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PLA general Said China is building 40000 tons LHD,WZ10 will be onboard!


Jan 6, 2012
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China PLA General Ying Zhuo said on CCTV that China navy is building 40000 tons of LHD, WZ10 and WZ19 will be on board to provide firepower and doing task of covering force of assault. The LHD will reinforce China's ability of Island capture and force projection in Diaoyu Island and South China sea.
I saw the interview```he did not say when``

personally I dont like this kind of stuff, better to keep everything under the table, keep western intellegence busy digging and speculating on our defence projects, thats fun

just look at those western intellegence's faces when J-20, J-31 and AC came out```lol
This is a different story when it comes to China. We make it when we say it.
The pictures above are CG images, created from the 20 000t export version of LHD shown during the last naval exhibition of Thailand (??) if I'm not wrong.

What I heard from pop3 is that the chinese version of LHD will be a 48 000t class with 38 helicopters.

China PLA General Ying Zhuo said on CCTV that China navy is building 40000 tons of LHD, WZ10 and WZ19 will be on board to provide firepower and doing task of covering force of assault. The LHD will reinforce China's ability of Island capture and force projection in Diaoyu Island and South China sea.


To project power in the South China Sea? I highly doubt it.

If it comes to a confrontation, the vessel is a sitting duck if it does not have a strong protection against air and sea surface and submarine attacks.
China PLA General Ying Zhuo said on CCTV that China navy is building 40000 tons of LHD, WZ10 and WZ19 will be on board to provide firepower and doing task of covering force of assault. The LHD will reinforce China's ability of Island capture and force projection in Diaoyu Island and South China sea.

Good news. WZ10 and WZ19 are already being inducted and in service with PLA. Its time to show Chinese firepower to all the white racists who want to maintain their so called superiority and domination by trying to contain China. These choppers need to be sold to our all weather brother and ally, Pakistan. China and Pakistan should now be together and united to form one entity to destroy all these white racists and also give a good lesson to the Japanese Imperial War Criminals.
To project power in the South China Sea? I highly doubt it.

If it comes to a confrontation, the vessel is a sitting duck if it does not have a strong protection against air and sea surface and submarine attacks.

Protection will come from the Aegis Type O52C and 052D Destroyers. Only vulnerability is anti-Submarine warfare. China should have potent nuclear attack submarines. But with the racist embargoes on weaponry and technology maintained injustly on China, it is not easy for China to build by itself a decent nuclear attack submarine.
To project power in the South China Sea? I highly doubt it.

If it comes to a confrontation, the vessel is a sitting duck if it does not have a strong protection against air and sea surface and submarine attacks.
Do you honestly think the vessel will go unescorted? In addition, what do you think the Z-8 choppers onboard are for?

No one amongst potential naval adversaries in South China Sea has any hope of winning against China, aside from Japan and United States.
I think China actually need more of these than conventional aircraft carriers at the moment. Chinese WZ-19 and WZ-10 helis are now in mass production and operationally viable. A few of these new helicopter carriers would be very useful if war broke out with Japan over the Diaoyu Islands, in the near future. Any new aircraft carrier would require a very long time to get operational so these LHDs would supply the airpower in any regional dispute off China's coast in the meantime.

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