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PM Modi announces economic relief package worth ₹20 lakh cr(270 Billion )$

Seriously you do have the audacity to say this rich boy.
After all what did a below poverty Indian get? 2000 rupees? What would he do with that?
Pakistan on the other hand given its 1.5 carore people below or touching the poverty line 12000 money.
After that all the daily wagors who lost their labour get like 12000 money and additional 1 carore lakh people.
The bills of 90 percent of all small shops and , and traders and 80 small industries of 3 months are paid by the government. The government has checked last year's bills and deposited same amount of money into their bill so they can use when they open their shops.
Petrol was lowered. Like 40 rupees in Indian rupee terms to lower the cost of transport food.
And subcidie of 100 billion on all esstenial items of food at government owned utility stores that cover all over the country.
I appreciate your govt for giving 12000 for poor people..it's like 6000 indian currency...but in india poor got nearly 4000 rs from both central and state govt combined...many people may receive money next month too...so it comes to around 6000 ...is your govt giving 12000 every month?india is giving it for 3 months
So 1.7 lac crs was distributed to how many people? who were the beneficiaries? we know the crores of migrant workers got nothing , were charged train fare till the govt was called out on it . so where did the money go?
Do post the news where the money went if you can and enlighten me .
PS - forget my political affiliations , only stupid retards believe what this govt talks , where is the actual data where the money was spent?

Economic package annouced by India - $270.7 Billion
GDP of Pakistan - $270 Billion

On the other thread their they were discussing about war with and India and capture Kashmir
indian forex reserves 460bn$ :lol::rofl: do you guys empty it :D

India GDP is 3.2 trillion $ And 11 trillion $ PPP
and Forex reserves are only 460bn$ come back in real world .
I don't know if you intend to merely troll. But sir, majority of population sleeping hungry - this shows a gross negligence of ground affairs on your part.

Do google the Public Food Distribution in India. Very fine quality food grains procured mainly from Punjab, Haryana and West UP are distributed at just 1rs per kg to the poor. No one sleeps hungry in India.

If any person were to die of hunger , entire administration would be suspended immediately.

Well Its more of a Distribution Problem in country Diverse as India and With 1.37 population to feed
Indian Produces 3 times The food that required For its population We have Buffer To last 1 year


This is from recent study. Though, if i completely ignore the research article and just buy the narrative that's being spread for a hypothetical scenario - subsidized 5 kg of grains/ month for a family. is equivalent to sleeping hungry. And then of course they can buy it on normal rates from market but look the numbers for wealth distribution from the report from OXFAM i've referenced in the end of this post.

4.2. Effectiveness of the PDS
Eight articles specifically examined the effectiveness of the PDS. Each of these studies suggested that the PDS was not working effectively, with large amounts of food not reaching the intended recipients, and significant wastage resulting in high costs for limited benefits. For example, Dhanaraj and Gade [53] estimated that in Tamil Nadu, for every 5.43 kgs of PDS rice distributed by the government, only 1 kg reached those in need; the distribution was less efficient in the case of sugar, where only 1 kg for each 8.21 kgs distributed was consumed by those in need. Kumar [58], in a large investigation spanning 12 states, found that up to 100% of wheat was diverted in some cases, with diversion and provision of rice and wheat being different across all states. Khera [54], suggested that households cannot access their full entitlement to goods, and as a result are forced to purchase much of their food from the free market. Conversely, a positive trend was identified in the state of Bihar, where in 1993, 90% of food grains were diverted away from those in need; by 2001 this figure was down to just 12.5% of diverted food grain [56]. Similar findings were reported by Nair [61] in Kerala. In both states, this was attributed to better transparency and infrastructure.

4.3. Barriers and Enablers to the Efficient Working of the PDS
A number of barriers and enablers influencing the efficient working of the PDS were investigated across the studies included in this review. One key barrier to a more efficient system was the presence of illegal (or ghost) cards, with the finding that some households hold multiple cards [51,58]. The illegal cards were identified in several states, with Kumar [58] suggesting that there were approximately 230 million excess cards across the country in 2006.

Despite a number of significant, system-wide changes over recent years, high levels of corruption and leakage continue to plague the PDS [48,53,54]. Part of this leakage occurs at the level of the fair price shops, where Gupta and Singh [48] reported that some store owners exchanged the high quality goods provided from the government for distribution through the PDS with lesser quality goods from the general stores. Both Khera [54] and Dhanaraj and Gade [53] reported very high rates of corruption within the system, in some states this was up to 100% leakage or ‘diversion’ from the supply chain. Transparency, better governance, technology and the introduction of computerisation, along with use of global positioning system and distribution via doorstep delivery have been suggested as potential ways to address these issues [45,56].

Targeting errors, specifically the problems associated with targeting BPL and APL households were identified as areas where efficiencies could be made [45,52,58]. These studies suggest that while there was some effort to target the BPL households, the targeting has had a marginal effect on poor households [52]. There is also a suggestion from Kumar [58] that non-poor households have been included in the PDS to the detriment of the system. This is consistent with the work of Nair [61], who suggest that better targeting and the removal of APL households, that is, a removal of universal nature of the system, would have significant positive impacts on the operation and effects of the PDS.

reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6747310/

this is from the report from oxfam

India’s top 10% of the population holds 74.3% of the total national wealth. The contrast is even sharper for the top 1%. India’s top 1% of population holds 42.5% of national wealth while the bottom 50%, the majority of the population, owns a mere 2.8% of the national wealth. In other words, the top 1% hold more than 4 times the amount of wealth held by 953 million people (or the bottom 70% of the population). The bottom 90 percent holds 25.7 percent of national wealth. Wealth of top 9 billionaires is equivalent to the wealth of the bottom 50% of the population.
India’s top 10% of the population holds 74.3% of the total national wealth. The contrast is even sharper for the top 1%. India’s top 1% of population holds 42.5% of national wealth while the bottom 50%, the majority of the population, owns a mere 2.8% of the national wealth. In other words, the top 1% hold more than 4 times the amount of wealth held by 953 million people (or the bottom 70% of the population). The bottom 90 percent holds 25.7 percent of national wealth. Wealth of top 9 billionaires is equivalent to the wealth of the bottom 50% of the population.

This the same case For all World
. . .
Whole world's countries don't have the population to wealth ratio as india
Still India Leads In all Economic Indicates than Pakistan
For that matter
HDI ,MDP ,GNi in All india Leads
For that matter India Leads Pakistan in over 1000 $ Gap in per ca-pita income

There is Per capital
India’s top 10% of the population holds 74.3% of the total national wealth
10 % Is over 100 Million People
It Will Increases as GDP increase
Middle Class of india Is Bigger and Equal to population Pakistan

As For report It is based on Media article Not personal Surveys
A systematic literature search was conducted in November 2018 to identify articles that investigated the role of the PDS in responding to food insecurity in India. Databases included; Academic Search Complete, CINAHL Complete, EconLit, Global Health, GreenFILE, Health Policy Reference Center, Legal Source, Scopus, and Medline. Search terms included “food insecurity” OR “food security” AND “Public Distribution System” OR “PDS” OR “TPDS” AND “India”. Limits restricted the search to those articles with full text published in English. In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the role of the PDS in achieving food security over time, no temporal limitations were placed on articles.

Articles were included in this review if they (1) included food security or food insecurity as an exposure of interest; (2) investigated the role of the PDS in addressing food security; and (3) were peer-reviewed. Editorials or commentaries [34,38,39,40,41] were excluded. Both authors reviewed all articles to identify relevancy. Articles were first screened by title and abstract based on the inclusion criteria. The full text of selected articles was obtained for assessment for final inclusion.

The Public Distribution System (PDS) of India plays a crucial role in reducing food insecurity by acting as a safety net by distributing essentials at a subsidised rate. While the PDS forms a cornerstone of government food and nutrition policy, India continues to be home to a large population of hungry and malnourished people. This review seeks to explore the functioning and efficiency of the PDS in achieving food and nutritional security in India. A comprehensive and systematic search using the key terms "food insecurity" OR "food security" AND "Public Distribution System" OR "PDS" OR "TPDS" AND "India" identified 23 articles which met the inclusion criteria. This review draws attention to the lack of published literature in areas of PDS and food security in India. The findings of the review emphasise the role of PDS in tackling hunger and malnutrition while highlighting its limited role in improving food security and childhood mortality due to operational inefficiencies. The PDS has the potential to act as a solution to food insecurity in India if the operational inefficiencies and environmental footprints are addressed by adequate policy reforms.
Last edited:
Still India Leads In all Economic Indicates than Pakistan
For that matter
HDI ,MDP ,GNi in All india Leads
For that matter India Leads Pakistan in over 1000 $ Gap in per ca-pita income

There is Per capital

Remember in statistics; i can give you numbers of one's liking when i grossly distribute/average the data over the whole population. It's called data manipulation. Look at the variables for each measure you are mentioning and then see for each measure if the data was skewed in favor of a very little population and if it was rather averaged.

If you really wanna look the facts; look at the hard numbers. Which i have provided in my last post.

10 % Is over 100 Million People
It Will Increases as GDP increase
Middle Class of india Is Bigger and Equal to population Pakistan

And the rest 90 percent is 1.253 billion people. Now you can calculate the poverty as per numbers.
This is from recent study. Though, if i completely ignore the research article and just buy the narrative that's being spread for a hypothetical scenario - subsidized 5 kg of grains/ month for a family. is equivalent to sleeping hungry.

Correct Your Facts,
Subsidized grain is also provided along with 5 kg of wheat,1-2 kg of pulses.

In addition to this

There Are Many NGO's in many states too which gives free meals to the needy.
And the rest 90 percent is 1.253 billion people. Now you can calculate the poverty as per numbers.

Reliability of the Report Is questionable
Neither It Used Published research. Surveys or Polls
or Sampling Methods

The Public Distribution System (PDS) of India plays a crucial role in reducing food insecurity by acting as a safety net by distributing essentials at a subsidised rate. While the PDS forms a cornerstone of government food and nutrition policy, India continues to be home to a large population of hungry and malnourished people. This review seeks to explore the functioning and efficiency of the PDS in achieving food and nutritional security in India. A comprehensive and systematic search using the key terms "food insecurity" OR "food security" AND "Public Distribution System" OR "PDS" OR "TPDS" AND "India" identified 23 articles which met the inclusion criteria. This review draws attention to the lack of published literature in areas of PDS and food security in India. The findings of the review emphasise the role of PDS in tackling hunger and malnutrition while highlighting its limited role in improving food security and childhood mortality due to operational inefficiencies. The PDS has the potential to act as a solution to food insecurity in India if the operational inefficiencies and environmental footprints are addressed by adequate policy reforms.
Very skeptical about how the amount is going to be used. If utilized properly its gonna be a huge boon for the economy. Irrespective of it, thats a huge amount and way beyond anyone had expected. Fiscal deficit will take backseat for couple of years.

Look like you are going to print money for this measure. For Indonesian case, our central bank chairman has already said clearly that his institution will not print money to help government effort to ease the Covid 19 economic effect.
Remember in statistics; i can give you numbers of one's liking when i grossly distribute/average the data over the whole population. It's called data manipulation. Look at the variables for each measure you are mentioning and then see for each measure if the data was skewed in favor of a very little population and if it was rather averaged.

If you really wanna look the facts; look at the hard numbers. Which i have provided in my last post.
Its Same for Pakistan And For Pakistan it is even Worse

HDI DATA Depicts It And Per capita
Correct Your Facts,
Subsidized grain is also provided along with 5 kg of wheat,1-2 kg of pulses.

In addition to this

There Are Many NGO's in many states too which gives free meals to the needy.

Stop your meltdown in the face of facts; look at the research article i posted as a reply; this 5 kg and 1-2 kg of pulses is not being distributed and even if i agree to that is it enough for a family of idk 5-10.

Reliability of the Report Is questionable

Not very objective of you. If you are gonna go by the hunch then be my guest; won't change the ground realities.
Still India Leads In all Economic Indicates than Pakistan
For that matter
HDI ,MDP ,GNi in All india Leads
For that matter India Leads Pakistan in over 1000 $ Gap in per ca-pita income

There is Per capital

10 % Is over 100 Million People
It Will Increases as GDP increase
Middle Class of india Is Bigger and Equal to population Pakistan

As For report It is based on Media article Not personal Surveys
A systematic literature search was conducted in November 2018 to identify articles that investigated the role of the PDS in responding to food insecurity in India. Databases included; Academic Search Complete, CINAHL Complete, EconLit, Global Health, GreenFILE, Health Policy Reference Center, Legal Source, Scopus, and Medline. Search terms included “food insecurity” OR “food security” AND “Public Distribution System” OR “PDS” OR “TPDS” AND “India”. Limits restricted the search to those articles with full text published in English. In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the role of the PDS in achieving food security over time, no temporal limitations were placed on articles.

Articles were included in this review if they (1) included food security or food insecurity as an exposure of interest; (2) investigated the role of the PDS in addressing food security; and (3) were peer-reviewed. Editorials or commentaries [34,38,39,40,41] were excluded. Both authors reviewed all articles to identify relevancy. Articles were first screened by title and abstract based on the inclusion criteria. The full text of selected articles was obtained for assessment for final inclusion.

The Public Distribution System (PDS) of India plays a crucial role in reducing food insecurity by acting as a safety net by distributing essentials at a subsidised rate. While the PDS forms a cornerstone of government food and nutrition policy, India continues to be home to a large population of hungry and malnourished people. This review seeks to explore the functioning and efficiency of the PDS in achieving food and nutritional security in India. A comprehensive and systematic search using the key terms "food insecurity" OR "food security" AND "Public Distribution System" OR "PDS" OR "TPDS" AND "India" identified 23 articles which met the inclusion criteria. This review draws attention to the lack of published literature in areas of PDS and food security in India. The findings of the review emphasise the role of PDS in tackling hunger and malnutrition while highlighting its limited role in improving food security and childhood mortality due to operational inefficiencies. The PDS has the potential to act as a solution to food insecurity in India if the operational inefficiencies and environmental footprints are addressed by adequate policy reforms.


India ranks below Pakistan, Sri Lanka in Global Hunger Index, report says not Open Defecation-Free yet
The annual index is designed to measure and track hunger at the global, national and regional levels and to assess progress and setbacks in combating hunger. India is now ranked below Pakistan (94), Bangladesh (88) and Sri Lanka (66) among South Asian nations.

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