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PM Yousuf Raza Gillani to American Anchor: Why don't Pakistani Youth leave Pakistan? Who's stopping them?

How does one seat of Senate worth so much ? That people are asking for chaos and civil war in country ...political affiliations should not be above country

May be it would be end for corrupt parties. If Ik gets majority and he may remove 18th amendment I don't if he can but ppp is looking towards it i think.
May be it would be end for corrupt parties. If Ik gets majority and he may remove 18th amendment I don't if he can but ppp is looking towards it i think.
PPP is only alive because of 18th amendment. It would rather initiate civil war than go for any change in 18th amendment.
Question is - how absolutely pathetic the Pakistanis are to let this slide and continue.
If the elites including the military leadership are happy with Banana republic status quo then they are doing it happily on the backs of every other nincumpoop that calls themselves a Pakistani.
PPP is only alive because of 18th amendment. It would rather initiate civil war than go for any change in 18th amendment.
then be it it's not written on stone laws can be changed and Imran khan should change this law if he evers come in power otherwise he can forget karachi for ever.
Question is - how absolutely pathetic the Pakistanis are to let this slide and continue.
If the elites including the military leadership are happy with Banana republic status quo then they are doing it happily on the backs of every other nincumpoop that calls themselves a Pakistani.

It is better to think of the Pakistani system as having been honed to near-perfection, and therefore unlikely to change in any meaningful way. Everybody's happy.
You live in the UK!!
I don't believe. Or is it that followers of the corrupt thugs, who probably settled in the UK on the fake grounds of political persecution in Pakistan , are still corrupt to the core.

I second you, I also doubt that he is from UK. And hypothetically speaking, if he does, then it means that he is a beneficiary of PML-N and PPP at the helm and possesses no moral or ethical values ( bloody shameless ).

Anybody who supports these filths, raise his/her voice for these buffoons is 1000% certified jerk - period.
Congratulations Pakistanis..

One more step towards it doom... Jiye Bhutto ... Pretty sure in next elections these crooks will be back in power.

Btw, we are moving out of Pakistan...

Our Hindustani muslim ancestors should have known better than sacrifice everything to make this country , only for for these primitive and backward people to rule.
Stop the randirona omg.
Really that's the response you expect from a PM of a country or any country, instead of looking at the reasons and there own performance? How old are you and have you got your wisdom teeth yet or you are too old and dentist have taken them out and chuck them out with some grey matter too? No wonder i have never seen any one with so many negative ratings.

Bro look at him from this prospective.

He is a paid Maryam's cyber cell employee, today is his payday, therefore going an extra mile to make his boss happy (more venom they spit against PTI/IK the better pay cheque they get). Dont waste you time and energies on such jerks, who have no moral or ethical values.
It is better to think of the Pakistani system as having been honed to near-perfection, and therefore unlikely to change in any meaningful way. Everybody's happy.
I put it down to a simple metric - they are comfortable as they are. The majority aren’t starving even if miserable comparatively - and the misery is offset by prexisting religious and social dogma.

Which really is .. as you say.. all fine and happy for the majority.
I just chose not to identify with such a mindset and thankfully no longer have to put up with it.
So in a way, I heard Gilani loud and clear.
This is nothing

I took the PMs words seriously and left the country in his tenure.

Didn't bother when dictator Mushraff said Pakistan ka Allah hi Hafiz, that's like rule number 1 and in the anthem.
Bro look at him from this prospective.

He is a paid Maryam's cyber cell employee, today is his payday, therefore going an extra mile to make his boss happy (more venom they spit against PTI/IK the better pay cheque they get). Dont waste you time and energies on such jerks, who have no moral or ethical values.
Its confusing.

Current PM want people to come back.
Former PM sent people out.

He will probably legislate to keep us out forcefully too.

What a quagmire
I put it down to a simple metric - they are comfortable as they are. The majority aren’t starving even if miserable comparatively - and the misery is offset by prexisting religious and social dogma.

Which really is .. as you say.. all fine and happy for the majority.
I just chose not to identify with such a mindset and thankfully no longer have to put up with it.
So in a way, I heard Gilani loud and clear.

Those who have been lucky enough to escape the crab basket should at least be able to appreciate the simple yet effective system that keeps everyone in their place. Even better is a policy not to allow comparisons showing the relative differences in the ultimate results achieved.
I have seen ZA Bhutto speak in videos, no matter what one may think of him, I also have mixed feelings, he was the last intelligent civilian leader we've had.
And now, Imran Khan.
Bhutto reminds me a lot of Latin American leaders, specifically Juan Peron. Juan Peron also came into power promising concessions to the poor and destroyed Argentina's thriving economy.

Bhutto had all the air, entitlement and arrogance of a cigar smoking Machiavellian character.

I don't know what Pak liberals see in him.
Bhutto reminds me a lot of Latin American leaders, specifically Juan Peron. Juan Peron also came into power promising concessions to the poor and destroyed Argentina's thriving economy.

Bhutto had all the air, entitlement and arrogance of a cigar smoking Machiavellian character.

I don't know what Pak liberals see in him.

That's a pretty good comparison. Juan Peron also courted a faction of rightist Peronists and leftist Peronists and gave them mixed signals so it looked like he supported both of them on different occasions - when it came time to return to Argentina from exile, he secretly made a deal with the right Peronists to turn on the leftists which eventually lead to a massacre at the airport he arrived in. Bhutto was a lot more brazen about it, but the left Bhuttoists have never stopped idolizing him.
Hindustani muslim ancestors should have known better than sacrifice everything to make this country , only for for these primitive and backward people to rule
I have to add something here:

While we sacrificed for Pakistan alright, that sacrifice came on the backs of the poor 80% among India's Muslims who couldn't afford to move nor could fit into Pakistan.

This is something that never gets talked about in the discourse surrounding Pakistan.

The IM ajlaf class who couldn't move to Pakistan were left as permanent hostages of partition. So the middle and upper class Hindustani Muslims leading the partition cause conveniently forgot about the defenceless Muslim villagers who would be left behind in the small towns of UP and Bihar. Who the Hindus would extract their revenge from whenever they wanted.

Allah ki laathi beawaaz hoti hai.

That's one of the reasons I keep talking about IMs. They were the permanent hostages for our 'sacrifice.'
Those who have been lucky enough to escape the crab basket should at least be able to appreciate the simple yet effective system that keeps everyone in their place. Even better is a policy not to allow comparisons showing the relative differences in the ultimate results achieved.
I can't listen to this constipation face, haar chore MOFO

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Wait till you hear this.

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