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PKK leader hints at alliance with Turkish religious group

i know why Turkiye hasnt killed APO

because if they execute him, then his supporters will begin to call him shaheed (şehit)

you dont need that....just keep in solitary confinement and dont allow media to see him

and dont allow those nosy EU people --activists or whoever they are -- get near him either!!

Well we have no death sentence in Turkey. We got rid of that in the 80s. There is a internal type power struggle going on with the PKK too and break off groups forming. I don't think he has much say in their matters anymore but he does still hold a solid amount of kurdish support.
I don't believe that Gulen supports terrorism, he is a man of peace. I would have to see some hard evidence before believing this kind of serious allegation.

As i said, I read it from news !!!
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This is not a credible source. He is extremist and conspiracy theorist. His words are not important.

Nihat Genc has a very 'anti-imperialist' and anti-Zionist attitude, (he supports Lebanese Hizbullah etc.), which I respect, but that doesn't mean that everything he says is true.

How does Nihat Genc know that Fethullah Gulen doesn't pray (namaz), are they living in the same house?!
This is not a credible source. He is extremist and conspiracy theorist. His words are not important.

My sources is not the media thats in the hands of zionists.
My sources are Qur'aan, Sunnah, my history and people with 3ilm.
So according to your source, which is a conspirator, Gulen doesnt pray and you accept that? That clip is also from the media, so you are backing your argument up by illuminati sources?
Go for it:wave:
So according to your source, which is a conspirator, Gulen doesnt pray and you accept that? That clip is also from the media, so you are backing your argument up by illuminati sources?
Go for it:wave:

The biggest media is under their control. SkyTurk is nothing but a small media group trying to tell the truths but unfortunately they are under pressure and Nihat Genc also banned from tv. Why?? Maybe the facts were to hard?
The biggest media is under their control. SkyTurk is nothing but a small media group trying to tell the truths but unfortunately they are under pressure and Nihat Genc also banned from tv. Why?? Maybe the facts were to hard?
When Nihat Genc starts to speak like an intellectual I will listen him. But he just speaks nonsense. You can find thousands like him in local coffee shops around the Turkey. It's the quality of your thoughts and how you present them makes you a good thinker, not the other way around.
When Nihat Genc starts to speak like an intellectual I will listen him. But he just speaks nonsense. You can find thousands like him in local coffee shops around the Turkey. It's the quality of your thoughts and how you present them makes you a good thinker, not the other way around.

Man when are you going to stop labeling people nosense etc?? Everything that ure small little brains dont like is nosense while he is underpinning his arguments. Arguments that guys like you cant answer it. You guys are typicial situation that only watch tv (yandas medya) and reading (yandas newspapers) and than u call other people nosense while you are the one that is addicted on same sources so how you can make a distinction about true or false? I think u believe that 9-11 was a terrorist attack to..
Man when are you going to stop labeling people nosense etc?? Everything that ure small little brains dont like is nosense while he is underpinning his arguments. Arguments that guys like you cant answer it. You guys are typicial situation that only watch tv (yandas medya) and reading (yandas newspapers) and than u call other people nosense while you are the one that is addicted on same sources so how you can make a distinction about true or false? I think u believe that 9-11 was a terrorist attack to..
Not..Intellectual..Nonsense.. I thought I explained myself clearly. Let me explain it a bit more; I only read people who I sense has some kind of intellect who happens to use it with an open mind. Thus this Nihat guy is not fit to that description. Also you're not.
Leave Killuminati alone!
Killuminati is a lost cause. Accusing us of reading from the "yandas" media, yet your only source is from crap that people on the streets typically speak about. Trust me buddy, most of the guys you accuse here research their subject throughly before expressing their views or presenting some facts. And i am sure that they have a deal more knowledge than you in their backpack, at least thats my observation.

Why don't you make this a homework and try think differently for a day? And dont take that Nihat guy's words for granted, there is nothing you could ever learn from him.
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