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Featured PM Imran Khan's Interview to HBO's Jonathan Swan

Exactly, that is how it suppose to be, every country has its unique culture which needs to be preserved.

Any culture, no matter how unique, cannot remain static, specially in this day and age. As a society changes with time, as it inevitably does, so does their culture.
Any culture, no matter how unique, cannot remain static, specially in this day and age. As a society changes with time, as it inevitably does, so does their culture.

True, but understand it like this, If American people has a issue in their society the solution should come by understanding the Psyche of American people, you don't look at Pakistan or Russia for solutions for problems within American society, So if Pakistan is suffering from a issue even though its a universal issue but the solution which govt should focus on must reflect the psyche of Pakistani's and its culture/religion, what works in west does not mean it will work in East, and what work in East does not mean it will work in West.
True, but understand it like this, If American people has a issue in their society the solution should come by understanding the Psyche of American people, you don't look at Pakistan or Russia for solutions for problems within American society, So if Pakistan is suffering from a issue even though its a universal issue but the solution which govt should focus on must reflect the psyche of Pakistani's and its culture/religion, what works in west does not mean it will work in East, and what work in East does not mean it will work in West.

Of course. As I have said before, I would trust each society to find the solution to problems it regards as important according to its own preferences.
Here’s what Johnathan Swan said to US media (“Morning Joe” on MSNBC) when back stateside after the interview.


Now Johnathan Swan jokes (when Joe says people will put up posters in Islamabad of Johnathan, and “by the way if you or your family is going to Islamabad this weekend, and you see posters of Johnathan up, and you can’t read exactly what’s underneath that thing”, like people have nothing better to do then fixate on this two bit “journalist” and make posters of him)

at 2:38; “Its probably Anti-Semitic. They hated me there”

He can’t admit his hit job of an interview went as can be expected with the way he did his interview. Had to go play the race card.

Next time someone wants to do an interview with a Pakistani official, IMHO, the government should vet them more throughly; asking if they think they will get a fair interview or will go home to “play the race card”?

Get over yourself Johnathan.

P.S. when Morning Joe says “you can’t read exactly what’s underneath that thing”, he is also “otherizing” Pakistan in a subtle way. This is the game of language the media uses to slowly manipulate the American/Western public into thinking of other countries as less than. It maybe a subconscious slip of the tongue what it was something I thought was telling.

Ultimately, I think the government knew exactly who this Axios “Journalist” (after how he interviewed Trump last year) was, a sound bite evolution of the 30 year media circus we’ve had in the US. Even the Op-Ed in the Washington Post was timed to get the case across. The main interviewee in the Morning Joe Video laid out Pakistani cooperation too. So the Government knows it can’t have it all its way and prepared for what was bound to come with the PTV full version of the interview once enough attention was brought by the “Absolutely Not” statement. Well played Imran Khan and team.
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Interviews to foreign media should only be given on the condition that they will air all of it unedited. The whole purpose of them interviewing us, is not to promote Pakistan or Pakistan's narrative rather they ask questions on controversial issues and then edit the response in a manner to make our country/our officials look bad and promote their (West's) negative narrative about us.

condescending tone/undertone? was i the only one who saw it? I suppose his pro western bias is nothing surprising.

To be honest, even the society does not matter. look at most sex offense cases in the west and mostly if the woman is found to be dressed provocatively, she is blamed/accused (or tried to be blames /accused) even in their courts and even on media. Furthermore the proof is in the pudding, compare the rape cases in the so called liberal west compared to the Islamic world. Scantily dressed women do give ideas to men who are driven by their lust.

If the dress does not affect anything, why do these incidents happen in the liberal west?

Why are you taking it out of context? He said you have to consider the society someone is in. At no point did he say that is justification for rape.
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P.S. when Morning Joe says “you can’t read exactly what’s underneath that thing”, he is also “otherizing” Pakistan in a subtle way. This is the game of language the media uses to slowly manipulate the American/Western public into thinking of other countries as less than. It maybe a subconscious slip of the tongue what it was something I thought was telling.

He is just using correct grammar here. "That thing" refers to the poster:

“by the way if you or your family is going to Islamabad this weekend, and you see posters of Johnathan up, and you can’t read exactly what’s underneath that thing

If everything is imagined as an offence, that is all one will find.
But any negative impact of change should be rectified as soon as identified...

That is the responsibility of the social leaders of said society as to how they identify and rectify what they identify in an effective manner.
That is the responsibility of the social leaders of said society as to how they identify and rectify what they identify in an effective manner.
And elements external to that society should NOT be worried about the effects of rectification applied by the social leaders of said society...true?
And elements external to that society should NOT be worried about the effects of rectification applied by the social leaders of said society...true?

As long as what happens in a society remains internal to it, then yes, but if there is any spillover, then no. As I have said before, I would trust each society to find the solution to problems it regards as important according to its own preferences.
As long as what happens in a society remains internal to it, then yes, but if there is any spillover, then no.
So then this should be across the board meaning can be applied to any society...BTW how to deal with the negative spill over (if any)?
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