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PKK moves to terror camp in Iran to attack Turkish targets

Even though I strongly disgree with Iran for doing this (if it is true) i'm not surpised in the slightest.

Iran is only looking out for it's own interests in the region as we also doing. If the Iranian regime loses Syria to the FSA they will be surrounded by Sunni states hostile to Iran. They are also trying to prevent this by attempting to gain influence in the Iraqi parliment through Shia politicians.

On a side note, the whole region is a mess at the moment and I can't figure out how this will be resolved. Although I fully supprot the FSA i'm extremely worried about fundamentalists gaining a foothold in Syria.

Finally, arkadaslar we must look into our own failings as well. Ever since the leadership of the MIT was given to Erdogan's lackey's it seems like terrorist attacks have increased ten fold (an example being the bomb that went off near Foca recently). Are they incompetent or are there traitorous elements within the service?

These are difficult subjects to ponder but we must face the realities.
Even though I strongly disgree with Iran for doing this (if it is true) i'm not surpised in the slightest.

Iran is only looking out for it's own interests in the region as we also doing. If the Iranian regime loses Syria to the FSA they will be surrounded by Sunni states hostile to Iran. They are also trying to prevent this by attempting to gain influence in the Iraqi parliment through Shia politicians.

On a side note, the whole region is a mess at the moment and I can't figure out how this will be resolved. Although I fully supprot the FSA i'm extremely worried about fundamentalists gaining a foothold in Syria.

Finally, arkadaslar we must look into our own failings as well. Ever since the leadership of the MIT was given to Erdogan's lackey's it seems like terrorist attacks have increased ten fold (an example being the bomb that went off near Foca recently). Are they incompetent or are there traitorous elements within the service?

These are difficult subjects to ponder but we must face the realities.
That was the most funny part my friend.So Turkey is looking out for other's interests?
All the countries in the world follow their interests.Nothing strange here.
So you leave the northern Iraq and stick to Iran?Turkey can not control its border with Iraq,then some random guys accuse Iran,blaming their failure in fighting PKK on Iran.As I said,it's more like an excuse and more for domestic use.There is no reason for Iran to support its enemies.

We are not failing , we have killed atleast 150 in 2 weeks , but even if 100000000000000000000000000 of them die , they are not worth 1 of our soldiers , in the past they used to show the dead pkks bodies in pictures , now its banned , only if its close the a border post ( like the picture i showed with dead terrorsit) you will see their bodies . Infact there was dead iranian soldiers pics before by PJAK , plus also jundallah has killed your soldiers and civilians aswell.

Turkish f-16 bombing PKK air strike 2008 ( videos released by army)

look what weve done

Watch this

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That was the most funny part my friend.So Turkey is looking out for other's interests?
All the countries in the world follow their interests.Nothing strange here.

He added: as we also doing.
He added: as we also doing.
But his language seemed like he is blaming Iran for acting upon interests.it wasn't very clear.

Infact there was dead iranian soldiers pics before by PJAK , plus also jundallah has killed your soldiers and civilians aswell.
You just said it yourself,we also have lost soldiers fighting terrorist PJAK,while we have killed more than 300 Pjak members in last year,but also they targeted Iranian civilians.So,saying that Iran is helping PKK,is an insult to those who sacrificed their lives fighting terrorists.Just like this case is sensitive for you,it's the same for us too.Instead od accusing Iran,Turkey should start a joint operation with Iran to finish off the real terrorists.
PKK and their other terrorists friends are unhuman monkeys that target civilians and kill little kids . We should do anything to wipe them off the world including northern iraq who supports both PKK AND PJAK secretly to make a kurdistan within these 4 countries.

Their a little tool of israel and other powers , Israel wants a kurdistan to use it as a little state that it controls to extend influence and will even attack iran over it .

I was not blaming Iran for anything in that post. I am actually trying to view the situation from the Iranian point of view. If you read my post carefully I also pointed out that we also look out for our own interests. Please refrain from seeing all posts by Turkish members as an attack on Iran.

I was not blaming Iran for anything in that post. I am actually trying to view the situation from the Iranian point of view. If you read my post carefully I also pointed out that we also look out for our own interests. Please refrain from seeing all posts by Turkish members as an attack on Iran.
I didn't see it as an attack,I just thought you were blaming Iran,well it seems I was wrong,sorry for that.
Do you think Iran's interests is in supporting PKK?How is that?Can you elaborate?
Let's assume Kurds create an independent state in northern Iraq and Southeastern Turkey.After that,they will definitely come after Iran and start attacking Iranian targets more and more,then they will claim our lands too.From every angle I look in to it,Iran doesn't have any interests in supporting PKK.
I didn't see it as an attack,I just thought you were blaming Iran,well it seems I was wrong,sorry for that.
Do you think Iran's interests is in supporting PKK?How is that?Can you elaborate?
Let's assume Kurds create an independent state in northern Iraq and Southeastern Turkey.After that,they will definitely come after Iran and start attacking Iranian targets more and more,then they will claim our lands too.From every angle I look in to it,Iran doesn't have any interests in supporting PKK.

Iran supporting the PKK does seem far fetched seeing as you have also suffered losses from the PJAK, thats why i'm taking this news report with a pinch of salt. You also do make valid points that some turkish members should read before jumping on the war path.

This is all idle speculation but the only reason i can see Iran ever supporting the PKK (I stress again that this is very unlikely) is to create a situation where Turkey would have to divert attention from the Syrian front to focus on the new PKK threat from the Iran border. Reports are suggesting that we are taking a very active role in supporting the FSA. If we were to lessen our support to them due to the PKK then the FSA would lose much of their logistical and intelligence support from Turkey. This in turn would allow Asad's forces to launch a counter offensive that could shift the balance in their favour.

If this did happen and it allowed Asad to re-estbalish control in Syria then the PKK's usefullness to Iran would be at end and Iran could expel them from the region. (This wouldn't be hard as you guys completely destroyed the PJAK in Iran in a matter of months).

Even to me the scenario above sounds stupid and implausible but its the only one I can think of.
I didn't see it as an attack,I just thought you were blaming Iran,well it seems I was wrong,sorry for that.
Do you think Iran's interests is in supporting PKK?How is that?Can you elaborate?
Let's assume Kurds create an independent state in northern Iraq and Southeastern Turkey.After that,they will definitely come after Iran and start attacking Iranian targets more and more,then they will claim our lands too.From every angle I look in to it,Iran doesn't have any interests in supporting PKK.

Taking lands from Turkey is not possible for bunch of monkeys in the mountains. These animals are trying to accomplish someting for almost 30 years now. They haven't been successful about anything other than spreading terror. So you're either too naive or do not have enough knowledge about the issue. Like i said, you might want to make some research.
This organization has always been a tool for Turkey's enemies. We're seeing it in Syria right now.
We've seen it during Mavi Marmara raid, when they attacked Iskenderun military port. There are many examples like this...

So saying, Iran doesn't have any interests in supporting PKK... :disagree:
Iran is master of assymetrical warfare and supporting insurgents all around the world. The only real combat you guys have seen is some skirmish in the east of the country and thats also the reason why there are so many Turkish casualties. You guys would get smashed by Iran in this game. You should read how Iranian (and US) SOF destroyed the Taliban in Afghanistan in the Battle of Herat. Maybe you can also read on Hezbollah's development and their stand against Israel.

well , I wonder why some member thinking you are an Irani , .... IMO you are more anti IRan than even Mossa and this so called TheFreesyrian ....

acting like you are anti regime ( Government ) but fact you has a hatred toward all Iranian and want make enemy for us ....


well , turks are free to what they want to believe but their idea won't change the truth ....

Iran is only looking out for it's own interests in the region as we also doing. If the Iranian regime loses Syria to the FSA they will be surrounded by Sunni states hostile to Iran. They are also trying to prevent this by attempting to gain influence in the Iraqi parliment through Shia politicians.

well , at least look at map before talking ....
Iraq majority are Shia , Azerbaijan majority are Shia and Armenia is christian , Turkey is a secular state and Turkmenistan and Afghanistan are out of questions .....

we have two sea in north and south of our country as well ...
Remember turks in iran are 30,000,000.

No, brother ... they are 300 Trillion.:yahoo:

we can support Jundallah

Too late. Jundallah was crushed and defeated by Iran. But we can give some transit visas to the Taliban; I'm sure they've always wanted to visit Ankara and make friends with the Kurds on their journey.

This freesyrian guy is searching for every anti Iran bs article on internet to post it here.

You're just now noticing? Een ha ye mosh kalimi hastan va ba pantork ha hamkari mikonan.
No, brother ... they are 300 Trillion.:yahoo:

Too late. Jundallah was crushed and defeated by Iran. But we can give some transit visas to the Taliban; I'm sure they've always wanted to visit Ankara and make friends with the Kurds on their journey.

You're just now noticing? Een ha ye mosh kalimi hastan va ba pantork ha hamkari mikonan.

don't beat child for his foolish idea ...
Bas?n Duyurusu

I'm sorry its in Turkish. (An answer from Osman Pamukoğlu to Erdoğan)

Btw, what happened to Turkish discussion thread?
Era remember the peace thread?

Jundallah i still alive and a big threat to Iran , i dont like terrorist organisations that kill civilians but your living in dreamland.

Caspian Sea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Caspian sea problem , iran is also problematic and at odds with turkmenistan and azerbaycan and they are both very close to us aswell , remembering there is many turkmens in iran aswell.

Energy-rich Turkmenistan and energy importer Turkey are deepening bilateral ties.

Turkmen President Gurbanguli Berdymukhammedov is making a two-day state visit to Turkey, visiting Istanbul and Izmir.

Turkey's energy imports of Turkmen natural gas reportedly remain Ankara's biggest immediate concern, but Turkey has also expressed interest in participating in the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India natural gas pipeline.

Bilateral trade between Turkmenistan and Turkey increased 25 percent in 2011, compared to 2010 levels.

"Turkey is the first country to have recognized Turkmenistan as an independent state. Likewise, Turkey was the first to support Turkmenistan's neutral status in 1995," Gul said during that visit.

"There have been perfect political relations between Turkey and Turkmenistan. Our aim is to further develop and diversify our cooperation with Turkmenistan on the basis of mutual respect and interest."

Gul said Turkish firms have undertaken projects in Turkmenistan valued at more than $21 billion in recent years, a total that accounts for 12 percent of such projects by Turkish companies.
Berdymukhammedov visited Turkey in February and reiterated that Ashgabat views its relationship with Ankara as strategically important and Turkmenistan would welcome greater investment by Turkish companies.

Among Turkey's bilateral trade with Turkic-speaking countries last year, Turkmenistan ranked a distant third after Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan in Turkey's overall trade.

All three primarily export energy to Turkey.

Turkey, Turkmenistan discuss energy cooperation - UPI.com
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