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Pistol made in pakistan

Assalamo alaikum to all of u.
I am new on this forum.
Can any one tell me about .25 cal semiautomatic pistol made by Pakistan?
.25? It is a kid's toy. If you want a .25; get an old CZ or a browning. But personally better off with a .22LR or 9mmK.

fun thing is non of these are available to our guys.....and the PK-9 is a dangerous thing....trust me its slide has the tendency of being blown into ones face.....that looks awfully pretty afterwards -_-

We ought to launch joint small arms development with you guys....your weapons both cheap and extremely reliable except for those AKDAL guns...oh my God that company has a long list of 'lemons'.
That is really odd; we have local Vektor z88; then it was derived further into SP1 which is used by all forces. Extremely reliable and no issues. Either some machining issue or design flaw at POF then.
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