Bangladeshis share a language with West Bengal in the same way that Canada and US share English.
US has evolved its own version of English and I never see any yank apologising for their mangled version.
Ditto India too has its version of English - which is extremely hilarious and confuses the hell out of me!
It annoys me when some Bangladeshis try to speak in a Kolkata accent out of embarrassment!
Bangladeshis! Be proud of your version of Bangla as US is of its version of English.
Of course being a Sylheti, who is now fully British, I don’t give a toss about Bangla. I occasionally speak Sylheti to elderly relatives.
I could never relax with Tagore (too many loud twangs for my subtle ear) playing in the background. The way I can with European classical music.
No offence! To each his upbringing!
Live, let live and respect.