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Plans ready to take out Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal

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Seekers ur thread is one the best post i hv seen ever...

It has truth and eliminating pakistan from ur post , its a qs. In general for mankind... And its well applcable for india...as well... Even US and Russia...

We must give a thought to ur words....
Seekers ur thread is one the best post i hv seen ever...

It has truth and eliminating pakistan from ur post , its a qs. In general for mankind... And its well applcable for india...as well... Even US and Russia...

We must give a thought to ur words....

This is naked truth that our Nation don't want to look.For last one decade we are cursing every governance over energy shortfall,but we are not aware of facts that Thermal power source is now outdated in all over the world because of high fuel prices and environmental pollution.
Even the Oil rich country like saudia is also switching their power resources on Nuclear power generation.
Today "Pakistan Security Guarantee Nuclear Bomb" need itself to secure from alqaeda extremist and US. forces . today We are most insecure due to nukes custody.

Our hero Dr. Qadeer who made atomic bomb(as per nation thought) had not give us a single Kw Nuclear energy blood to survive our industry and people.Sole 300 MW plant was erected by China and PAEC.
Bs thread not gona happen ... simply

Guys, this thread have to be locked because controversies are controversies and nothing more.

You remember that these days US intelligences are crying to warn another 26/11 type attack in US by Tehreek-e-T Pakistan, thing is this that US used his lovely AQ to attack on Afghanistan and now US & India trying to black male Pakistan By supporting TTP and this is may a coming pressure on Pakistan army to make operation in North Waziristan. Last few months there were sufficient evidence shown by Pakistan interior ministry and security agencies that TTP is supported by RAW AND US. During this month an American journalist open this mystery that CIA involved in negative activities in Pakistan and in case of any blast planned by CIA, TTP accept responsibility while he also mentioned that all planning are prepare in US military basses in Afghanistan.

WASHINGTON: President Asif Ali Zardari seriously believes that the US was “arranging” the (suicide) attacks by Pakistani Taliban inside Pakistan, a claim he made before Zalmay Khalilzad, the former US envoy to Afghanistan, who thought it was ‘madness’.
The account of this claim by Zardari has been elaborately reproduced by Bob Woodward, on Page 116 of his famous book ‘Obama’s Wars’. The revelation could throw a lot of light on the complex relations between the Zardari-led PPP government which US officials believe is incompetent and the disillusioned US diplomats.
Zardari received this information from President Karzai and passed it on to Khalilzad which also reveals how important the Pakistani president thinks Karzai’s views are, though the Americans consider him a liability.
These views of Karzai and Zardari were considered by the US side as maverick and strengthened their impression that both these leaders and their governments were non-serious players and according to Khalilzad “dysfunctional”.
The Woodward account goes like this: “One evening during the trilateral summit (in Washington, between Obama, Karzai and Zardari) Zardari had dinner with Zalmay Khalilzad, the 58-year-old former US ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq and the UN, during the Bush presidency.
“Zardari dropped his diplomatic guard. He suggested that one of the two countries was arranging the attacks by the Pakistani Taliban inside his country: India or the US. Zardari didn’t think India could be that clever, but the US could. Karzai had told him the US was behind the attacks, confirming the claims made by the Pakistani ISI.
“Mr President,” Khalilzad said, “what would we gain from doing this? You explain the logic to me.” “This was a plot to destabilize Pakistan, Zardari hypothesized, so that the US could invade and seize its nuclear weapons. He could not explain the rapid expansion in violence otherwise. And the CIA had not pursued the leaders of the Pakistani Taliban, a group known as Tehrik-e-Taliban-e-Pakistan or TTP that had attacked the government. TTP was also blamed for the assassination of Zardari’s wife, Benazir Bhutto.”
“We give you targets of Taliban people you don’t go after,” Zardari said. “You go after other areas. We’re puzzled,” Woodward quoted him. But the drones were primarily meant to hunt down members of al Qaeda and Afghan insurgents, not the Pakistan Taliban, Khalilzad responded.
“But the Taliban movement is tied to al Qaeda, Zardari said, so by not attacking the targets recommended by Pakistan the US had revealed its support of the TTP. The CIA at one time had even worked with the group’s leader, Baitullah Mehsud, Zardari asserted.”
Woodward reports: “Khalilzad listened calmly, even though the claims struck him as madness. The US was using the Taliban to topple the Pakistani government? Ridiculous. But Khalilzad knew Afghanistan’s President Karzai also believed in this conspiracy theory, more evidence that this region of the world and its leaders were dysfunctional.”
“Despite Zardari’s claims, Pakistani government officials had received top secret CIA briefings about drone attacks against Baitullah Mehsud’s TTP. A March 12, 2009 attack against a Mehsud compound killed more than two dozen militants, who quickly retrieved the remains of their fallen comrades. And on April 1, another five militants linked to Mehsud, including an al Qaeda trainer, died in a drone strike, according to a CIA briefing given to Pakistan in April.”
This account by Bob Woodward, although old, reveals how initially Zardari and his strategists viewed and tackled the suicide attacks inside Pakistan. Woodward does not mention, at least in this particular account on pages 116 and 117 that Baitullah Mehsud was later killed by US drone attacks and the theory of Zardari that US was arranging the Taliban attacks inside Pakistan was nothing but hot air. But it is also not clear whether Zardari’s strong conspiracy theory forced the US strategists and CIA to start attacking the Pakistan Taliban and prove him wrong.

So my point is that this all is happened to create unstable situation in Pakistan and then US will show to whole world the situation of Pakistan and may get strong support to realize his devil desires to hold Pakistan’s nukes. That’s all. (Dream ever will be dream)

We must have to learn from 9/11. Because US is the worst enemy of Pakistan in shape of ally OF WOT.
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I m hearing 100's of these kind of foolish stories from last 3 years.
This is one is similar to them.
I dont think even the US will take the risk of a war with a country that has nukes...but here are some points I will want to make -

1. Militarily- It wont take long for US to finish off Pak infrastructure from air and block the sea etc...but it cannot afford boots on the ground and cant win on the ground.Period.

2. If the US dollar weakens further, it will erode war fighting budgets of Pentagon and ability of the US to foot the bill of this war.

3. Neighbours of Pak - India, Iran, Af, China will be directly impacted and wont like the possible consequences of such a war. Diplomatically impossible to carry off another war

4. Geo politics - It does make strategic sense, to sit in the key piece of land that can give China access to sea lanes & that borders China, India,Iran & Afghanistan..

Given the above, it might be useful for US to bring Pak under control but doesnt have the ability to carry out ops & manage the fallout.
This is waste of time. Another Indian wasting forum members time by starting useless threads.
I dont think even the US will take the risk of a war with a country that has nukes...but here are some points I will want to make -

1. Militarily- It wont take long for US to finish off Pak infrastructure from air and block the sea etc...but it cannot afford boots on the ground and cant win on the ground.Period.

2. If the US dollar weakens further, it will erode war fighting budgets of Pentagon and ability of the US to foot the bill of this war.

3. Neighbours of Pak - India, Iran, Af, China will be directly impacted and wont like the possible consequences of such a war. Diplomatically impossible to carry off another war

4. Geo politics - It does make strategic sense, to sit in the key piece of land that can give China access to sea lanes & that borders China, India,Iran & Afghanistan..

Given the above, it might be useful for US to bring Pak under control but doesnt have the ability to carry out ops & manage the fallout.

1. You are a fool, USA cannot do anything to pakistan even in air. Even if there is a single airstrike on any of PAF the repercussions would be that ISI will nuke one of the American cities.

In response America might nuke one of the Pakistani cities but of what use?. Pakistan will survive because its people are nationalistic but the McDonald Burger eating , Debt carrying America will survive a single Nuke attack?.....I dont think so. Just bringing down 2 buildings has destroyed American economy for ever just imagine what a Nuke attack can do.

2. Now you are talking sense, actually Russia, China and Brazil are already in discussions to start an alternative currency with Iran also being a part. They have invited India to join this coalition but India being a slave of white masters has declined it. But it will eventually happen and dollar will collapse.

3. That make sense, India would invite an attack of Pakistan but will China sit quite?. I dont think so. China will help Pakistan in any way possible from Nukes to supplies to even Army.
1. You are a fool, USA cannot do anything to pakistan even in air. Even if there is a single airstrike on any of PAF the repercussions would be that ISI will nuke one of the American cities.

Pakistan's nukes can only go as far as India's borders. Neither has ICBMs.
Pakistan's nukes can only go as far as India's borders. Neither has ICBMs.

neither pakistan , nor india nor america can afford war..........
peace is what people need and peace is what people want ...
settle issues with peace.........
unstable pakistan is dangerous to india as afghanistan is for us......
same unstabe india dangerous for continent........
need to resolve all out standing issues with peace.........

i don,t think our defence system is so vulnerable if it would be ...
america would have finished pakistan 1st and than afghanistan........
a muslim country with atomic bomb irks all non muslim nations..
need unity among muslims and common defence pacts like nato..........:pakistan:
1. You are a fool, USA cannot do anything to pakistan even in air. Even if there is a single airstrike on any of PAF the repercussions would be that ISI will nuke one of the American cities.

In response America might nuke one of the Pakistani cities but of what use?. Pakistan will survive because its people are nationalistic but the McDonald Burger eating , Debt carrying America will survive a single Nuke attack?.....I dont think so. Just bringing down 2 buildings has destroyed American economy for ever just imagine what a Nuke attack can do.

2. Now you are talking sense, actually Russia, China and Brazil are already in discussions to start an alternative currency with Iran also being a part. They have invited India to join this coalition but India being a slave of white masters has declined it. But it will eventually happen and dollar will collapse.

3. That make sense, India would invite an attack of Pakistan but will China sit quite?. I dont think so. China will help Pakistan in any way possible from Nukes to supplies to even Army.

Change your flags buddy, dont hide ur nationality. :azn:
It seems like you watch too much fictional stuff or bollywood ****. You need to stop dreaming.

We need ICBM capability on urgent basis.

However, in the light of a defense shield under works in America, I don't know how long even the ICBM threat will remain effective against that nation in the future.

However, as a saying goes: something is better than nothing.

neither pakistan , nor india nor america can afford war..........
It depends upon geo-political agends and issues at hand.

peace is what people need and peace is what people want ...
Somehow I doubt this. Ever heard of about clash of civilizations?

settle issues with peace.........
Ideally, this should be the chosen path. Good point.

unstable pakistan is dangerous to india as afghanistan is for us......
same unstabe india dangerous for continent........
need to resolve all out standing issues with peace.........
True! However, Afghanistan is not a threat to US security. It is a concocted propaganda from US.

i don,t think our defence system is so vulnerable if it would be ...
We have a 'joke' of a defence system to counter the American threat. I am not kidding.

america would have finished pakistan 1st and than afghanistan........
Thanks to Musharraf, he saved Pakistan after 9/11. We forget history too early.

a muslim country with atomic bomb irks all non muslim nations..

need unity among muslims and common defence pacts like nato..........:pakistan:
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1. You are a fool, USA cannot do anything to pakistan even in air. Even if there is a single airstrike on any of PAF the repercussions would be that ISI will nuke one of the American cities.
Is this joke of the century? It does seem like one.

However, (as a Pakistani) hope that it never comes down to that.

And nuking of an American city would result in a WORLD WAR. Mark my words.

In response America might nuke one of the Pakistani cities but of what use?. Pakistan will survive because its people are nationalistic but the McDonald Burger eating , Debt carrying America will survive a single Nuke attack?.....I dont think so. Just bringing down 2 buildings has destroyed American economy for ever just imagine what a Nuke attack can do.
Dude! It would be a war for survival than. There won't be any tit-for-tat exhange after that. Americans will carpet bomb in response with nukes.

Blind nationalism ki bhi hadh hoti hai.

You also forgot to note that destruction of those two towers brought death and destruction to hundreds and thousands of muslims around the world and fueled immense hatred against Islam in the WEST.

Imagine what will happen, if an American city is nuked.

2. Now you are talking sense, actually Russia, China and Brazil are already in discussions to start an alternative currency with Iran also being a part. They have invited India to join this coalition but India being a slave of white masters has declined it. But it will eventually happen and dollar will collapse.
It has yet to collapse in value, despite the recession. Economic principles are not so simple. Their are lots of other factors that determine the performance of the currency. Do not forget that Americans have invested a lot in China for a reason.

If a revolution is expected to happen, its agenda would be most likely less dependancy on paper currency world-wide.

3. That make sense, India would invite an attack of Pakistan but will China sit quite?. I dont think so. China will help Pakistan in any way possible from Nukes to supplies to even Army.
That remains to be seen. In current times, no one wishes to get in to fire of others. China is focusing on developing its economy rather than wasting resources in wars.
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