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Playstation 4, Xbox One or Nintendo U

and let to slide in pc games with his windows 8 which has smart phone like interface rather traditional windows look and interface.

Then you might wanna try project shield by Nvidia...plays Android and PC games on a hand held device.
i have given examples same will happen with xbox1 experiment
janab constant online connection to play games is a disaster look at SIMCITY launch where their servers were down and they had constant problems with their users profile save online and character saved online.

same disaster with diablo 3

they manage to sale games in huge number diablo 3 sold a whooping 10 million but it was due to pre order and huge name of diablo franchise

but next time people will think twice when buying new diablo series game .

it always has negative aspect when a great game goes bad only for just one time and it can not achieve its previous success levels

plus online check can also be hacked where hackers can hack it to be played as offline as happened with STARCRAFT 3 i think

it is not fool proof and has many complication with online save accounts and characters account of users

plus SONY PLAY STATION NETWORK has been down for months in case of cyber attacks and all user data and profiles and time spent by gamers to build character levels all lost

Bhai did you see E3 Microsoft day 1 conference. They have strong security and 300+ or 3000 servers unlike Sony that went down so many times in last 4 Years terrible services not to forget poor security. Both Sony and Microsoft are working hard for security incase of MS they are the best security in place. Both companies need to spend more on security providence but generally MS is ahead.
Then you might wanna try project shield by Nvidia...plays Android and PC games on a hand held device.

always been a PC fan and windows 7 is playing current games perfectly.i heard Microsoft is returning to old style windows interface with update or service pack lets see what happens.
always been a PC fan and windows 7 is playing current games perfectly.i heard Microsoft is returning to old style windows interface with update or service pack lets see what happens.

Windows 8.1 Blue Free update [not SP], we only heard state button nothing else but i feel Window 7 classic desktop should have been refined for windows 8 but windows 8 classic desktop feels strange.
Bhai did you see E3 Microsoft day 1 conference. They have strong security and 300+ or 3000 servers unlike Sony that went down so many times in last 4 Years terrible services not to forget poor security. Both Sony and Microsoft are working hard for security incase of MS they are the best security in place. Both companies need to spend more on security providence but generally MS is ahead.

internet hacking attacks are common no matter the security level sony has been attacked by ANONYMOUS also and no matter how large their server base is they will have problems.EA has learnt it the hard way same as diablo 3 legendary creators BLIZARD CO and SIM creators will not include online checks and connectivity in thier new SIMS game

microsoft kay pas koi khas GURTI nae mian.sab ko samhaj aa gai in ko b aa jaey gi.bill gates be apnay mian nawaz ki tarhan hay dair say samhaj ati hay sar marnay kay baad;)
Well that is your personal preference as majority still uses ******** and if you ask me, this is where xbox will face crushing blows from PS. BTW get ready to pay more than 400 rs for a cinema ticket, they just put more taxes on foreign films.

Yeah i know taxes on films. Last time, Punjab government made a plan for tax,I.e 250 Rs more per ticket In cinepax Rawalpindi(according to cinepax). But Punjab government withdrew it's decision due to some reason.
So, Now, i can expect 250 Rs+400Rs= 650 Rs for one movie per person. :pop:
Yeah i know taxes on films. Last time, Punjab government made a plan for tax,I.e 250 Rs more per ticket In cinepax Rawalpindi(according to cinepax). But Punjab government withdrew it's decision due to some reason.
So, Now, i can expect 250 Rs+400Rs= 650 Rs for one movie per person. :pop:

i remembered a Pakistani game Death Trap i think . the developers spend million of rs on developing the game.it was shown on ptv program.it was a fighting game on the likes of street fighter 8/9 years ago. they placed it in cd shops for rs 100 but no one even bought it at that low price thy all wanted pirated games at rs 25.
this is a huge problem unless strict laws are passed our film or drama industry as well as other field books etc this will not change and no progress can be made it is discouraging for developers of any kind
internet hacking attacks are common no matter the security level sony has been attacked by ANONYMOUS also and no matter how large their server base is they will have problems.EA has learnt it the hard way same as diablo 3 legendary creators BLIZARD CO and SIM creators will not include online checks and connectivity in thier new SIMS game

Yaar strange Anonymous did not attack Microsoft that everyone is hating these days lol.
Used to have the Xbox 360 being a big Halo fan but this time I might go for the PS4 as I heard you might need internet access 24/7 for Xbox.
Yaar strange Anonymous did not attack Microsoft that everyone is hating these days lol.

don't know why they did not attack Microsoft usually they attack on some censorship bases or bans on internet or users on the likes of crumbing internet freedom etc etc

or anti piracy prevention by companies like sony so xbox is next i think

'Anonymous' Attacks Sony in Support of PS3 Hackers
Used to have the Xbox 360 being a big Halo fan but this time I might go for the PS4 as I heard you might need internet access 24/7 for Xbox.

If you don't connect once every 24 hours, your Xbox bricks.
Ḥashshāshīn;4399393 said:
If you don't connect once every 24 hours, your Xbox bricks.

Ah right so you dont need to be online to play the games? just need to connect every 24 hrs for updates

Im gonna wait till they drop the price anyways no point buying it when it comes out for like $500 and after 6 months its just $300
Ah right so you dont need to be online to play the games? just need to connect every 24 hrs for updates

Im gonna wait till they drop the price anyways no point buying it when it comes out for like $500 and after 6 months its just $300

Not for updates, it just stops working. You will have to reconnect to play games again. If you live in the West, this shouldn't really be a problem.
Battle of the Exclusives: ps4 vs xbox 1 vs wii u full details​



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