The most important things to note when comparing last example (Qasim Suri) with other 6 are:
1). Qasim Suri did not dissolve the NA. He merely declared no confidence motion null and void as it did not satisfy the criteria(s). He read the order of the Speaker.
2). In last example, President dissolved NA on the advice of PM (in none of the all other 6 examples the assembly was dissolved on the advice of PM of Pakistan).
3). One of the main objectives of SC is to see the public reaction to action taken. This is the most important objective of SC, and has been mentioned in the Order of The Day by SC. There is complete peace in the country, no army has been called, no emergency has been imposed, all constitutional rights of citizens of Pakistan are in place. In all the other 6 examples, there were protests, emergency was imposed or constitutional rights were abrogated, or army was called.