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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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This is a sign, it is the end of the house of Sharif.

Hopefully Khan takes majority in the next elections and the entire family goes to jail.
They have better chance of being jailed in UK than in Pakistan where the mafias won’t let that happen. There is reason Nawaz Sharif got away last time.

Imran khan should focus on nation and its economy since we are possibly heading to economic sanction.
Blinded with hatred, some hooligans belonging to a political party once again attacked the office of the former PM of Pakistan. Not realising any attempt on any political leader has far-reaching effects, far more than one can comprehend. Nevertheless, the thugs were dealt with appropriately and handed over to the police. Another sad day for peaceful Pakistanis.

There is an independent version of this fight between 'Thief from Pakistan' and some local UK-born Pakistanis.
Two guards of 'Thief from Pakistan' and one person from the family of a local UK-born Pakistani are arrested.

Ask the family of 'Thief from Pakistan' to return the looted money and the problems will be over else this shameless family of 'not so sharif' will have to face such consequential reaction till the cradle of their graves or even beyond that.
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There as been alot of commentary on this topic, and I would just like to present the possibilities as I see them:

PPP argues that the status quo be maintained, assemblies restored, and voting on the NCM take place.

PTI contends that:

The court cannot hear cases regarding this issue due to Article 69. There is some merit to this argument, as the SC returned a petition one day ago on the exact same grounds. But, there is a debate even within the lawyers whether this article applies in totality or not. Some contend this is a conditional clause. It only applies to procedural faults, not constitutional.

So the first order is that the court has to decide whether it can do something in this case or not.

So, let's say the court decides that it will interfere in this matter and Article 69 does not apply in this case. Then would the assemblies be restored? No. Right now the court has only decided to look at the merits of the Speaker's decision, hasn't decided on the decision itself.

Now comes the speakers judgement, which is a detailed judgement. There are merits and dismerits to it. To decide upon that, the court would need to see bone of contention, the famed letter. And that is where the water muddies. If that letter comes to the SC, then the MoD, MoFA, and other stakeholders would be asked to give their input, and the court would in effect have to decide whether the political parties or a select few of their leaders were indeed part of a foreign conspiracy or plan? This is a HUGE question, and a HUGE responsibility on the shoulders of the court. The letter would come out in public, be shared with the opposition lawyers, and so on.

If it agrees with the speaker on the ruling, then it effectively does say that there was a foreign element to the whole move, and this would be far far damaging to the opposition. The SC basically has said you are colluding with a foreign power.

Does the SC want to take that burden? I believe not.

Furthermore, how can it be that you can break the law in one case but that is alright, but in another it becomes totally wrong? Banday chori kar lo, paisay kharcho, entice karo, that's alright, but the other thing is not?

You cannot bring a knife to a karate fight, but then complain when the other guy brings out a gun. Once you brought out a knife, you've left the door open for all sorts of thuggery.

IMO, the court should also immediately decide the status of the presidential reference regarding the turncoats. The opposition only managed to woo MQM and other parties after it showed them the presence of the PTI MNA's in it's ranks. Had the SC decided on that issue before, we wouldn't be here.

In a nutshell, the SC would not want to involve itself in this political mess, and give out a certificate on foreign interference, that is why it will take the easy way out as always and take support of Article 69.
If it wanted to have support from article 69. Why would they even listen? They didn't listen to govt side 2 days ago? saying it's not court matter.

Court is to see if deputy speaker did anything unconstitutional. Today SC will be hearing govt point of view.
Chill out Clutch stop inciting violence, you could get arrested and put in jail.
you being in the US and him being a Canuck are practically neighbors. just hop over the border and counsel him in person instead of giving prompts to CSIS from here
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Doesnt Pakistan have an extradition agreement with the UK? He needs to be brought back!

Someone tell him PMLN won and he can come make more money. Where the help is he going to take all that money really when the grave calls? So much Hawass..
Lol the British Govt miraculously dropping all the charges and cases against Sharifs and Altaf Hussain there to get them ready to fight against Pakistan once more. Why would they let that vital terrorist assets to be handed over to Pakistan? That's why IK asks in public that he wanna do drone attack on the terrorist hiding in London whose been charged of countless deaths and operating criminal organization in the biggest city of Pakistan. But UK isn't allowing it so why would we allow their drones to bomb Afghani or Pakistani people which they don't like .
If it wanted to have support from article 69. Why would they even listen? They didn't listen to govt side 2 days ago? saying it's not court matter.

They grilled opposition lawyer pretty bad today. He wasn’t ready at all in his defense and asked for more time. He got scolded. And then SC asked the opposition why they didn’t go to the platform when invited twice by the govt to discuss the authenticity of the letter. Obviously still the dumb *** opposition didn’t have anything.

They are so far put themselves in a negative light. Hopefully the trend becomes their demise.
you being in the US (unless using proxy) and him being a Canuck are practically neighbors. just hop over the border and counsel him in person instead of giving prompts to CSIS from here
I haven't a clue where he is from, I thought he was from Israel or an Israelite but could be wrong. Nawaz Sharif and PML have done a lot for Pakistan even though it was tainted with corruption. Don't think it is right to encourage violence ,we should let the people decide through the ballot box and through democratic means.
No one other than IK dares to talk about the UN report which says that every year $1.6 Trillion Dollars are illegally transferred from 3rd world countries to the rich countries. And they are threatening us with the FATF🤔.

If FATF is for real then first of all UK and Switzerland need to be put on their blacklist as they are the top destinations for money launderers, thugs, smugglers, murderers and criminals I'll gotten money.
Lol the British Govt miraculously dropping all the charges and cases against Sharifs and Altaf Hussain there to get them ready to fight against Pakistan once more. Why would they let that vital terrorist assets to be handed over to Pakistan? That's why IK asks in public that he wanna do drone attack on the terrorist hiding in London whose been charged of countless deaths and operating criminal organization in the biggest city of Pakistan. But UK isn't allowing it so why would we allow their drones to bomb Afghani or Pakistani people which they don't like .
Agreed. If this cannot tell how the powers are influencing Pakistani politics, nothing will.

This is exactly why Pakistan needs to get out of this slavery mindset. Like IK said, it’s a defining moment in Pakistan’s history.
Blinded with hatred, some hooligans belonging to a political party once again attacked the office of the former PM of Pakistan. Not realising any attempt on any political leader has far-reaching effects, far more than one can comprehend. Nevertheless, the thugs were dealt with appropriately and handed over to the police. Another sad day for peaceful Pakistanis.
Well you didn't get the expected support from this thread as 99.99% people disagree with you statement. So why not gracefully withdraw from this thread! I mean delete it if you wanna conserve any of the self respect! 😊
fat chor and his guards aka thugs are in fear and are paranoid to the extent that any passing non-white looks like a PTI member to them

you lied about people attacking nawaz chor's office in London. it was the thugs of pandit chor who attacked a passing family by mistaking them for pti. 2 kids of the family and 1 adult fought back and beat the crap outta the pandit thugs.

as a result 2 pandit modi league thugs and the adult of the passing family are in custody
Aah, so you are using a proxy, which country are you really from? Its 2am in the morning in the UK so I doubt Pakistan politics would interest you so much that you would stay awake late into the night to monitor and chat.

west fault for accepting and protecting corrupt capital and criminals and then accuse 3rd world of corruption
West never say no to handling stolen money.
Looks like zone 1 central london. Beggars can't be choosers eh :rolleyes:
"Beggars can't be choosers". IK said today that who made Pakistan a beggar in the first place! They were in power for more than 3 decades (the worst of Pakistan) and don't get fooled by them when they present excuse of the dictators. They were the ones who begged the dictators to seize the power and later on shared the big chunk of Govt with dictators too. They have been in power either in one form or the other.

Why are all of them filthy rich and people and state of Pakistan that much poor!
Aah, so you are using a proxy, which country are you really from? Its 2am in the morning in the UK so I doubt Pakistan politics would interest you so much that you would stay awake late into the night to monitor and chat.

West never say no to handling stolen money.
is there someplace where it is 2119 in the evening? if so then let's pretend that I'm from there :p:
Could the traitors (PDM) be disqualified for next election as foreign interference has been accepted as genuine by NSC ?
It certainly should be. But I don't think so it would happen in reality. Our system loves PDM more than anything else

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