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Plan to fence, mine Afghan border


Jul 20, 2010
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is seriously considering to ‘fence and mine’ some important parts of the Pak-Afghan border, in the wake of increasing incursions by militants from the Afghan side into Bajaur, Upper Dir and Mohmand tribal regions, knowledgeable sources told Dawn.

The plan has been there for some time and specific details were also worked out by the security establishment, but it was put on hold because of opposition from Kabul. However, recent incursions from across the Durand Line have made the authorities to consider reviving the project.

Heavily armed militants have crossed into Pakistan’s border more than four times in less than 25 days and clashed with Pakistan’s border forces.

In a recent attack by militants in Mohmand this month, the Pakistan Air Force had to be called in to recapture a post.

The clash led to the death of 25 militants while several Frontier Corps soldiers were injured.The military is concerned over the increasing infiltration.

“The insurgency from across the border is growing and we have already taken up the matter with Afghan officials but there appears to be no end to the incursions. A plan to fence the border is being discussed and a final decision will be taken by senior military officials,” an official told this correspondent.

The fencing and mining, he said, would be carried out at areas of strategic military importance. This, however, will not be the first time that such an exercise will be carried out. After 9/11, Pakistan did fence and mine parts of the 2,500km border after it was accused of failing to stop the Taliban and Al Qaeda militants from crossing over and taking refuge inside Pakistan. The official said the Afghanistan government had always been against fencing the border.

“Pashtuns living on the both sides still can easily cross the border after clearing a few security checks,” the official said.

Maj-Gen Athar Abbas, the spokesman for the army, told Dawn: “We did fence around 35km of the border area as it faced continuous militant incursions. It was a joint project of Isaf and Afghanistan. But then they backed out. It was a very costly project.”

When asked if fencing and mining of four strips along the border was being considered, he said: “Not to my knowledge.”

Plan to fence, mine Afghan border | Newspaper | DAWN.COM
Thats good. Will also stop smuggling and human trafficking.
But its gonna cost the Pakistanis huge amount of money, and special security during works.

Expect an attack or two during the work, on the FWO.
But its gonna cost the Pakistanis huge amount of money, and special security during works.

Expect an attack or two during the work, on the FWO.

You're right but in the long run it will be worth it!

And yeah the afghan government will facilitate an attack because they are still living in la la land where there is a place such as pashtunistan or loy afghanistan :lol:
Pakistan Plan to fence & mine Afghan border

Pakistan is seriously considering to ‘fence and mine’ some important parts of the Pak-Afghan border, in the wake of increasing incursions by militants from the Afghan side into Bajaur, Upper Dir and Mohmand tribal regions, knowledgeable sources told Dawn.

The plan has been there for some time and specific details were also worked out by the security establishment, but it was put on hold because of opposition from Kabul. However, recent incursions from across the Durand Line have made the authorities to consider reviving the project.

Heavily armed militants have crossed into Pakistan’s border more than four times in less than 25 days and clashed with Pakistan’s border forces.

In a recent attack by militants in Mohmand this month, the Pakistan Air Force had to be called in to recapture a post.

The clash led to the death of 25 militants while several Frontier Corps soldiers were injured.The military is concerned over the increasing infiltration.

“The insurgency from across the border is growing and we have already taken up the matter with Afghan officials but there appears to be no end to the incursions. A plan to fence the border is being discussed and a final decision will be taken by senior military officials,” an official told this correspondent.

The fencing and mining, he said, would be carried out at areas of strategic military importance. This, however, will not be the first time that such an exercise will be carried out. After 9/11, Pakistan did fence and mine parts of the 2,500km border after it was accused of failing to stop the Taliban and Al Qaeda militants from crossing over and taking refuge inside Pakistan. The official said the Afghanistan government had always been against fencing the border.

“Pashtuns living on the both sides still can easily cross the border after clearing a few security checks,” the official said.

Maj-Gen Athar Abbas, the spokesman for the army, told Dawn: “We did fence around 35km of the border area as it faced continuous militant incursions. It was a joint project of Isaf and Afghanistan. But then they backed out. It was a very costly project.”

When asked if fencing and mining of four strips along the border was being considered, he said: “Not to my knowledge.”

Plan to fence, mine Afghan border | Newspaper | DAWN.COM
It will be expensive but there is no other choice. Isaf and US have failed in Afghanistan but our leaders have no courage to tell them that they need to do more in afghanistan if they want peace.
It's not the fence that is difficult and expensive but once it is installed FC will have to do 24 hour patrolling and establish check posts to protect the fence. We know very well how rugged the terrain is so it will be almost impossible to do.
Good development.

Tighten up security by fencing and make a few entry points.
If fences are breached regularly mine the area ahead of fence.
i think it is a very good move by pakistan , don't know about the refugees but it will discourage the afgan terrorist's to crossover to pakistan ,to escape nato and american strikes and ultimately they will get holed up and killed , the pak-afgan border is considered to be one of the most dangerous place on the planet , pakistan need's to take such initiative's to improve the situation there.
I hope they start working on it as soon as possible. Mine the border heavily so there won't be any chance for any terrorist or infiltrator to cross into Pakistan. This will help improve security situation in Pakistan and particularly in FATA and KPK. Just don't consider it start working on it.
This should have happened a long time ago. Musharraf many years ago mentioned that Pakistan wanted to fence the border, but Afghanistan was not willing. Pakistan also wanted the US & NATO Forces to start a dialog with the Taliban years ago, but the US was too headstrong then & didn't listen. And now it's come back to bite everyone in the a**
A mud road running parellel to the fence should be build for fast accessibility in case of a security breach and there should be patrolling vehicles in the volatile of places.

Also put up some security cameras and alert systems near security posts and a 24 hr ready heli gun ship squad to back them up in case of an attack .
Lets hope this project doesn't not fall through like previous times!

We shouldn't have the afghan government dictating us
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