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PKK supporters hang terrorist leader Öcalan's banner on AFP HQ in Paris

xenon54 out

Jun 2, 2013
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Terrorist PKK supporters wave flags and banners picturing jailed terrorist leader Abdullah Öcalan as they take part in a demonstration on the balconies, after invading the headquarters of AFP in Paris, on October 15, 2017 (AFP Photo)

A group of PKK terrorist organization's supporters Sunday hung a poster of its convicted leader on the Paris headquarters of a major news agency.

Following a march with the chanting of slogans and carrying banners showing Abdullah Öcalan, the jailed leader of the terrorist PKK group, the protestors stormed into the headquarters of Agence France Presse (AFP).

A banner of Öcalan was then hung from the headquarters balcony.

After over an hour of chanting and a meeting with the agency's editors, the demonstration ended.

There were no apparent security measures taken during the demonstration.

The PKK is classified as a terrorist group by Turkey, the U.N. and the EU.

Turkey has long complained that despite the PKK's banned status, European countries allow it to operate with impunity on their soil.

For more than 30 years, the PKK has waged a terror campaign against Turkey leading to the deaths of more than 40,000 people -- security forces and civilians alike -- including more than 1,200 since July 2015 alone.

They should have occupied state buildings, police hq etc.
This is bs, PKK should be treated like other extremist/terrorist groups.
This is bs, PKK should be treated like other extremist/terrorist groups.

This is just one of the many examples when the supporters of the PKK make their demonstrations, rallies and all kinds of propaganda freely all around Western Europe. Many of it’s members operate there without any problems which means nobody stops them from recruiting members, financing the organization with money laundering, trafficking of weapons, drug trade and trafficking (most of the heroin entering Europe is controlled by Kurdish clans many of whom connected to the PKK) etc.
There was a case last year of an illegal PKK demonstration that blocked the center of Vienna and the only one arrested and fined was a Turkish cab driver that shouted and insulted them... All that while they wave the flags of a terror organization that is recognized as such by the EU and killed thousands of civilians and members of the security forces since 2015.

Most of those things are not reported in the European medias or if reported are presented as peaceful democratic demonstrations (even though in many cases they have destroyed public and private properties or harmed people) against the bloodthirsty evil Turks etc.

Many in Europe talk how anti- Western Turkey and it’s society has become but nobody thinks how Turkey’s people feel while seeing such things happen for years. Even the most secular and liberal people in Turkey feel betrayed and insulted by all I mentioned above. Because not calling the PKK a terror organization in many of the leading western medias after they blow up a bomb killing 30 people in the center of Istanbul and Ankara is insulting to the victims and their families.
Many in Europe talk how anti- Western Turkey and it’s society has become but nobody thinks how Turkey’s people feel while seeing such things happen for years. Even the most secular and liberal people in Turkey feel betrayed and insulted by all I mentioned above. Because not calling the PKK a terror organization in many of the leading western medias after they blow up a bomb killing 30 people in the center of Istanbul and Ankara is insulting to the victims and their families.
Bingo, like Turks get anti western just because they can, nobody thinks the reason is maybe because our allies are supplying weaponry to our enemies and let their supporters roam freely in their countries and finance their terror which is killing our people.

Imagine isis supporters do something similar in Turkey, some would probably already cry for sanctions.
I have not seen any more hypocratic people than Europeans....every and each one of them are shıt.

We should let ISIS supporter do the same in Turkey, esspecially after mowing people down with trucks in Europe.

I hope, more French will die because of terrorism....maybe then they would understand.
do we have to use offensive terms like "terrorist" here? i am very offended
Bingo, like Turks get anti western just because they can, nobody thinks the reason is maybe because our allies are supplying weaponry to our enemies and let their supporters roam freely in their countries and finance their terror which is killing our people.

Imagine isis supporters do something similar in Turkey, some would probably already cry for sanctions.

I can’t imagine IS supporters doing something like that in Turkey and it can never happen especially considering that it is also a group that is anti-Turkish. I can’t wish nobody and no country to experience terror and what it is because innocent people suffer from it not the politicians who deserve it.

No matter what happens and who does it, the medias and the politicians will twist it in the way people should see it... Even if PKK blows a building in the center of Berlin they will still find a way to call it democratic fight for freedom as long as it suits their agenda.
I have not seen any more hypocratic people than Europeans....every and each one of them are shıt.

We should let ISIS supporter do the same in Turkey, esspecially after mowing people down with trucks in Europe.

I hope, more French will die because of terrorism....maybe then they would understand.


Kurds clash with French police after PKK arrests


French police arrest PKK leader


France arrests 17 Kurds in PKK probe


Paris : une quinzaine d'interpellations de militants pro-kurdes en marge d'une manifestation

Kurds burning down Iraqi Embassy in London and literally, no big news outlets are reporting about it.

Double standards are real.
From the article,

''Three of the five people arrested were “important cadres” of the PKK, which is on the European Union’s terrorist list because of its armed struggle for independence from Turkey, according to the Ministry of the Interior.''

And a picture of that demonstration,


From the article,

''A source close to the case said investigators were probing whether the detained PKK members had been trying to obtain weapons of war.''

So,that he is a PKK leader is not enough to arrest him?

Institute Kurde as a news source?

Paris : une quinzaine d'interpellations de militants pro-kurdes en marge d'une manifestation


Kurds attack a pro Erdogan demonstration,

''Une cinquantaine de militants pro-kurdes, arborant le drapeau du PKK, opposés au régime du président Erdogan ont tenté d'approcher le rassemblement.''

Two policemen were wounded at that demonstration and what happened to the PKK militants?

Come on Vergennes,your country doesnt do much against the PKK,lets be realistic.
The PKK has alot of freedom in France.
And which one of these news outlets is a major one?

Terrorist PKK supporters wave flags and banners picturing jailed terrorist leader Abdullah Öcalan as they take part in a demonstration on the balconies, after invading the headquarters of AFP in Paris, on October 15, 2017 (AFP Photo)

A group of PKK terrorist organization's supporters Sunday hung a poster of its convicted leader on the Paris headquarters of a major news agency.

Following a march with the chanting of slogans and carrying banners showing Abdullah Öcalan, the jailed leader of the terrorist PKK group, the protestors stormed into the headquarters of Agence France Presse (AFP).

A banner of Öcalan was then hung from the headquarters balcony.

After over an hour of chanting and a meeting with the agency's editors, the demonstration ended.

There were no apparent security measures taken during the demonstration.

The PKK is classified as a terrorist group by Turkey, the U.N. and the EU.

Turkey has long complained that despite the PKK's banned status, European countries allow it to operate with impunity on their soil.

For more than 30 years, the PKK has waged a terror campaign against Turkey leading to the deaths of more than 40,000 people -- security forces and civilians alike -- including more than 1,200 since July 2015 alone.

Somebodies terrorist is other person's freedom fighter...
Somebodies terrorist is other person's freedom fighter...

None of those terrorists call themselves terrorist, they all have a cover for their actions like holy jihad, freedom, peace etc... They just see themselves freedom fighters but for the rest of the world they are just terrorists who murders civilians and security forces.
From the article,

''A source close to the case said investigators were probing whether the detained PKK members had been trying to obtain weapons of war.''

So,that he is a PKK leader is not enough to arrest him?

Adem Uzun (the guy arrested) is an alleged PKK leader and was arrested and charged in 2012 with "association and financing of a terrorist group". According to a French judicial source he's suspected of being an important PKK leader in Europe and involved in the purchasing of anti tank missiles for the PKK.

Three other men were arrested and and charged. Two remained in custody.

Actually they are all innocent until they are proven guilty.


Institute Kurde as a news source?

I can provide you official and reliable sources,however they are in French.

Terrorisme: 15 kurdes arrêtés à Bordeaux


Fifteen Kurds were arrested in Bordeaux and Toulouse as part of a counter-terrorism investigation into attempts to extort funds to finance the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), according to sources .

The persons arrested are officials or suspected cadres of the organization in the southwest of France, it was indicated from a legal source.


Kurds attack a pro Erdogan demonstration,

''Une cinquantaine de militants pro-kurdes, arborant le drapeau du PKK, opposés au régime du président Erdogan ont tenté d'approcher le rassemblement.''

Two policemen were wounded at that demonstration and what happened to the PKK militants?

Probably taken to custody and up to the police and justice to determine their roles in the demonstration and hand sanctions if necessary.


Come on Vergennes,your country doesnt do much against the PKK,lets be realistic.
The PKK has alot of freedom in France.
And which one of these news outlets is a major one?

We are blasted for doing nothing and when we do,we "don't do much". You can't randomly arrest and throw people in jail for bogus reasons and charges,there have to be probes opened,months (if not years) of investigation and the verdict which will (eventually) will lead to punishments.

Dix Kurdes condamnés à Paris pour financement du PKK


Ten kurds were sentenced for financing the PKK by the appeal court of Paris. They were sentenced in appeal to suspended sentences of 12 months to up to four years in prison. Many already spent from four to twelve months in preventive detention.

The appeal court also handed a fine of €50K to the Maison du Peuple Kurde (House of Kurdish people) of Marseille and ordered it to be dissolved.

According to the prosecution, under the guise of cultural activities, parties, concerts, the MPK was actually working for the Kampanya ("campaign" in Turkish), collecting revolutionary tax from the Kurdish diaspora, and served as the financial headquarters of the PKK in the south of France.

Its financial head estimated the annual amount of the Kampanya at €300K,but claimed it was "completely voluntary".


France also opposed an initiative of many MEPs to withdraw the PKK from EU list of terror organizations.
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