Yes, I will. You got my point. Tax is collected at a point, a address but the economic activity that was taxed is result of national and in some cases even international economic activity. Meaning there is no reason for those who share that address to swell their testicles. Their is nothing intrinsicly great about them. geo-political economy will be reason.
Again the port is not anything
intrinsicly great about those living at that address. Karachi was a port even in the British era. In fact the Indus Basin naturally empties into the Arabian Sea. Karachi is a natural corollary of that
GEOGRAPHIC FACT. Where was a country of
200 million people going to import and it's entire exports from? Mumbai? Kokatta? Bandar Abbas in Iran?
Karachi's geography simply guaranteed irrespective of aliens, jigh IQ Ashkenazi Jews are or even more enterprising people like
@PaklovesTurkiye had migrated there. The port traffic it be noted is generated by 200 million Pakistani's. Somebody in Gilgit wants to export his apricots or somebody in Chitral wants to export Lapis Lazuli it's going to be at Karachi. And no thanks to Mr Palovesturkey. Unless he thinks was he not there it would have been exported from Kolkata. Thus all the economic activity generated as consequence of port which by the way is massive is down to GEOGRAPHY.
Retail markets of themselves do NOT generate wany wealth. As you rightly pointed out Islamabad generates so much tax contingent on national economic activity being through the HQs of companies being based there. But there is also secondary spin off or
downstream economic activity contingent to the
first. The first being the HQs, port, even airports etc which suck in national economic activity. In Islamabad you will see sector after of fancy houses, fancy car salesrooms, fancy restaurents, fancy foreign import stores or malls like Centaurus. All those sectors have people in very high income brackets because of the jobs they have at
first. Meaning government offices, company HQs, international NGOs, embassies, international companies. All those people in high paying jobs as well as army of middled income people shop in those malls, bazaars, buy cars etc. This leads to SECONDARY economic activity. That is why Centaurus Mall is there. Pull all the company HQs out and move the capital to Gwadar and watch what will happen as the lifeforce is sucked out of Islamabad.
Karachi had geography on it's side. Long before 1947 it was a sterling city contingent on it's location. You are free to explore the thread Old Karachi. For instance Karachi Airport was one of most significant airports in British India. All imperial flights from the west landed at Karachi. The impressive British era buildings attest to how geography had destined this city to be entrepot of the entire Indus Basin including Afghanistan and Indian Punjab.
From 1947 onwards being made capital gave the city additional gravitional pull. In early1960s city recieved massive house building for migrant populations. My dad was there and saw that. In Balochistan, Thar Parker the poor kept living in thatched huts but being the capital it recieved massive investment.
When the capital was moved out many large companies continued to headquarter in Karachi. I was in Pakistan recently and was forced to go to Karachi because the bank my family had a account with had it's operational cell in KCH. Ditto PIA and many other national concerns. Whether they make profit or not but they do provide cushy employment to a army of lazy workers who as you wil expect live in Karachi and shop in those high tax paying districts you alluded to.
Finally I get called racist by some esteemed members here. The fact is the same members do not shy from singing songs from top of the Dolmen Tower about how great they are or how exceptional they are compared to all rest of Pakistan. My dad went to Karachi in late 1950s and he tells how Urdu speakers looked at up country people with contempt, be they Pakhtuns or Punjabi as uncouth and village bumpkins.
That air of superiority still carries given the countless threads on how this exceptional community gave to Pakistan. Just to be clear and I don't think I have every said this in unambigious terms. I am of Pakhtun ancestry from Hazara region although many of my family live in Islamabad, Lahore and I even have cousin in Karachi police who I stayed with for few hours before I left for Islamabad.
I tried to ignore this but this forum allowed rampant racism against my people. Using the clever 'Afghan' card to thrash us. Nobody did anything. Most of this came from the Urdu speaking community because of the contested nature of Karachi.
When I began to hit back I was called a "racist" in order to muzzle me. This worked because of the skewed nature of PDF members where people from Karachi have disproportionate representation. For example FATA gas almost as many people as Urdu speakers in Karachi but it has zero presence [almost] on this board. This alludews to the economic advantage enjoyed by Karachiwallahs yet they cry the loudest.
Be it noted over time this skewed presentation which even the media sings to because most of it even is Karaci centri and Urdu speaker dominated will change as rest of Pakistan catches up. I look forward to the day every group in Pakistan get's a shout equal to it's population profie. Be noted that
@PaklovesTurkiye community is only about 6%. It needs to act like 6% and not 66%.
Finally as regards their prowess in everything can be seen in India. Where they number in nearly 150 million. The lucky bunch who escaped to Pakistan instead of appreciating the break and opportunities they got instead choose to complain that theyt have been done in b y Pakistan. We only have to listen to their god Altaf who was voted again ang again into power holding federal government and Sind at times.
Contrast that with the favourite target of this community like PTM and Dawar or Achakzai who command a tiny political presence leave and will NEVER hold any position in the government. Yet this community has the gumption to question my peoples patriotism. Our villages including my own contribute young boys for generations to the Pakistan Army who for paltry few thousand rupees sit on the LOC and die while people like
@PaklovesTurkiye bloat their amply tummies munching biriani.
Remind this
@PaklovesTurkiye when his people ran away from the Hindu hordes in India to take refuge amongst the Sindhi who today they despise my people from the tribal areas went to fight the Hindu in Kashmir and thanks to their sacrifice Pakisatan managed to gain tract of strategic land you call AZAD kashmir today which holds all trhe water resources of Pakistan.
Now I expect
@PaklovesTurkiye to raise a ruckus and bring his lynch mob.