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He should go back to Pakistan and return the money he looted with interest. Also ask Zardari to unlock the billions of Benazir stolen money in her swiss account.

Over 30 years they had power and couldn't even solve something as simple as sewage and waste management. How many people randomly dropped dead with viruses from open sewage? Millions must have died over the years.
So you are gonna burn the entire towns only to find out that so-called messiahs refuse to give back stolen money?
First of all, I don't live in a glass house, it is build of mortar.From your location, it seems you also live in the same UK.

One very simple question my friend, can Boris Johnson gets away with it if they discover Billions of Sterling going through his and his servants bank accounts!!
Just simple answer, no need to go in to exploitation and other crap.
They do and they get away with it because it is done very subtly.

First of all, I don't live in a glass house, it is build of mortar.From your location, it seems you also live in the same UK.

One very simple question my friend, can Boris Johnson gets away with it if they discover Billions of Sterling going through his and his servants bank accounts!!
Just simple answer, no need to go in to exploitation and other crap.
Your house is Brick, concrete, wood or plastic and can't be made of mortar but is held together by Mortar. You know what I mean.
This is why along with judicial reforms, a mass literacy campaign needs to be launched after the elections, to get the people educated on their rights and responsibilities. It will also help make each person more productive and the best of our population will rise to the top on their merits. That is why the first word was IQRA.

The average age of the population is 23. If at least everyone under 30 knows how to read and write over the course of the next 5 years, by the time the elections after these, where inshallah, the population will see what is at stake and vote accordingly, they will be able to hold all government officials and the media accountable under the law.

Idea bro but it needs huge investment political party in govt never support such acts which will haunt them because they are the corrupts it is us to understand fundamental right of human
I am just saying the frustration is understandable. They have been labelled as traitors.
That doesn’t help the towns and they have nothing to lose. It is through the system that they must be tried. Don’t see how bullying the towns can be good marketing scheme of Naya Pakistan.

Are you London police?
No, just Fascist who is against freedoms of speech and expression.
Just expose the dodgy dealings and backgrounds of all compromised media and label them as traitors.
You should watch tom and jerry, these things are beyond your payscale

So now Bajwa has effectively taken over the Foreign policy of Pakistan. And
worshippers of military establishment here plz don't feel infuriated as it's the best possible sugar coated pro establishment commentary you can ever get on the Pakistani media.
That doesn’t help the towns and they have nothing to lose. It is through the system that they must be tried. Don’t see how bullying the towns can be good marketing scheme of Naya Pakistan.

This is a sign, it is the end of the house of Sharif.

Hopefully Khan takes majority in the next elections and the entire family goes to jail.
Blinded with hatred, some hooligans belonging to a political party once again attacked the office of the former PM of Pakistan. Not realising any attempt on any political leader has far-reaching effects, far more than one can comprehend. Nevertheless, the thugs were dealt with appropriately and handed over to the police. Another sad day for peaceful Pakistanis.
fat chor and his guards aka thugs are in fear and are paranoid to the extent that any passing non-white looks like a PTI member to them

you lied about people attacking nawaz chor's office in London. it was the thugs of pandit chor who attacked a passing family by mistaking them for pti. 2 kids of the family and 1 adult fought back and beat the crap outta the pandit thugs.

as a result 2 pandit modi league thugs and the adult of the passing family are in custody
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Lol... Sharif is a gangster only in Pakistan where he can bully... They all are shy little timid boys in the West due to their inherent inferiority complex!!..

Their hands shake when they meet Westerners... I can spit their face... I'm a both North American and I can take care of FOBs .... If you know what a FOB is...
Chill out Clutch stop inciting violence, you could get arrested and put in jail.
Doesnt Pakistan have an extradition agreement with the UK? He needs to be brought back!

Someone tell him PMLN won and he can come make more money. Where the help is he going to take all that money really when the grave calls? So much Hawass..

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