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PKK moves to terror camp in Iran to attack Turkish targets

Well, if Iran dare to host terrorist elements against Turkey, then Turkey shouldn't hesitate to do whatever is necessary.

Its more diplomatic. Every county use organisations for their own benefits. If you co-operate with US on Syria(friend of Iran) case and if you co-operate with Israel/Nato agains Iran(Radar/missile shield), then why they shouldnt allow PKK to attack Turkey?

You think that every thing is easy.. just go and drop bombs.. No, you must look it political to.
Relations with Iran is good I think, Turkey would not do it without permission, although even if they do, I doubt Iran could go offensive for it.

I don't mean that Turkey wouldn't dare to throw bombs on Iranian soil because they fear an military respons of Iran, but because such action will probably ruin the Turkish-Iranian relations completely.
There is significant difference between what should happen and what actually will happen.

That's right. For instance, the Syrian official who gave the downing order of the Turkish jet is in a coffin right now.
Its more diplomatic. Every county use organisations for their own benefits. If you co-operate with US on Syria(friend of Iran) case and if you co-operate with Israel/Nato agains Iran(Radar/missile shield), then why they shouldnt allow PKK to attack Turkey?

You think that every thing is easy.. just go and drop bombs.. No, you must look it political to.

I didn't say they shouldn't support PKK. I said, if our government seeing Turkey as a regional power and acting like we are, then they should have the courage to deal with problems in accordance with it. Which they failed so far.
I didn't say they shouldn't support PKK. I said, if our government seeing Turkey as a regional power and acting like we are, then they should have the courage to deal with problems in accordance with it. Which they failed so far.

I think we both agree that Turkey should have stayed out of all the trouble in Syria. Iran should also change their tune on Syria. It doesn't serve our interests in long term.
Turkey should assap support sunni in baluchhistan, arabistan, turkmen and help the azeris. We know the iranian regime is persian chauvinistic

All except balochistan because they want land of Brother Pakistan . Remember turks in iran are 30,000,000.

I don't mean that Turkey wouldn't dare to throw bombs on Iranian soil because they fear an military respons of Iran, but because such action will probably ruin the Turkish-Iranian relations completely.

Who is Iran to fear , we fear nobody but God . Every Turk is a Born Soldier - Her Turk asker Dogar.

We are stronger than iran so we cant fear them . We just dont do dirty tactics like them , such as supporting terrorists , while we can support Jundallah and other seperative movements.
All except balochistan because they want land of Brother Pakistan . Remember turks in iran are 30,000,000.

Approximately 13.000.000 would be a better figure. I think Iran would face better results by supporting the Kurds in Turkey than Turkey would if they support Azeri's in Iran. But none of this will happen.
I think we both agree that Turkey should have stayed out of all the trouble in Syria. Iran should also change their tune on Syria. It's not serving our interests in long term.

That's right. The part we're not agreeing is, i'm thinking that if we sticked our noses into this mess, then we should be the one finishing it.

Who is Iran to fear , we fear nobody but God . Every Turk is a Born Soldier - Her Turk asker Dogar.

We are stronger than iran so we cant fear them . We just dont do dirty tactics like them , such as supporting terrorists , while we can support Jundallah and other seperative movements.

That's right. The part we're not agreeing is, i'm thinking that if we sticked our noses into this mess, then we should be the one finishing it.

I can agree with this part also. Turkey is already to much involved in this mess and their regional and international image would get a blow if they won't succeed.
Why are you Turks so big headed? you think you're the strongest country and no one can stop you? Until you leave NATO, you will just be a US pet.
I can agree with this part also. Turkey is already to much involved in this mess and their regional and international image would get a blow if they won't succeed.

Then you can also understand why i said, if Iran decided to host PKK terrorist, Turkey should not leave it unanswered.
Then you can also understand why i said, if Iran decided to host PKK terrorist, Turkey should not leave it unanswered.

I can understand what your saying, but I still don't think that Turkey would really carry out attacks on Iranian soil.
I can understand what your saying, but I still don't think that Turkey would really carry out attacks on Iranian soil.

It depends on the amount of support and infiltration of terrorists from Iran to Turkey. And most importantly, Iranian stance after Turkey's reaction. But we don't even know if the report is true or not yet.

And by not leaving it unanswered, i didn't necessarily mean bombing Iranian Soil. It may be something else. You know, weird shits happen everywhere, like my example in post #18.

So we'll see.
Approximately 13.000.000 would be a better figure. I think Iran would face better results by supporting the Kurds in Turkey than Turkey would if they support Azeri's in Iran. But none of this will happen.

you know yourself its much , much , much more than 13mill , your forgetting the jundallah , the turkmens , ALSO the kurds aswell.

We got 1 problem to face while you have 4
I can understand what your saying, but I still don't think that Turkey would really carry out attacks on Iranian soil.
There are other ways to retaliate if this news is true and such a retaliation is needed.
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