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Please stop the rape threads.

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Central & South Asia section is totally filled with rape threads. It is very disturbing...Please take actions to prevent it.

@Nilgiri @Joe Shearer @Ashes

It's pretty much a lost cause, believe me I have talked to a few that matter here about it....same conclusion.

It needs an intervention by @WebMaster policy wise. It is in the end up to him what direction this forum goes.

Situation so rampant it's better to create a separate Rape and sexual crime section to discuss how our moral condition down so low . We can't ignore what's happening all around us by putting our head buried in sand

I actually like this idea.

Lol so you are not worried about crime being committed but news of the crime is a Sin .

Nice strawman.
Said 12 full moons ago make a Sticky one.

No one listens
I disagree
If you are disturbed by the news then fix the problem don't delete the reports about it

The first step to solve any issue is admitting there is one and knowing it

Besides imagine how the women who were raped see their cases ignored and not reported I say nope keep the threads and show your disgust and disapproval of what's happening it's the LEAST we can do
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