' like Russia & India.You guys have a Aid giver & aid receiver relationship

2nd if you start by giving free nuke subs to our arch rivial what makes you think we will not do the same

Funny just how much you derailed from your initial argument of "can Pakistan afford the same":crazy: Seems like you finally accepted the fact that Pakistan doesn't have to get pay (or ripped off rather) the same way Indians do.

Secondly, go ahead with giving away your sole Nuclear Sub to some arch rival of China, oh wait, it's not even yet commissioned! :rofl: And...even if India is delirious enough to give away its nuclear sub, which "Arch rival" of China would DARE to accept it? Japan? Well then that would be a serious breach of its post-WWII treaty and making you guys as much a "terrorist state" as Japan. Vietnam? You can then be sure all of its ports would be wiped long before your sub makes it there. Not to mention it would also be a breech of non-proliferation of nuclear arms to a non-nuclear state, making India into a "terrorist state" again.:rofl:

The sole purpose of a Chinese leased SSBN would be to give Pakistan a more robust/comprehensive 2nd strike capability, and would/should only be done so after India has developed its sea-borne 2nd strike capability to ensure regional stability, much like the same way when Pakistan came up with its nuclear deterrence back in the 90s soon after the Indians gained such capability.
Funny how you can believe that the Russians would lend its nuclear sub to India and China won't do the same for Pakistan. I guess in your mind, the Sino-Pak relationship is not as solid as Indo-Russian relationship?! I suggest you have your logic checked by a mental health profession.
Are you idiot or what? In my whole life I didnt seen the biggest idiot then you? You have any obsession problem?

See, the discussion, before jumping to any discussion.
Are you idiot or what? In my whole life I didnt seen the biggest idiot then you? You have any obsession problem?

See, the discussion, before jumping to any discussion.
As a Psy.D, I am fairly certain I am not suffering from any obsession compulsive disorder. You on the other hand, continues to troll in the Pak and BD subsection of the forum with a passion, With your misguided logic and broken In-glish.

Are you idiot or what? In my whole life I didnt seen the biggest idiot then you? You have any obsession problem?

See, the discussion, before jumping to any discussion.

And for the record, I have only responded after seeing your discussion. And I'm not the one who resorted to calling people 'idiots' when I fail to win an argument.
As a Pys.D, I am fairly certain I am not suffering from any obsession compulsive disorder. You on the other hand, continues to troll in the Pak and BD subsection of the forum with a passion, With your misguided logic and broken In-glish.

Are you a moderator? Okey, start whining, and report me to mods.

Thank You.

And for the record, I have only responded after seeing your discussion. And I'm not the one who resorted to calling people 'idiots' when I fail to win an argument.

Seen? Where the hell nuke sub arrived in the discussion ?
Are you a moderator? Okey, start whining, and report me to mods.

Thank You.

Seen? Where the hell nuke sub arrived in the discussion ?
Right when you started you detailed the topic when you started talking about The 'the fire punch' of Indian destroyers and frigates and Pakistan nukes and missile tech.
Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Noman Bashir was the Chief Guest at the launching ceremony of the 1st Fast Attack Craft (Missile) being built for Pakistan Navy here at Xingang Shipyard, Tianjin, China.

He said that the project of Fast Attack Craft (Missile) construction represents a quantum leap, not only in Defence Production in naval Sector of Pakistan, but also will meet the long standing operational requirement of Pakistan Navy for the Fast Attack Crafts.

AZMAT Class Fast Attack Craft (Missile) has a crew of 12 to 14 sailors which is less than half that of similar FAC(M). Each FAC(M) will cost of around $50 million each.

PNS AZMAT is speculated to be a 500-600 ton, 60-meter Fast Attack Craft (Missile) which will be equipped with eight C-802A/CSS-N-8 Saccade anti-ship missiles.

First Fast Attack Craft (Missile) will be called AZMAT FAC(M) and it is scheduled to be delivered to Pakistan Navy Fleet by April 2012. These ships will be known as AZMAT Class FAC(M)s in service with Pakistan Navy.

Chief of Naval Staff said that induction of Missile Crafts will supplement Pakistan Navys warfare capabilties He cherished the hard work put in by China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSOC) and Pakistan Navy team in realizing the construction of the ship in a short time.

Admiral Noman Bashir said, Pak-China relationship is unique and does not draw any parallel in the world. This relationship over the years has matured in all fields, particularly in defence. He said that production of the second Fast Attack Craft (Missile) in Pakistan will also be accomplished with the active help of our Chinese friends.

AZMAT Fast Attack Craft (Missile) is equipped with C802A Surface-to-Surface Anti-Ship Missiles which has a range of 180 kilometers. AZMAT FAC(M) uses latest stealthy features to avoide detection from long ranges. force. Admiral Noman Bashir said that AZMAT FAC(M) is equipped with the high tech weapons and sensors to preform extremely versatile missions.

When China says a ship is launched means is the ship is almost ready. This ship will be handed to Pakistani brothers half years later (April, 2012) as scheduled.




It will surely strengthen Pakistan Navy...
Are these FAC's armored against 7.62 or 0.50 calibers?
For the close-air-defence all Pakistani FAC are equipped with a combination of Mistral and Anza I Missiles, all western Navys are using the same tactic for their FAC (like you can see in the pictures):

View attachment 79783 View attachment 79782 View attachment 79785

That's old school. You need CIWS on both ends, its a must have and fits the space. The old school machine guns are good against the pirate boats. But not against the incoming missiles.
Plus, you need short range SAMS. There is room for that in this baby as well. The short range SAMS will need to be supported by an area denial system, preferably through a couple of destroyers, with backup around one of the Islands in Karachi and then Gawader.
The Pakistani military is in dire need of long range and medium range SAMS that can be produced locally. That at this point should be one of the highest priority. The economy is on track to grow so investments can be discussed now for a 2-3 year down the road JV or local assembly of interceptor missiles, radars kits, etc.

It is derived from the word: "Dehshat gard". A dehshat gard is a terrorist. So the boat is called dehshat meaning: terroroost, or simply a roost that spreads terror. :partay:

Someone from PN explained to me what the word "dehshat" means. It means "Fear of Might" of something. Not exactly the terror you are trying to explain. Then may be I don't know as I speak Urdu and Hindu, but not fluent in it.

It is an assumption based on economics as PN can't afford a large fleet and all will be divided into 3 PN commands if I m not wrong so you can guess the numbers.

These ships locally built with short range SAMS, CIWS and backed up by an aria denial system provide huge force multiplication capability. And in large numbers, can effectively defend and put a threat to anyone trying to venture out, supported by some larger destroyers and a decent fleet of submarines (12-16).

And you are right. PN will have three commands. These three commands will include areas of influence like:
1) International Seas around the trade routes
2) Trade route to Karachi from the Arabian ocean
3) Trade route to Gawader from the Arabian and Indian ocean
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