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PML-N chief takes last minute U-turn on constitutional reforms package : Nawaz betray

Nawaz’s about-turn

Saturday, 27 Mar, 2010

WITH Nawaz Sharif’s U-turn on the constitutional reform package, once again it has been established that the PML-N is a regional party and that the Sharifs’ are incapable of looking beyond their petty personal ambitions and vendettas.

It is now clear to all and sundry that this party is still an establishment party and cannot be trusted to rule the Federation.

Nine months of painstaking consensus-building exercise, so many meetings and laborious efforts of the committee members have come to naught just because of petty politics of a single politician who loves to claim to be on a high ‘moral pedestal’. What duplicity?

After almost 38 years the nation was finally going to have something to celebrate and our so viciously maligned politicians finally could have walked with their heads held high but alas this was not to be, just because one of their so-called own, Nawaz Sharif, could not shake the pressure from the black robe fraternity.

It was the Mr Sharif who from the first day of this government has been crying hoarse to implement the CoD, blaming Mr Zardari for dilly-dallying and now when time has come, he himself shies away? What a shame.

He himself had penned down the judicial appointment procedure with Ms Bhutto. It should have been implemented in letter and in spirit but, nonetheless, for consensus other parties, especially the PPP, accommodated all the changes wanted by the PML-N in this procedure and even their last-minute change of including a retired judge in this commission were accepted, and yet without caring for the nation the PML-N ran away, this is highly deplorable and disappointing.

On the name of Pukhtoonkhwa, the PML-N people have been giving the impression that it is a settled matter and the package will not be delayed due to this.

But now they have about-faced on this matter too. One is bound to ask, whose agenda the PML-N is following. It certainly is not Pakistan’s agenda.

If this U-turn was not shocking enough for us, the words used by Nawaz Sharif at his press conference and then on a talk show later that evening really jolted the nation. His words conveyed something like that the 17th Amendment was stitched with other issues needlessly and now everyone is asking his ‘price’ (price was the actual word used by him).

Does he mean that Asfandyar Wali by asking for a name for his province is extracting a price or is demanding provincial autonomy tantamount to asking a price or is granting provinces’ rights in their natural resources tantamount to asking a price?

If these are the prices being asked to pay, then it is not at all a bad deal for the Federation and anyone claiming to be a true Pakistani must not object to pay these prices.

This nation can only request Mr Sharif to shed his stubbornness and resist this pressure being piled onto him by some known quarters to scuttle this landmark reform package, this might also help restore some of the face lost by the PML-N.

Postscript: I feel sorry for Ishaq Dar and Ahsan Iqbal who have been let down by their leader.



NAWAZ Sharif’s about-face on the agreed constitutional amendments in the nick of time, following his brother’s “spare Punjab” utterances earlier this month, has proved that to the Sharif Brothers no other cause is dearer than their own selfish interests.

Why did not Ahsan Iqbal and others of the PML-N on the constitutional committee lay bare their disagreements with the other parties earlier? Until recently Mr Sharif was attributing to the PPP the delay in evolving a consensus on amendments that would have restored the Constitution to its original character. Now he himself has proved how reckless he can be in handling an important national issue.

The name of a province is the prerogative of the people of that province. It is crazy to impose the will of others on such a small matter. This way Mr Sharif has sabotaged all the good work done dexterously over the past few months by the Raza Rabbani Committee. His argument that his party members do not agree with the new name for the NWFP is bogus. His real motive is to deny credit to the ruling PPP-led government for what would have been a historic national consensus on the constitution.

There is no doubt electronic and print media loyal to Raiwind will soon spring to his support. It is not only for the ANP but also for all patriotic political parties and citizens to see through this game. Hats off to the ruling party that in spite of all the betrayal and political intrigue on the part of PML-N, it is yet displaying tolerance and patience.



NAWAZ Sharif came in his true colours when he stalled the signing of the much-awaited draft amendment bill prepared by the all-party Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Reforms.

Although the constitutional package is part of the Charter of Democracy (CoD) signed by him and the late Benazir Bhutto during their exile in London, it was concluded after a lengthy debate of two years by the parliamentary committee, composing members from the entire political spectrum.

So what is the difference between President Zardari’s earlier backtracking from his pledge of restoring the judiciary and now Nawaz Sharif’s summersault on his commitment with the CoD?

When he came back to Pakistan after remaining in self-obtained exile for more than eight years, the general perception was that the trauma of a long stay outside the country had taught him a lesson and now Nawaz Sharif was no more a single-tracked and pro-Taliban businessman, accidentally turned politician.

If the political leadership, especially belonging to larger parties, does not follow the basic norms of common sense and decency, people will lose confidence in the very institution of democracy.


DAWN.COM | Letters to the Editor | Nawaz?s about-turn
I think there's something big going on under the guise of "constitutional reforms" that this nefarious government of PPP with no credibility wants to implement.

Honestly...Pakistani people are the biggest fools for voting in the PPP first and then expecting any major good from probably the most incompetent party in power in the history of Pakistan.

I fail to see how changing a name of a Province is going to solve any of their socio-economic problems?

Then again, the PPP has secular rats in the media, both in Dawn and the News, who get paid to sling mud at others to confuse people "hey! if we're bad, look at these people they're just as bad"
I have not understood a single word of what Nawaz is saying;

He says parliament should take advise (dictation) from (an obviously biased) judiciary. Why? Why is parliament not supreme in its own affairs? Does mandate provided by we the people mean nothing in the democracy that is Pakistan? Obviously not. For a leader who talks of democracy this is shameful.

He says Minister of Law should not be in the judicial committee as there are corruption charges on him. Who is NOT corrupt? CJ himself committed treason (article 6) when he gave verdict in support of Musharaf's dictatorship, to name just one. But most of all people come and go and you don't make constitution amendments based on what the perception about a sitting person is. Just sounds like excuses to me.

My own thinking is that establishment does not want to do military coup anymore if it can avoid it rather it will assert itself through puppet judiciary with threat to politicians to act in interest of establishment or the cases again them will be opened by Iftikhar Chaudhary. Nawaz therefore is a sitting time bomb as he is compromised and will act against the interests of people of Pakistan.

His irrational and arrogant view will also increase grudges in smaller provinces and will help to escalate any separatist movements.

I'm a little bit scared about the future of Pakistan.
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I think there's something big going on under the guise of "constitutional reforms" that this nefarious government of PPP with no credibility wants to implement.

Honestly...Pakistani people are the biggest fools for voting in the PPP first and then expecting any major good from probably the most incompetent party in power in the history of Pakistan.

I fail to see how changing a name of a Province is going to solve any of their socio-economic problems?

Then again, the PPP has secular rats in the media, both in Dawn and the News, who get paid to sling mud at others to confuse people "hey! if we're bad, look at these people they're just as bad"

nothing nefarious is happening. all the parties are on the board. only reason which pml n backed out is appointment of judges which doesnt make any sense. the whole process is in accordance with COD which nawaz sharif himself signed.

and the question is not that if changing the name of province will change the life of ppl or not, the issue is that they want to change it and why should anyone have a problem? and this problem would have been solved if nawaz sharif had spent most of his time in pakistan

wat secular rats? argue with logic and not by targeting people. and its not just dawn, its ansar abbasi, one of the ppp haters, as well. and many other writers. go through the thread and you will see
The real problem is Pakhtoon name itself. ANP is not flexible they are fooling people with hiding real problem.

they have suggested three names. pakhtunkwa, afghania, and one more. wat else do u want them to do

Most of people consider all pathans as Khans but they are not. similarly not everone is a pakhtoon so how can one name it Pakhtoon's land ????

from wat i can see, ANP has majority seats in NWFP. and they won their election with one key objective of changing the name to pakhtunkwa. so have to keep their mandate. on the other hand how many seats does nawaz sharif has in NWFP?

In punjab all who live are Punjabis and same goes for sindh and balochis there is no other culture or tribe. But why name Sarhad as Phakhtoon khua.

no. southern belt is called saraiki. in sidh we have mahajirs. in balochistan we have pashtuns as well. so there is no one tribe in any province.

With democracy we select governments and not every aspect is dealt with it, a name should have consent of all those who are living there. In this issue we cannot leave minorities behind, this is one of their basic rights to.

no one is leaving minorities behind. wat wrong with pakhtunkwa abbassin or pakhtunkwa hazara.

its upto the ppl to decide and they have given their vote to ANP. why are ppl in other provinces so concerned about what the name should be and wat should be its meaning. i dont care if they even name it mars.

from wat i remember, pml n recently lost by election in masehra and mansehra is a place which was considered pml n base point in nwfp.

only trying to create and issue out of nothing. thats it

:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy: Ali what happend to you???

i am from NWFP and i tell you ANP did not win due to this name game rather there are many factors and players which have made ANP won .

There was even a set deal according to which ANP was made victorious.

Above all anti-Musharraf, Anti-MMA thing had played a big role.

I tell you we people of NWFP are every open minded and democratic in nature.

We gave chance to even MMA after we were disappointed with other parties but soon we realised that MMA is again bunch of losers/thugs so we this time we gave chance to ANP.

And i tell you just wait for the next election ANP wont be even able to save its @$$ . The party had failed to mitigate public issues and failed to provide the basic facilities.
:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy: Ali what happend to you???

i am from NWFP and i tell you ANP did not win due to this name game rather there are many factors and players which have made ANP won .

There was even a set deal according to which ANP was made victorious.

Above all anti-Musharraf, Anti-MMA thing had played a big role.

I tell you we people of NWFP are every open minded and democratic in nature.

We gave chance to even MMA after we were disappointed with other parties but soon we realised that MMA is again bunch of losers/thugs so we this time we gave chance to ANP.

And i tell you just wait for the next election ANP wont be even able to save its @$$ . The party had failed to mitigate public issues and failed to provide the basic facilities.

wat you are saying doesnt really matter. the whole point is very clear that this name change is part of their mandate. and its their right to demand such a thing.

and wen exactly was my name 'Ali'?
wat you are saying doesnt really matter. the whole point is very clear that this name change is part of their mandate. and its their right to demand such a thing.

and wen exactly was my name 'Ali'?

yes its their mandate they can put forward their proposal but thats not what we people of NWFP want. We want basic facilities of life thats it.

And whats the gurantee this name change wont be reversed back in the next govt. So honestly speaking its a futile excerise and wastage of national money in case it was changed.

On another note all of you are just taking the PML-N U-turn wrongly just read the entire news Nawaz shahrif is backing off on other points not this NWFP name change.

I think it has more to do with 18th ammendment

heheheh i read Aj as Ali :P
yes its their mandate they can put forward their proposal but thats not what we people of NWFP want. We want basic facilities of life thats it.

well i have talked to other pashtuns who do want a name change. some even said that ANP should resign from the gov if they fail to get the name changed. now wat? and u r totally right that name change will not change the lives of ppl. then y fight about it? pml n which calls it self a national party should accept this demand coming from a smaller party and move on.

And whats the gurantee this name change wont be reversed back in the next govt. So honestly speaking its a futile excerise and wastage of national money in case it was changed.

gurantee is that name change needs 2/3rd majority and therefore next gov will not be able to change it unless they come to power with such big majority.

On another note all of you are just taking the PML-N U-turn wrongly just read the entire news Nawaz shahrif is backing off on other points not this NWFP name change.

yes. i have talked about other issues as well and the primary one of them is judicial appointments. again wat pml n is sayin doesnt make any sense. why consult judiciary? are they law making body? why not consult army and media and police as well. and there is no such requirement in the constitution.

heheheh i read Aj as Ali
yup. stick with AJ. for a moment i thought u were confusing me with some other guy
nothing nefarious is happening. all the parties are on the board. only reason which pml n backed out is appointment of judges which doesnt make any sense. the whole process is in accordance with COD which nawaz sharif himself signed.

and the question is not that if changing the name of province will change the life of ppl or not, the issue is that they want to change it and why should anyone have a problem? and this problem would have been solved if nawaz sharif had spent most of his time in pakistan

wat secular rats? argue with logic and not by targeting people. and its not just dawn, its ansar abbasi, one of the ppp haters, as well. and many other writers. go through the thread and you will see

It's been 2 years since PPP had been in power with the help of Musharraf's backed-military regime and the US. They' been playing with Pakistanis but you dont see it.

To name a few biggest issues, they blocked the reinstatement of the judges. They also blocked the amendment that curtails Presidential powers initially. Because Zardari's want power and money, they have no other major objectives.

These were promised reforms but the PPP failed to deliver. The PPP has been buying time, nothing else. They knew beforehand that the judiciary was going to be free somehow, sooner or later, and presidential powers were going to be curtailed. But what next?

Zardari' has "served" the country and made his money, had his stay, one more year and he'll be out. He used the lawyers movement, death of benazir, and excuse to restore democracy to acquire power. What next?

So, PPP and ANP have to prepare for the next election, and just before the election they need to restore their much tarnished credibility by initiating reforms that they failed to deliver earlier, like changing the name of NWFP, curtailing presidential powers, etc. Therefore, PPP and ANP are trying hard to save face. Nothing more.

Give PML-N some credit. They went against all odds to restore the judiciary. at least they have done something for you.

I don't think they should allow PPP to take any credit whatsoever. It's too late.

What has Pakistan got from this nefarious PPP establishment? Kerry Lugar Bills and drone attacks from the US, and a hell lot of bombings across the country that has crippled our economy.

PML-N should NOT cooperate with these nefarious thugs. PPP is of no value to the country. Let 'em bury their heads in shame (if they have any).

Pakistanis are too slow to figure this out.
no i dont see it. wat i see is
1. consensus against terrorism
2. successful operations
3. handling of 3 million internal refugees
4. pacifying balochistan which wanted separation when musharraf left
5. NFC award in which federation gave away 10% of her share
6. Aghaz e balochistan package
7. handling for wheat crisis
8. handling of sugar crisis
9. taking out our economy from bankruptcy
10. and now 18th amendment which has been blocked by nawaz sharif only to make sure that ppp doesnt get credit for it.
11. on foreign policy front we now have reasonably gud relations with afghanistan, iran and US. also we are not being called a terrorist and failed state which was the case when they came in power.
12. then you have got bainazir income support programme. 2.7 million people are currently getting grants every alternate month. this number will rise to 7 million by the end of this year. everyone month there is a draw in which 300000 Rs is givin to many poor people so that they could start their business.

yes they made few blunders but they corrected themselves later on. and that is wat really matters to me.

corruption has always been the case. are you saying nawaz sharif has never done corruption? remember when he imported 300 Mercedes and sold them in local market after increasing the tax? remember attack on SC? remember ameer ul momaneen? and remember 'please dont attack punjab'???

pml n deserves credit for their support in judges restoration movement but that doesnt mean i should not criticize them for their other wrong doings.
no i dont see it. wat i see is
1. consensus against terrorism
2. successful operations
3. handling of 3 million internal refugees
all of these are done by the military.

4. pacifying balochistan which wanted separation when musharraf left
5. NFC award in which federation gave away 10% of her share
6. Aghaz e balochistan package
This was going to happen regardless of who was in power. During Nawaz Sharif's tenure, relations with Baloch were extremely good. Heck Bugti was the President.

7. handling for wheat crisis
8. handling of sugar crisis

This is a bunch of rubbish. The sugar wheat crisis was tied to global demand and supply. The demand has climbed down globally in the past year or so, hence lowering the prices.

PPP has nothing to do with it. Rather it was Imran Khan who started 2 rupees rottee DURING the crisis, and then other parties followed suit. Where was the PPP then?

I personally know one PPP family that owns 4 sugar mills in Punjab...and these ppl give a *** arse about the commoners.

9. taking out our economy from bankruptcy
And further plunging in 10s of billion dollars in foreign debt.

What an inaccurate and dishonest statement.

The past three years our economy has suffered more than any other economy in SA due to WOT. 30 billion+ losses due to ineconomic activities.

Drones havn't stopped. The whole economcy of the tribal belt has been reduced to rubble. What good are petty income support cheques that hardly meet the basic needs of people there?

Benazir Bhutto welfare program (why not name it Quad-e-Azam??) is a good marketing strategy to further fool the poor and illiterate masses for votes. It's teh STATE that is paying welfare based on foreign loans we receive, not PPP. Benazir isn't paying the poor people from her grave now is she.

10. and now 18th amendment which has been blocked by nawaz sharif only to make sure that ppp doesnt get credit for it.
You know the saying, if justice isn't delivered on time, that is No Justice.

That should have been done 2 years ago when PPP came to power.

Why now? Just to make some petty political points, and fool ppl more?

11. on foreign policy front we now have reasonably gud relations with afghanistan, iran and US. also we are not being called a terrorist and failed state which was the case when they came in power.
Another inaccurate statement.

Afghanistan has NO democratic govn't. Relations with Iran are still fragile.

Relations with the current Afghans is the outcome of Gen Kiyani's frequent visits, not the PPP.

12. then you have got bainazir income support programme. 2.7 million people are currently getting grants every alternate month. this number will rise to 7 million by the end of this year. everyone month there is a draw in which 300000 Rs is givin to many poor people so that they could start their business.

yes they made few blunders but they corrected themselves later on. and that is wat really matters to me.
So you'd rather support people that deliberately make blunders for personal gains? and correct them later for PR purposes and to restore credibility?

corruption has always been the case. are you saying nawaz sharif has never done corruption? remember when he imported 300 Mercedes and sold them in local market after increasing the tax? remember attack on SC? remember ameer ul momaneen? and remember 'please dont attack punjab'???

pml n deserves credit for their support in judges restoration movement but that doesnt mean i should not criticize them for their other wrong doings.
all of these are done by the military.

it was the political and national consensus which lead to all the successful operations. and this was developed by ppp government. if not then why couldnt military defeat them during musharraf regime after all we had operations going on back then as well.

This was going to happen regardless of who was in power. During Nawaz Sharif's tenure, relations with Baloch were extremely good. Heck Bugti was the President.

wat do u mean it was going to happen? nothing happens unless someone does it. and PPP did it. should i say pakistan had to be formed so wat quaid e azam did was nothing special?

This is a bunch of rubbish. The sugar wheat crisis was tied to global demand and supply. The demand has climbed down globally in the past year or so, hence lowering the prices.

wheat crisis was bec of musharraf. he exported all the surplus wheat which ppp had to import later on to bring down the price. and as far as sugar crisis is concerned, indian gov recently accepted that they have failed to brought down sugar price. so how come it was a global phenomenon for which ppp gov didnt have to do anything?

PPP has nothing to do with it. Rather it was Imran Khan who started 2 rupees rottee DURING the crisis, and then other parties followed suit. Where was the PPP then?

i praise imran khan for that. but do you mean it was his sasti roti which lead to the fall in flour price?

I personally know one PPP family that owns 4 sugar mills in Punjab...and these ppl give a *** arse about the commoners.

so? are politicians not allowed to own any business? even nawaz sharif own few mills. and they all use it to make profit at the cost of public. we cant to much about that.

And further plunging in 10s of billion dollars in foreign debt.

yes. isnt that better than no money to fund your war, food crisis, development projects, payment for imports, and keeping your Rs stable? and foreign debt is no unknown thing. many developed european countries have far more foreign debt than us (in terms of percentage to GDP).

What an inaccurate and dishonest statement.


The past three years our economy has suffered more than any other economy in SA due to WOT. 30 billion+ losses due to ineconomic activities.

so how is ppp gov at fault?

Drones havn't stopped. The whole economcy of the tribal belt has been reduced to rubble.

Drones havent stopped coz they have been targeting targets in collaboration with our intelligence agency. and yes there is a war going on and how do u expect there to be zero rubble.

What good are petty income support cheques that hardly meet the basic needs of people there?

ask those who find it hard to feed their children and they will tell you wat these 'petty income support cheques' mean to them.

Benazir Bhutto welfare program (why not name it Quad-e-Azam??) is a good marketing strategy to further fool the poor and illiterate masses for votes. It's teh STATE that is paying welfare based on foreign loans we receive, not PPP. Benazir isn't paying the poor people from her grave now is she.

name doesnt matter. what matters is the programme. im sure Quaid e Azam is not interested in a change of name. and yes its the state which pays but the policies are made by the governments. will you sell your house and pay for this programme if you become a minister? obviously no. that is not how things work. government use income generated from taxes and other sources to help poor etc.

You know the saying, if justice isn't delivered on time, that is No Justice.

That should have been done 2 years ago when PPP came to power.

Why now? Just to make some petty political points, and fool ppl more?

amazing analysis. you are saying that it only takes a second to change your constitution? there are many parties which are involved in this process and therefore moving fwd with consensus is not an easy task. and if you havent noticed a total of 100 changes have been made. is that something which could have happened over night? and wat do u mean its late? do we not need constitution any more or has pakistan vanished from the face of earth? your first constitution came in 1973 where as we were created in 1947. going by your logic, 1973 was too late and therefore no one should have voted for it approval.

Afghanistan has NO democratic govn't. Relations with Iran are still fragile.

Relations with the current Afghans is the outcome of Gen Kiyani's frequent visits, not the PPP.

our cooperation with iran in terms of security and economics has greatly increased. and it takes time for countries to build firm relationship.

how is it an outcome of Gen Kiyani? I thought it was zardari who has been attending Karzai's oath taking ceremony and vice versa. and it was our whole cabinet which received karzai at the airport when he came. yes Gen Kiyani played a big role but that doesnt mean you can side line all effort being put in by other quarters which include ppp gov.

So you'd rather support people that deliberately make blunders for personal gains? and correct them later for PR purposes and to restore credibility?

yes i will support someone who comes back to the right path after recognising his mistake and not someone who makes it a matter of his pride.
I dont think it is the NWFP name issue and it is also not the CJP issue.

I strongly believe that this has to do with removing President from Gen. Ziaès name.

NS is seen as the continuattion of Gen. Zia and his vote bank is the biggest supporter of Gen. Zia. This is a catch 22 situation for NS, because if he openly oppose the change then people will criticize him for supporting Gen. Zia and if he accept this change then he is seen as a traitor by his vote bank.

NS is no match for politicans of the PPPP :)
NS is no match for politicans of the PPPP :)

Don't know about the rest of your statements but agree with this one EXCEPT that, to the electorate, whether in Sindh or Punjab, the ethnic card carries a lot of weight. When liberals like Dawn's Irfan Hussein are recently compelled to point out NS's 'Jaag, Punjabi Jaag' slogan then we better pay more attention to that.

There are more than a few Pakistanis who instinctively know that the death of the PPP as a national-party is going to be very bad for Pakistan's national cohesion. And PPP is a dying force nationally since the death of ZAB . PPP lost Punjab by as early as 1985. Even the demise of Benazir Bhutto could only give PPP a mere 2% more votes compared with its 2002 performance and WORSE than its 1988 performace. This is in sharp contrast to the sympathy-votes for Congress Party in 1984 post Indira Gandhi.

The only way PPP can be revived is to bring in another charismatic leader like Fatima Bhutto in the main PPP--Bilawal doesn't cut it and nore should he. I don't know if it is going to happen. I have mixed feelings about it. Perhaps for another topic.
But I digress.
For Nawaz Sharif and Iftikhar Chaudhary;

دامن پے کوئی چھینٹ نہ خنجر پے کوئی داغ

تم قتل کرو ہو ، کہ کرامات کرو ہو !
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