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PML-N Is Absolutely Responsible for crime against humanity

MQM PPP PMLN PMLQ Tehreek-e-Insaf and mullahz parties should all go to hell and leave pakistan alone! all these parties are made for self interests while pakistan has to suffer.

hEhehehe all parties which u mention didnt rule the country more than 15 years in history of 63 years of pakistan.i think u hve forget 1 more name..............................................
Lol Asghar Khan said Pakistani people are utter stupid that they dont vote good parties and end up with PML N/PPP/MQM.

hEhehehe all parties which u mention didnt rule the country more than 15 years in history of 63 years of pakistan.i think u hve forget 1 more name..............................................

PMLN served 2 terms and PPP has served well over 4 terms... your memory is very limited.
compare 2008-2009 pakistani democratic years with 2000-2004 musharraf dictatorial years and if you are open minded enough you will admit yourself that pakistan was much much better back then.. however mush really screwed up at the end..
PMLN served 2 terms and PPP has served well over 4 terms... your memory is very limited. 
compare 2008-2009 pakistani democratic years with 2000-2004 musharraf dictatorial years and if you are open minded enough you will admit yourself that pakistan was much much better back then.. however mush really screwed up at the end..

You r tryin 2 say that Dictatorship is better.ok tell me the name of next KING of Pakistan. D0nt say Musharraf.

You r tryin 2 say that Dictatorship is better.ok tell me the name of next KING of Pakistan. D0nt say Musharraf.

well, it is musharaf!;):bounce:
& THT "DICTATORSHIP" OF GEN. MUSHARAF, was infact 1000% better thn this "DEMOCRAZY"
well, it is musharaf!;):bounce:
& THT "DICTATORSHIP" OF GEN. MUSHARAF, was infact 1000% better thn this "DEMOCRAZY"

U wanna c a person 2 rule the country who has support of only 2% ppl behind him.if its democrazy then musharraf's dictatorship was Dictraitorship. he sold out our country.

U wanna c a person 2 rule the country who has support of only 2% ppl behind him.if its democrazy then musharraf's dictatorship was Dictraitorship. he sold out our country.

Support of only 2% people? Hadn't it been for musharraf you'd be sitting at home without internet or tv now and wouldn't have the privilege of typing on this forum. Your beloved political parties would have liked you to stay as an illiterate for the rest of your life.

Its sad that people dont see the development that happened in the Musharraf era; was still a lot better than that idiot NS who wanted put himself as Ameer ul Momineen. No political party has the will to develop Pakistan; they only want to suck the life out of this country.

Admitted musharraf made a few mistakes but do not discredit the development that happened in 8-9 years that the others couldn't do in in 50 years...

Admitted musharraf made a few mistakes but do not discredit the development that happened in 8-9 years that the others couldn't do in in 50 years...

I m nt supporter of*NS neither AZ and wat !!selling out country is a minor mistake? r u kiddin its nt mistake its a crime.yes there was sum development in MuSH era but through which means.
1. Selling out ppl 2 US
2. compromise of Sovreignty.
3. maligning Islam
4. Involving Army in policitcs
5. NRO biggest sin

 etc .
if u think these r few mistakes then " Is mulK ka Allah he hafiz*hai".
By Amir Mir

LAHORE: The much trumpeted 1992 operation clean-up in Sindh had actually been launched against the backdrop of the infamous ‘Major Kaleem kidnapping case’, when a serving Army major was abducted and tortured, allegedly by a group of activists belonging to the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (which was then known as the Muhajir Qaumi Movement).

While the MQM leadership has recently blamed former prime minister Nawaz Sharif for the 1992 operation and asked him to apologise for the atrocities committed during his tenure, it remains a fact that the MQM high command had held at that time the military leadership responsible for the action, saying it actually wanted to avenge the honour of Major Kaleemuddin.

As a matter of fact, Major Kaleemuddin of the Field Investigation Unit (FIU) of the Army had been tasked to restore peace in the trouble-stricken Landhi area of Karachi. He was abducted on June 20, 1991, along with a few subordinates, while in civvies ñ the night when the MQM-Haqiqi led by Afaq Ahmed made an abortive attempt to take over Landhi offices of the Altaf-led MQM, called Muhajir Khel. This led to a bloody gun battle between the two MQM factions, killing many from both sides.

However, the Haqiqi group was forced to flee after the Altaf group unleashed all its fire power in the gun battle. A few hours after the abortive attempt by the Haqiqi group, Major Kaleemuddin was abducted from the Landhi area by armed activists of the MQM, who allegedly took him to a torture cell and subjected him to ‘mistreatment’. The Major Kaleemuddin kidnapping case is still described by many in the establishment as the bedrock of the subsequent military operations carried out against the MQM under the Sharif and the Bhutto governments. Altaf Hussain and several other MQM leaders and workers were subsequently accused of being involved in the kidnapping episode and named in the FIR registered on June 24, 1991. Altaf left Pakistan in December 1992.

But there are different versions of what exactly happened to Major Kaleemuddin. Some of the MQM leaders had claimed after the incident that the abductors were under the impression that MQM-Haqiqi leaders ñ Afaq Ahmed and Amir Khan - had returned to the port city at the behest of the agencies and that the major was present in Landhi to supervise the establishment-sponsored operation against them. During the court trial, many of the accused had claimed that since the major was in plain clothes, he was mistaken by them for a Haqiqi activist and subsequently roughed up. But as soon he had revealed his identity, the major was allowed to go.

However, according to the prosecution, Major Kaleemuddin, along with three other Army officers, was patrolling the Landhi area in an Army jeep when 20 armed youths took them hostage after seizing their weapons. The Army men were taken to a place called Muhajir Khel in Landhi where they were allegedly tortured and kept for seven hours and rescued when the police reached the place. The accused charged with kidnapping the Army officers and torturing them included Altaf Hussain, Saleem Shahzad, Dr Imran Farooq, Safdar Baqri, Nadeem Ayubi, Ayub Shah, Aftab Ahmed, Ismail alias Sitara, Ashraf Zaidi, Sajid Azad, Ashfaq Chief, Javed Kazmi, Haji Jalal Asghar Chacha, Rehan Zaidi and Mohammad Yousuf.

Whatever the truth might be, the then-Army high command’s keen interest in the prosecution of the accused gave an impression as if the traditional martial pride of the Khakis - that nobody gets away with bashing up an Army officer ñ was at work. Gen Asif Nawaz had been the Corps Commander Karachi at that time who got promoted as the Army Chief in August 1991, right before the start of the military operation.

A special court for suppression of terrorist activities (STA), led by Justice Rafiq Awan, began hearing of the Kaleemuddin kidnapping case in March 1993 and delivered judgment on June 9, 1994. The court had convicted Ashfaq Chief, Javed Kazmi and Haji Jalal and sentenced them to 30 years of rigorous imprisonment, besides imposing a fine of Rs 20,000 each under the Pakistan Penal Code, the Hudood Ordinance. All other accused, including Altaf Hussain, were declared absconders and sentenced to 27 years jail and a fine of Rs 30,000 each in absentia.

Almost three years later, following the 1997 general elections and the subsequent decision by Altaf Hussain to join hands with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, all the convicted MQM leaders and activists challenged afresh their conviction and sentences before the Sindh High Court. Their appeal was heard by a division bench, which found the case as one ‘of almost no legal evidence’. Relying on the provisions of the Suppression of Terrorist Activities Act, 1976, the bench upheld on trial in absentia as well as the right of the absentee accused to file an appeal. Dealing with evidence, the bench observed that the eyewitnesses’ account did not inspire confidence and the evidence of the complainant was, in particular, full of contradictions.

The bench, comprising Justice Nizam Hussain Siddiqui and Justice Abdul Hameed, noted that it is difficult to believe, a group of 15 or 20 boys could disarm four trained soldiers. Therefore, all the accused were acquitted and three convicts serving their term were ordered to be released immediately. But it is interesting to point out that after AQ Halepota, one of the counsels for the MQM leaders, concluded his arguments before the court, the then-advocate-general Sindh Shaukat Zuberi submitted that numerous omissions and contradictions had been made during the trial of Major Kaleemuddin’s kidnapping and torture case and that he would not support the convictions of the accused by the STA court. The verdict came hardly a week after the then-prime minister Nawaz Sharif had travelled to London to meet Altaf Hussain.

To recall, the MQM and the PML-N had been coalition partners at that time, before finally falling apart following the assassination of Hakim Mohammad Saeed in Karachi. Major Kaleemuddin had subsequently challenged the acquittal of the MQM leaders and activists by the Sindh High Court. But the petition was dismissed as withdrawn by the apex court on August 13, 2007, mainly due to non-prosecution, as neither the petitioner nor his counsel had turned up.

MQM shifts blame for 1992 operation from military to Nawaz
a question i have is why are people forgetting that ATLAF BHAI and NAWAZ were best brothers till 1998!!!!

altaf BHAI is a ghadar!!! he is always trying to find enemies for his people to hate either PPP,IMRAN or now PML(N) the one that actually removed all cases including the case of MAJOR KALEEM!!!!
MQM history

The Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Altaf (MQM-A) has been widely accused of human rights abuses since its founding two decades ago. It claims to represent Mohajirs- Urdu-speaking Muslims who fled to Pakistan from India after the 1947 partition of the subcontinent, and their descendants.

In the mid-1990s, the MQM-A was heavily involved in the widespread political violence that wracked Pakistan’s southern Sindh province, particularly Karachi, the port city that is the country’s commercial capital. MQM-A militants fought government forces, breakaway MQM factions, and militants from other ethnic-based movements. In the mid-1990s, the U.S. State Department, Amnesty International, and others accused the MQM-A and a rival faction of summary killings, torture, and other abuses (see, e.g., AI 1 Feb 1996; U.S. DOS Feb 1996). The MQM-A routinely denied involvement in violence.

In 1992, a breakway MQM faction, led by Afaq Ahmed and Aamir Khan, launched the MQM Haqiqi (MQM-H), literally the “real” MQM. Many Pakistani observers alleged that the MQM-H was supported by the government of Pakistan to weaken the main MQM led by Altaf Hussein, which became known as the MQM-A (Jane’s 14 Feb 2003). Several smaller MQM factions also emerged, although most of the subsequent intra-group violence involved the MQM-A and the MQM-H (AI 1 Feb 1996; U.S. DOS Feb 1999; Jane’s 14 Feb 2003).

Political violence in Sindh intensified in 1993 and 1994 (Jane’s 14 Feb 2003). In 1994, fighting among MQM factions and between the MQM and Sindhi nationalist groups brought almost daily killings in Karachi (U.S. DOS Feb 1995). By July 1995, the rate of political killings in the port city reached an average of ten per day, and by the end of that year more than 1,800 had been killed (U.S. DOS Feb 1996).

The violence in Karachi and other cities began abating in 1996 as soldiers and police intensified their crackdowns on the MQM-A and other groups (Jane’s 14 Feb 2003). Pakistani forces resorted to staged “encounter killings” in which they would shoot MQM activists and then allege that the killings took place during encounters with militants (U.S. DOS Feb 1996). Following a crackdown in 1997, the MQM-A adopted its present name, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement, or United National Movement, which also has the initials MQM (HRW Dec 1997).

MQM-A leader Hussein fled in 1992 to Britain, where he received asylum in 1999 (Jane’s 14 Feb 2003). The MQM-A is not on the U.S. State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations (U.S. DOS 23 May 2003).

While the multifaceted nature of the violence in Sindh province in the 1980s and 1990s at times made it difficult to pinpoint specific abuses by the MQM-A, the group routinely was implicated in rights abuses. In 1992 after the Sindh government called in the army to crack down on armed groups in the province, facilities were discovered that allegedly were used by the MQM-A to torture and at times kill dissident members and activists from rival groups. In 1996, Amnesty International said that the PPP and other parties were reporting that some of their activists had been tortured and killed by the MQM-A (AI 1 Feb 1996).

The MQM-A and other factions also have been accused of trying to intimidate journalists. In one of the most flagrant cases, in 1990 MQM leader Hussein publicly threatened the editor of the monthly NEWSLINE magazine after he published an article on the MQM’s alleged use of torture against dissident members (U.S. DOS Feb 1991). The following year, a prominent journalist, Zafar Abbas, was severely beaten in Karachi in an attack that was widely blamed on MQM leaders angered over articles by Abbas describing the party’s factionalization. The same year, MQM activists assaulted scores of vendors selling DAWN, Pakistan’s largest English-language newspaper, and other periodicals owned by Herald Publications (U.S. DOS Feb 1992).

The MQM-A has also frequently called strikes in Karachi and other cities in Sindh province and used killings and other violence to keep shops closed and people off the streets. During strikes, MQM-A activists have ransacked businesses that remained open and attacked motorists and pedestrians who ventured outside (U.S. DOS Feb 1996; Jane’s 14 Feb 2003).

The MQM-A allegedly raises funds through extortion, narcotics smuggling, and other criminal activities. In addition, Mohajirs in Pakistan and overseas provide funds to the MQM-A through charitable foundations (Jane’s 14 Feb 2003).

Since the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on the United States, the MQM-A has been increasingly critical of Islamic militant groups in Pakistan. The MQM-A, which generally has not targeted Western interests, says that it supports the global campaign against terrorism (Jane’s 14 Feb 2003).

This response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the RIC within time constraints. This response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum.


Amnesty International (AI). HUMAN RIGHTS CRISIS IN KARACHI (1 Feb 1996, ASA 33/01/96), Document Information | Amnesty International ... of=ENG-PAK [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

Human Rights Watch (HRW). WORLD REPORT 1998, “Pakistan” (Dec 1997), http://www.hrw.org/worldreport/Asia-09.htm#P823_214912 [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

Jane’s Information Group (Jane’s). JANE’S WORLD INSURGENCY AND TERRORISM-17, “Muthida [sic] Qaumi Movement (MQM-A)” (14 Feb 2003), Jane's Information Group [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

U.S. Department of State (U.S. DOS). “Foreign Terrorist Organizations” (23 May 2003), Page Not Found [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

U.S. Department of State (U.S. DOS). COUNTRY REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES FOR 1998, “Pakistan” (Feb 1999), Page Not Found ... istan.html [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

U.S. Department of State (U.S. DOS). COUNTRY REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES FOR 1996, “Pakistan” (Feb 1997), Page Not Found ... istan.html [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

U.S. Department of State (U.S. DOS). COUNTRY REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES FOR 1995, “Pakistan” (Feb 1996), Index of /ERC/democracy ... istan.html [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

U.S. Department of State (U.S. DOS). COUNTRY REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES FOR 1994, “Pakistan” (Feb 1995), Index of /ERC/democracy ... istan.html [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

U.S. Department of State (U.S. DOS). COUNTRY REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES FOR 1991, “Pakistan” (Feb 1992).

U.S. Department of State (U.S. DOS). COUNTRY REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICES FOR 1990, “Pakistan” (Feb 1991).


Jane’s Information Group (Jane’s). JANE’S WORLD INSURGENCY AND TERRORISM-17, “Muthida [sic] Qaumi Movement (MQM-A)” (14 Feb 2003), Jane's Information Group [Accessed 6 Feb 2004]

Source: UNHCR
UNHCR | Refworld | Pakistan: Information on Mohajir/Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Altaf (MQM-A)

Like it or nt but truth is bitter:tdown:

I m nt supporter of*NS neither AZ and wat !!

glad to hear that

selling out country is a minor mistake?

We will bomb Pakistan back to the stone age ring any bells...? The action against the taliban had to come sooner or later; why dont we pakistanis admit that funding and harboring the taliban was the gravest mistake in the history of the country...?

Involving Army in policitcs

If you haven't noticed; army was involved in politics since the inception of this country; musharraf did not do anything new; this country needed a "DANDA"; and musharraf had a good one.

NRO biggest sin

Ask the ones who wanted a lulli langri democracy. The dictator was the best option we had in more than 6 decades; he set right many things for Pakistan. And as rightfully described in another thread;

Pity the nation whose people are sheep,
and whose shepherds mislead them.

Pity the nation whose leaders are liars,
whose sages are silenced,
and whose bigots haunt the airwaves.

Pity the nation that welcomes its new ruler with trumpetings, and farewells him with hootings, only to welcome another with trumpetings again. Pity the nation divided into fragments, each fragment deeming itself a nation
You are a traitor, you are trying to malign MQM with these allegations. If that was publicized in news, that must have been a fabricated image, if that was aired on TV, that must have been a drama. What you are throwing is nothing but hate against Sindh Dharti. When you quote Altaf Bhai's saying words against Pakistan in India, that is quoted out of context. This is attempt of agencies and wadera culture that is making you ask these questions. If you did not stop these allegations, you will be forcing MQM to take extreme actions.

*My two pennies on the replies from supports of MQM*


Yep, it is typical.
Anyone who speaks against any party is a traitor.
Any image as evidence against any party is fake and a plot against our great politicians
Any video evidence is a staged drama and any disgusting comments are out of context to malign our great leaders.

Come on, this should not be our attitude, we the masses have to wake up to the reality that we have to judge all the parties by what they do for Pakistan and not what they claim to stand for.
We have to be the judge and jury for them and to make sure we do not support them due to any reason other than the betterment of Pakistan.

The video of dear old Altab Bhai in India is actually quite famous, authentic and available on net...i cannot post the link right now but you can search on youtube and will definitely find it.
He proudly claimed infront of Indians that the partition of Subcontinet was the biggest blunder etc. We should not deceive ourselves that Altaf Hussain was pro Pakistan or a champion of political harmony in Pakistan.

From where i am standing, nearly all our politicians are power hungry monsters and hypocrites of the highest order.

In Karachi the lawlessness was unparalleled and something had to be done, there were major no go areas where no body except few gangs could operate and people were kidnapped for ransom, beaten up and even brutally killed on minor issues.

The operation could have been heavy handed but it certainly was not against Muhajir community. It was directed against all the factions which had taken up arms in the biggest city of Pakistan.
It was unfortunate but please do not avert from the fact that prior to the operation there was bloodshed, chaos and mayhem in the city of lights.

The frequent armed clashes between MQM and its breakaway factions and the summary killings, torture of eachother's members was certainly happening. Organizations like amnesty international were also showing concern for the role of various factions of MQM in targetted killings and torture of their rivals.
It is very convenient to pin the entire blame on the operation but the fact remains that before Army intervened, many killings had taken place.

The same MQM formed a government in coalition with the same PML-N in 97-98 and was not raising noise about the 92 operation at that time.

Now all of a sudden 92 operation has become a major flashpoint?
Something is fishy and this Brig Imtiaz also seems to be backed by SOMEONE who does not want to do his job and wants to expose all other politicians as corrupt and bad people (which sadly they are) so that the political parties and the awam do not focus on the real issues facing us today and demand the government to deliver on its promises or to shove off.
If this is the case then it is truly hopeless that in the face of all the adversities our nation is facing at this point in time, our politicians are digging up graves and fighting over issues which they themselves had settled long time ago.
For such parties who claim that they have always sacrificed a lot, this is truly not acceptable when looking at current state of country and the tremendous work that needs to be done, instead of fighting eachother.

I think in 2000 and beyond, MQM had been changing into a more mature party but i guess still there is a long way to go...If MQM succeeds in become a totally non violent and mature party by coming out of its Muhajir shell...it will be wonderful for Pakistan since MQM has many new educated faces in its ranks especially since Musharraf era.
For all of this to happen, this Muhajir naara has to be given up and a real Pakistanization has to take place and i do not think it is going to be done by Altaf Hussain, but one of the new faces in MQM may do it in future

I am no fan of PPP and PML-N either.

PPP has always been compromising on the security of Pakistan and has done tremendous damage in form of corruption to the economy of Pakistan. This party is the most conflicting party of all Pakistan regarding their manifesto and their leadership.
THey are supposed to be for the common man but their leaders are the feudal lords who have been causing the most severe damage to Pakistan and have never ever cared for the common man, they are the biggest opponents of Land Reforms and that is the first step in emancipating the poor masses.

PML-N has always been in government whenever there has been a wheat or Suger shortage in the country. PML-N took so much money from Saudi Arabia but still there was a major economic depression in their era. PML-N took money from all of us to pay off the debts but we all know they did not deliver despite the nation giving up so much support.

These guys are all corrupt, we should not defend them like they are noble people.

Remember guys, we are all Pakistanis.
The day we stop trying to be something else, we shall be elevated as a great nation.

BTW, you guys know there is an additional IDP tax this year and its 5% of your earnings?
BTW this is for salaried individuals only...as if we are not suffering enough already!!!
Why not bring the feudal lords, the industrialists etc. into this IDP Tax?

Wake up guys, we are all being robbed of our rights here and we still are trying to defend these politicians who are like leeches.
Major development from democratic government. We are an Islamic Nation, and after democratic government join the cabinet, they picked up Haj fee from 137k to 200k, while our neighbor to whome we have given title as kaffirs give subsidy to muslims and it was 40k. Another major development is the recent power price send up.. and they speak about we are good for poor.. I think they want to push we middle class ppl towards lower class..

I am really sick of this DEMOCRAZY.. Which do nothing, just put xtra burden of 56 billion rupees on economy (which exclude many other facilities they receive)

Political Setup is GOOD for nothing..
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