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Please Welcome new moderators: Santro and Elmo

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Congrats Santro, one of my favorite member, I do not kknow Elmo, congrats to you too..
Congratulations Santro :D

Welcome back Elmo :D
and congratulations to you aswell :tup:

Finally we have a female MOD :yahoo:
Grats Santro & Elmo!


Santro sir, you were one of my favourite members, as for Elmo, Ms sorry but I dont know you. Anyways, congrats to you too!
Btw.. just in case you were wondering Obambam
this is what my santro kinda looked like
Congratulations to Santro, u are one deserving candidate no doubt.

I am unable to recongnise Elmo but congrats to you too.
Thats a good move.
I must say, this step by step promotion(in responsiblity) is more appreciated than the direct one's given away.
its indeed a well deserved promotion for Santro.Have always found his posts quite interesting, informative and helpful..So congratulations!...Elmo...Congratulations to you too..Keep up the good work:)
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