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PN mini-submarine fleet

Actualy we don need Nuclear power subs.these are bands of sound.Which is easily got noticed n got killed.We only need very quite subs which can stay under water for longer times & wait enemy to come close n get killed.:butcher::guns:

Pakistan should make small size stealth Drone subs to kill Enemy ships n subs.
Dear nuke subs are very silent these days and they dont need to surface as normal submarine and they can carry tactical nukes our enemy has nuke subs .

They can dive upto 600 feet or more some subs 800 feet latest russian sub can go 1000 feet

Normal submarine only dive upto 500 feet

If sub dive 600 fett or more no sonar can detect it even P 8

And nuke subs can give pakistan third stike capabilty which will bring more fear in enemy heart

Pakistan is only nuke country dont have nuke subs
Actualy we don need Nuclear power subs.these are bands of sound.Which is easily got noticed n got killed.We only need very quite subs which can stay under water for longer times & wait enemy to come close n get killed.:butcher::guns:

Pakistan should make small size stealth Drone subs to kill Enemy ships n subs.

Have you realized you are replying to almost 8 year old post?
anyways, Nuclear sub will eat up entire budget of PN and PN is already in possess of acquiring Chinese AIP subs.

These submarines were built in Pakistan under the supervision of the Italian company Cosmos. They are built to an enlarged SX 756 design and have replaced the older SX 404 design submarines, which have now been retired.

These submarines can transport up to eight swimmers on raiding or reconnaissance missions, or perform other tasks in shallow waters such as mining. Armament consists of two torpedo tubes that can be loaded with SUT type torpedoes, up to eight limpet type mines can be carried in place of the torpedoes, or a pair of two-man underwater swimmer chariots.

Sensors only include a pair of Pilkingtom CK 39 periscopes.

These subs are believed to have an endurance of 20 days.

Three of these submarines were purchased in 1988. One was lost in 1995, but has been replaced. All are active.

COSMOS Shipbuilders, Livorno

MG 110 Midget Submarine
Can these submarines be modified to carry exocet type missiles.
I think PN has no plans of acquiring any submarines other than the 8 S-20Ps and some FACs for MSA. Even no deal for another F-22P Block-II.
PN commando midgets are a heap of italian scrap from COSMOS, not bankrupt, and now PN will not make this covert diver insertion stupidity again.
I think PN has no plans of acquiring any submarines other than the 8 S-20Ps and some FACs for MSA. Even no deal for another F-22P Block-II.
4 more F-22 P are coming for sure as for new midget submarines well they can come from Italy. Italy is busy developing some really good midget submarines these days. Let's hope they manage to do it
4 more F-22 P are coming for sure as for new midget submarines well they can come from Italy. Italy is busy developing some really good midget submarines these days. Let's hope they manage to do it
can you share some details of midget submarines? like pics and specs. Also, info about F-22P Block-II
PN should increase it's midgets in numbers along with FACs of catramen class so they may make a coastal defense line near our harbors considering so far our Navy regular ships are not in enough numbers to effectively stop any enemy aggression in deep see. Similarly these midgets if armed within torpedoes and FACs with Missiles can be used for demolition missions on enemy naval bases near to our territory.

North Korea and Iran are using these tactics quite significantly against bigger and modern navies.
PN should increase it's midgets in numbers along with FACs of catramen class so they may make a coastal defense line near our harbors considering so far our Navy regular ships are not in enough numbers to effectively stop any enemy aggression in deep see. Similarly these midgets if armed within torpedoes and FACs with Missiles can be used for demolition missions on enemy naval bases near to our territory.

North Korea and Iran are using these tactics quite significantly against bigger and modern navies.
Mini submarines should be given to Marines as its their roles.
Pakistan is going to enhance reasonably its Marines size,definitely, it will require more and modern equipments to arm them.

Mini subs and FACs can be one of those apparatus.
Imo,3rd world countries shouldn't use mini subs as ASDVs;but rather littoral combat vessels. I've been looking at the Chilean Crocodile:


and wonder can its torp loadout be expanded to at least 8 ideally 10 ,with the option of 4 submerged launched capable Stingers/Strelas or even Iglas, without compromising hull integrity or sea keeping characteristics? Also are these SAMs silent swim out capable like torps? That way you'd get a real offensive littoral sub. I do know the Kilo Type 877 EKM has a launcher for 8 Iglas.
H I Sutton - Covert Shores
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